Celebate until Marriage Tips.


Well-Known Member
Im a born again virgin, on the verge of entering a relationship. What are some tips to avoid temptation? At this point, I think I need to stop going to his house and maybe even kissing because it turns him on so much. He also wants to wait until he is married to have sex. How is it possible to have relationship like this? Even the idea of taking a vacation together has us both stressed out about the potential temptation.
Wonderful...and congrats on new relationship and relationship with Jesus

I have been where you are a couple of time. Don't be deceived...little compromises will lead to big disappointments.

Avoid going to his house during the evenings. If you go to his house to hang, avoid cuddling positions and try to keep it like you're just hanging with a friend having a good time. This will benefit in the end because if you get married, he'll be your lover and your friend.

I know kissing is a decision that you have to decide if its something you want to do but, if you're like most, kissing leads to more. So if you know kissing gets you going, don't kiss. Place you're boundary at side hugs and holding hands.

Avoid conversation about "coloring". It will start your mind moving toward sex.

Group date. Go out with other Christian couples or just a bunch of friends.

No going away together. You can do that when you're married. Nothing to rush. Save the traveling for honeymoon and beyond. (My BFF and her now husband used to travel when they were dating BUT her parents were ALWAYS there with them, so nothing EVER went down. She was a virgin bride and he was a virgin groom).
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I'm in the same boat OP, lately if I get that carnal feeling, I'll hum a hymn in my head and then start praying. I had the urge the other day and the Holy Spirit brought back to my mind that sex is for and with my husband only and anything else outside of that is fornication. Also, the verse in 1 Cor 6 (it's the very last verse) comes to mind about "my body not being my own and it's the temple of the Holy Spirit"

Keep praying.
Wonderful...and congrats on new relationship and relationship with Jesus

I have been where you are a couple of time. Don't be deceived...little compromises will lead to big disappointments.

Avoid going to his house during the evenings. If you go to his house to hang, avoid cuddling positions and try to keep it like you're just hanging with a friend having a good time. This will benefit in the end because if you get married, he'll be your lover and your friend.

I know kissing is a decision that you have to decide if its something you want to do but, if you're like most, kissing leads to more. So if you know kissing gets you going, don't kiss. Place you're boundary at side hugs and holding hands.

Avoid conversation about "coloring". It will start your mind moving toward sex.

Group date. Go out with other Christian couples or just a bunch of friends.

No going away together. You can do that when you're married. Nothing to rush. Save the traveling for honeymoon and beyond. (My BFF and her now husband used to travel when they were dating BUT her parents were ALWAYS there with them, so nothing EVER went down. She was a virgin bride and he was a virgin groom).

Thank you! This is very helpful. I have been reading the abstinence thread as well. I am very excited about the future. When I was doing all the things that were reserved for marriage. I looked at marriage like the death of your social life because I had nothing to really to look forward to except having children. Also, I don't have feelings of jealousy that I did in past relationships.
You are definitely taking a step in the right direction in your Christian journey! :rosebud:

I agree with what has been said so far but I would also like to add when you go on dates, try to have them in the DAYTIME!

It seems as though nighttime gets the wheels in our minds turning towards "other things."

Also for dates, try to do fun outings so you don't allow yourself to be tempted by being alone with him. Save movie nights for you and the future hubby, if being together watching movies causes you to become tempted.

Galatians 5:16 reads " I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh". Whatever you do, stay in prayer and the Holy Spirit will guide you. God only wants his best for you! I hope I helped a little.

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