Cerasee Tea?

I googled, and yes it is Bitter Melon. Some other names are:

African Cucumber, Ampalaya, Balsam Pear, Balsam-Apple, Balsambirne, Balsamine, Balsamo, Bitter Apple, Bitter Cucumber, Bitter Gourd, Bittergurke, Carilla Fruit, Carilla Gourd, Cerasee, Chinli-Chih, Concombre Africain, Courge Amère, Cundeamor, Fructus Mormordicae Grosvenori, Karavella, Kathilla, Karela, Kareli, Kerala, Kuguazi, K'u-Kua, Lai Margose, Margose, Melón Amargo, Melon Amer, Momordica, Momordica charantia, Momordica murcata, Momordique, Paroka, Pepino Montero, Poire Balsamique, Pomme de Merveille, P'u-T'ao, Sorosi, Sushavi, Vegetable insulin, Wild Cucumber, Goya, etc.

caraille or carilley- Trinidad
asorosi or assorosie- Haiti
carilla- Guyana
Karela- in Hindi
sopropo- Suriname
cundeamor- Puerto Rico

So you may be able to find the tea under other names. They even have pills/ capsules and powder...
I just bought some bitter melon tea on ebay for $3.99. The Cerasee tea doesn't ship to Bermuda, but is around $2.00 for those who may be interested...
Steeped about a tablespoon of this demon tea and have it in my hand here. Laaawwwwddddddd this stuff bitter. It's the worst thing I've ever tasted, first time too. I don't know how I'm gonna do this. Maybe add some maple syrup and lemon juice? Help me
So um nothing has happened yet:look:. What's supposed to happen? Is it supposed to be boiled or steeped? How long am I supposed to use it?
Im on my way to west indian food store today to see if they have some cerasee. Foolish me i went to the health food store bought some Bitter Melon, I was pre-occupied with something else placed the box in a bag with garbage to take out.
@ctosh according to what I've read bitter melon is the fruit that comes from the same tree. Other places call it that too depending on where you go so you should be good.

Eta: I woke up extremely dehydrated.
I just bought the cerasee tea and I notice it is more bitter tasting than the one marked "bitter melon" It brought back memories as a kid when my parents gave me this and cod liver oil...lol