Check out this Youtubers bootleg steamer - Genius !!!

Wow, this looks amazing. I already have a heat cap, though. I'd maybe be willing to buy a facial steamer, but I don't really want a hooded dryer (no space). The whole bowl in place of the heat dryer sounds clever, though. HMMMM.
Wow, this is great. I may break down and buy a facial steamer. I have a hood dryer so this is cool. I have a heat cap and I love it, but I want to try steam. I just couldn't see myself paying the money for one.
Just had to come and say, that I bought the facial steamer. It's similar to the one in the video as it had an Ozone option. I used a big plastic basin and held it over my head, while the steamer was on my table. I even put a towel over the basin and that INTENSIFIED the steam even more. Worked like a charm. Best thing ever :yep: