Combing Hair with Carol's Daughter Products?


New Member
Combing Hair with Carol\'s Daughter Products?

I just received my Carol's Daughter goodies and they are kinda THICK, so I am just wondering...

If you use CD products, do you comb your hair before you apply them or after?

Re: Combing Hair with Carol\'s Daughter Products?

I just received mine last week and haven't used them in many different ways. So far I am hooked. I love the shine and moisture they provide. So far I've used it on my daughter's natural hair and it adds incredible shine and seems to be helping her press last longer. That aong with Healthier Hair in a Bottle. I also used it on my wet hair as a leave-in and it's kept my hair very moisturized. I think it can be used on wet or dry hair. BTW, I'm talking about the Hair Milk and HHD.
Re: Combing Hair with Carol\'s Daughter Products?

I've combed my hair before and after applying CD products.
Re: Combing Hair with Carol\'s Daughter Products?

Thanks for the replies ladies. Hmmm... it looks like most of you are combing it after you apply the products. I guess that I felt that the products were too rich for my wet hair, almost like it would stick my hair together.

It was okay with the hair milk and a little of the Mimosa Hair Honey but I could only use the Hair Butter for my edges while my hair was wet.
