Clumps of hair! please help!


New Member
Ladies, my hair is coming out in clumps! I am talking handfuls! I don't know what is happening I havent changed my hair routine. The only new med that I am taking is a high dose vitamin d pill that is a prescription. I doubt that is the cause. I need some suggestions please!

I want to post pictures but it won't let me.
when this happened to me years ago it was caused by a medical condition I was experiencing. I had found out i was extremely anemic and was iron deficient. Are you stressing about anything? Is your health ok? so sorry you are going through this!
yeah are you stressing? my hair came out like 2years and some months because i was stressing badly, it stopped like a month later
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Please post your regimen. I was expericencing massive hair loss a few months ago and it turns out the culprite was co-washing. I had severe build-up on my hair and scalp that caused cause clogged follicles and hair loss. I corrected it by using a chelating shampoo (Quantum from Sally's). I also stopped using conditioners as leave-ins. I only use conditioners designed to be leave-in now - the Komaza line.
I'm sorry to hear about this. I think you should talk to your doctor ASAP. I just googled and saw that high levels of vitamin D can cause hair loss.
Vitamin D.

High doses of many supplements can make your hair fall out. It started happening to my daughter who I had on a simple multi after a couple of weeks of daily intake. I knew what it was immediately and stopped the vit. Her hair loss stopped within 3 days.
Thanks everyone. I didn't think that the vitamin d could be the culprit. I just assume that they are vitamins, so they can't possibly cause harm right? I feel like such an idiot. I know that it isn't something I am doing because I haven't changed my routine at all. I am also no more stressed than usual.

I wish that I could post the pics. My hair is coming out in huge clumps! I end up with a big ball of hair! on the table each day! It isn't like from shedding or breakage. Ita like falling out easily. I rub my hands slightly on top of my hair and end up with a handful of hair. I may have to just shave it off at this rate.
when this happened to me years ago it was caused by a medical condition I was experiencing. I had found out i was extremely anemic and was iron deficient. Are you stressing about anything? Is your health ok? so sorry you are going through this!

THIS is exactly what happened to me. I didn't know that I was severely anemic, at the time, and my hair was shedding abnormal amounts daily. My health is in check now but my hair still recouping as the shedding significantly thinned my hair out.
Vitamins are nothing to be trifled with. Large doses can be toxic. Even of Vitamin C.

Talk to your doc about reducing dose levels.
i just want to say i love how the ladies jumped right in to offer suggestions, ask questions and overall be of assistance to you OP. It has helped me too because i was thinking a few weeks ago that i will incorporate VitD supplements in my stash but now :no no: I WONT!
I wouldn't take a high dose of any vitamin supplement. With that being said, black people need vitamin D especially in the winter.

Almond Eyes
Sadly it could be alopecia areata. There is no rhyme or reason for it. It will leave you with clean
bald spots in various areas of your head. Get to a dermatologist ASAP. It happened to me many years ago. I had to get injections to stop the balding in each area. Luckily it finally stopped and grew back but not as thick. The sooner you start treatments the better.
Thanks for all of the advice! I did a tea rinse late last night. It has reduced to just a few hairs. I called my doctor and told her. She didn't believe me. She wants me to show her the pics when I come to my appointment. I keep having things happen to me very sudden that ends just as quickly. Extremely high blood pressure, horrible stomach pains, very bad chest pains, numbness in the fingers...then it all goes away as quickly as it began. I can go on with really bad examples, but I won't . I just wish that someone can tell me what is going on. I am so sick of seeing doctors and nurses. I really appreciate all of the advice and kind words. I feel dumb for freaking out the way I did.
Sadly it could be alopecia areata. There is no rhyme or reason for it. It will leave you with clean
bald spots in various areas of your head. Get to a dermatologist ASAP. It happened to me many years ago. I had to get injections to stop the balding in each area. Luckily it finally stopped and grew back but not as thick. The sooner you start treatments the better.

I suffer from this plus the very low vit D. Like the ladies already said best to see a dermatologist first, then later try some oil mixtures if you can.
Thanks for all of the advice! I did a tea rinse late last night. It has reduced to just a few hairs. I called my doctor and told her. She didn't believe me. She wants me to show her the pics when I come to my appointment. I keep having things happen to me very sudden that ends just as quickly. Extremely high blood pressure, horrible stomach pains, very bad chest pains, numbness in the fingers...then it all goes away as quickly as it began. I can go on with really bad examples, but I won't . I just wish that someone can tell me what is going on. I am so sick of seeing doctors and nurses. I really appreciate all of the advice and kind words. I feel dumb for freaking out the way I did.

nicole625 - you told a medical doctor about a medical problem you are experiencing which may be a reaction to a medication or treatment and she doesn't believe you? Please don't get me started on these "pathetic so-called doctors".Please document dates, experiences, medications, reactions, conversations, appointments, etc. That should not be happening. Coupled with the fact if you've told her about what appears to be "medical flare-ups" (i.e. bad chest pains, numbess, etc.) she should be concerned with why you are experiencing all of these symptoms and attempting to diagnose the bigger problem. There are some holistic/alternative medicine forums (curezone or earthclinic) you could access and see if anyone has had ALL or mostly ALL of your symptoms and discovered what the problem was.

In recent years I have heard of TOO many women being prescribed very high doses of Vitamin D and I don't understand the sudden phenomenon. I can't recall ever hearing of so many cases, one lady I know was getting daily injections of 20,000 IU!!!! I think of what my mom and a very good friend would say about doctors "if you aren't sick before you go to the doctor, you will be when you leave". My mom would also say "you'll kill yourself if you take all these prescriptions those stupid ___ doctors give you". She died at 85 years old from dimentia - but healthy as an OX, otherwise. :grin:
The thing is, you are deficient in Vitamin D and the doctor prescribed it. Your deficiency itself might be why the hair is falling. Call your doctor. You could have another underlying condition and should get complete testing. As for people taking vitamin D, it's not recommended unless you have been tested as deficient.
I was tested and was severely deficient. I spoke with the nurse and she said that because I have been taking the vitamin d for almost three months without any issues the doctor doubts that is the reason. It seems that my doctor wants to see the pics because she is getting frustrated with herself. She cant seem to figure out what is going on with me. I am sick of tests and specialists to be honest.
I wouldn't take a high dose of any vitamin supplement. With that being said, black people need vitamin D especially in the winter.

Almond Eyes

I know you meant no harm but it's general statements like the bolded that can do more harm than good... not all black people need an extra dose of vitamin D. Their levels may be completely normal.
Thanks everyone. I didn't think that the vitamin d could be the culprit. I just assume that they are vitamins, so they can't possibly cause harm right? I feel like such an idiot. I know that it isn't something I am doing because I haven't changed my routine at all. I am also no more stressed than usual.

I wish that I could post the pics. My hair is coming out in huge clumps! I end up with a big ball of hair! on the table each day! It isn't like from shedding or breakage. Ita like falling out easily. I rub my hands slightly on top of my hair and end up with a handful of hair. I may have to just shave it off at this rate.

get tested for hypothyroidism/hyperthyroidism ASAP