Comments I Get on YouTube....


Well-Known Member
Hello Guys!!!

I'm not sure if I'm posting this rant/discussion in the right section but i feel the need to write this.

It's been a while since I've made a thread here. Ive gotten some comments on my Youtube channel that is full of ignorance and it must be televised!!!

I've been on Youtube for a while and get lots of compliments from my subscribers. What i find shocking in my opinion is the RUDE and out right racist comments.

Recently a young women decided to leave a gold nugget on my BSL video. I posted her comment on my IG page because i know a lot of black women believe her statement and i am one to tell you that i also believed this statement until i found LHCF and was able to see that her statement is NOTHING but a myth. I am proof (even though it's taking me years to reach my goal) and so are you.

I want us continue to educate our audience, family and friends that being black or having black hair is NOT a curse. We too can grow our own hair....all it takes is PATIENCE and TLC. So what we wear weaves, wigs and box braids...its our protective styles and we look DANG good wearing it! :yep:


My caption: Comments like this should not hold you back from your goals. When one tells you it's not possible...PROVE THAT IT IS! It's taking me years to make my goal but I'm getting there. I could NEVER grow my hair past the picture with me in the white shirt so I started a journey to see if black hair can grow. I watched ladies like @ulovemegz & @Traycee77 ...the rest is history. BLACK WOMEN CAN HAVE LONG HAIR! These ladies are proof @Melanie_brown84 @NitraBoo08 @EbonyCPrincess @Hairlicious @HealthyHairjunkie @Jenijen23 @Keizz2the_jeep @prettywitty77 @sofreshdyamond



Your thoughts?

PS i tried the inversion method and it worked for me...i didn't do a before and after shot but i will next month. :grin:
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A sister needs to stand up and do a documentary on our hair. Not just about texture but also the myths that exist and interview sisters with long ....healthy hair.

The comments made just show that ENVY reigns among those women who laugh and act smug because they like to see black women waddle in their so-called curse. There are so many black women on Youtube now who show the opposite and in many textures and relaxed too that proved those smug envious women wrong.

Their bad attitudes show that times are changing and they don't like it.

You see, for so long they have laughed , mocked, scorned, threw their hair in your face...and the men too... because they felt that you wanted hair..."like them." These days many of us are happy and LOVE our hair and have become examples of beautiful healthy growing hair.

And many men of other cultures admire our the hate is going hit'tem where it hurts.

The learning experience for those women of ignorance and envy is don't "dish out what you can't take!" This is the Law of Attraction at work! What you put out you get back.

You have to have a tough skin to be on YouTube. 100% of the comments will never be positive. That's why I always practice making a video and then say forget it and delete it. Sometimes I can take rude comments and sometimes I can't . What kills me is the ones that feel the need to go back and forth with the people making the comments, it knocks you down several points IMO. But yeah there are always a couple of A holes
I know it's better said than done but I wouldn't give this type of negativity any attention. Especially the comments from non black/non female commentors. I mean really, why the hell are they even looking at videos that have nothing to do with them. Those kind of people purposely seek out ways to spew their hate and negativity. It's quite sad when you think about it. They have nothing better to do with their lives.

Erase their comments, block them and continue on your journey to grow long hair.
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I know it's better said than done but I wouldn't give this type of negativity any attention. Especially the comments from non black/non female commentors. I mean really, why the hell are they even looking at videos that have nothing to them. Those kind of people purposely seek out ways to spew their hate and negativity. It's quite sad when you think about it. They have nothing better to do with their lives.

Erase their comments, block them and continue on your journey to grow long hair.[/QUOTE]

Exactly! Just move speech is free speech but in "in your house" take care of business!:drunk:
I know it isn't easy to read negative comments but unfortunately that's what happens on youtube. I say just ignore them, delete their comments and keep it moving. Besides, if your channel is mean to be uplifting and encouraging to black women to grow their hair long, reading those comments won't do them any favors either.
I recently launched a channel (divachyk) and have yet to get a rude comment. If I do, and I'm sure I will at some point, I know it will sting but I will delete the comment, flag it as spam (or whatever my options are) and keep it moving.
delete them, flag as spam, and keep it moving! continue to care for your hair, inspire people and dispel these foolish myths about our hair and us being a monolith. social media and forums make people all e-gansta, keyboarding thuggin, armchair revolutionaries, and i could go on and on. many of these people would be quiet as a church mouse and never say this stuff to your face. screw them and continue to work on self improvement inside and out.
Internet gangsters are ridiculous. Too invested. Fortunately my web browser has an X and back button. When I don't like/disagree with a video I bounce!

I was watching a Gabe & Babe video and someone complained that he kissed his 10 month child too much! :perplexed
Tell them to go climb a tree and stay there or tell them stfu,:lol: it's your channel. Your hair is looking good.
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Smh... that really kinda pissed me off and i wanna go to ur channel to this particular video and call all them ignorant foks out! Ugh!.. sigh... ok lemme calm donw & say just ignore them as someone stated above they are purposely trying to get to you.
I say this with love.

Youtube gurus come across trolls and haters all the time.

Suck it up, or delete your channel. If you're bothered by these type of comments, then you shouldn't be doing Youtube videos.

And the fact you let comments like this (especially like that non-black troll Samantha Derrick) get under your skin makes me think you're not cut out to be a Youtuber. These people are being trolls, and you're taking the bait adhering to these comments.
I set my settings to where comments don't appear without approval. I just delete those crazy comments that come and block the user if it become necessary. There will always be crazies and trolls. Don't give them the satisfaction.
I chuckled looking at those comments. People can be so stupid! Its sad and unfortunate, but it is what it is. God could not create the good without the bad. We would never be level headed if it wasn't for the fool, so take your beautiful hair and swang :gorgeous: because their ignorance doesn't matter.
OMG!!! That was such a terrible thing to say! I get negative comments on my channel too, but nothing as bad as that so far. The negative comments that I do get, I just leave them alone - it's a waste of my time to obsess over the feelings of small-minded people. Kudos to you OP for putting yourself out there to help others!!
My channel is mainly about weight loss and I haven't gotten any negative comments on those videos. I noticed that when I added in videos about my hair, I got a few thumbs down and one or two snarky comments. You have to develop thick skin when it comes to YT especially as your numbers grow. Personally I feel like my YT Channel is my home so if I were to get that type of comment that you received, it would be deleted and that person blocked immediately. I don't tolerate any foolishness in my comments section. I think that it is better to highlight the positive feedback instead of the negative.
I get stupid, hateful and plain ignorant comments on my YouTube channel all the time but I rarely bother to respond unless they ask a question. If I see a racist comment, I generally just delete it and block the user. It's the easiest way to deal with anonymous internet gangsters who more often than not do not have a profile or any videos up of their own.

I don't have comment approval enabled since I just don't have that kind of time.
They are just jealous and mad. They need to worry about their rapidly aging skin instead of sweating our hair growth.
OP trendsetta25, just as others have said, keep sharing valuable info for those who want to receive it and the rest can have a seat or two. I was doing some research on AMLA oil recently and came across an article written by a WW on (no shade against other races b/c ignorance doesn't have a color) where her first statement was black women cannot grow long hair. She basically suggested we all wear weaves or braids and had a lot of pics of Bey and some celebs all weaved up.:look:. My first reaction was how can she write an article on how to grow long black hair? How would she be qualified?:perplexed My next reaction was let me post this mess on the forum. Then I laughed:lol: and tossed my freshly flat ironed waist length hair and went on with my research. My point, showing 'em better than I can tell 'em was a big motivator for me too. Just make sure you don't give too much attention to that sort of thing. I don't know where you are in your HHJ but remain steady. If I can reach my goals, anyone can. My siggie is from Oct of last year. I made it...
I know it pisses you off to receive these comments but those are actually kind of mild. As your audience grows, you will definitely get a lot of positivity but that also comes with more negativity. You have to decide whether or not you are willing to deal with the few negatives, which is something you might want to decide before your channel grows and attracts the super racists/ignorant people.
I've seen more than a few beautiful ladies called out of their names/compared to animals.
Unfortunately, those comments come with the territory. The Internet gives some people balls to say what they want to say in real life. Meanwhile, they're the main individuals who will cry and run if you said a word to them. Personally, I wouldn't even entertain comments from saltines but I understood why the comments bothered you. You know black women can have long hair and that's all that matters.
This thread really opened my eyes. I know there are internet bullies everywhere but I seriously didn't think people took time out of their day to search for youtube videos of black women growing their hair out and say racist stuff. Like, at what point do you look at your life and know you're pathetic? If not then, it may never happen.
I applaud people who have YouTube vids because there are some sick and nasty people in the world. I too would just ignore them and keep doing what you do. Your life would be spent if you wasted time trying to address the ignorance. I know the videos themselves are proof of the lengths black hair can grow to. People seem mighty resolved to put us down now that we are taking back and accepting our natural beauty and greatness.

What irks me is when black folks make the comments. I was watching a mahoganycurls vid and people were insisting she had some treatment in her hair. Others said she was downplaying her mixed heritage:nono:

I then watched a XoDVF vid and they were saying that it was just impossible because she is clearly African and a dark one at that. Why waste your time writing about someone you don't like and then give them views? Deep down we know that they are obsessed with them.
It's straight ignorance. I guess also I have to sit and think of all that people have seen over the past decades. Black women with short, broken hair, rocking wigs, weaves and neglecting their real hair. The amount of black ladies with long hair (that they grew from their scalps) let us admit it, is few and far in between. I've never in my real life met a Black lady with hip length hair. I hadn't seen that until I came to LHCF years ago and even still, never seen it IRL. I do know and believe that we can retain length. I am aware of that and do believe that once hair is given the proper care, or decreased from constant manipulation and the use of protective styles, that we can soar to lengths and strengths of higher heights. The best way to disprove the naysayers is to just grow it.
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