Cathy Howse Now on Youtube

See this all the time on the YT, the very reasons why the Hair & beauty channels on YouTube is controlled by whites and Asians, they do not want the nasty attitudes of BW to pervade their viewers.


you're opening a whole 'nother can of worms.
Her hair used to be longer and healthier, if she is transitioning this could be the reason for its current state.

@Mis007, interesting how people can look at the same thing and see different things. My observation is opposite to yours. I think her hair looks healthier/fuller in the YT video than it did before when she was relaxed. I also don't know about it being longer back then, which is why some said this might be her terminal length(?). I'm talking about her photos from the millennium which I assume show her hair at its longest (last pics in link below) compared to now. Her ends still looked sad back then but because she's curled them under, it was a better disguise. The last pic however with some strands over her shoulder does expose the thin ends and some strands strands seem shorter probably from breakage. (Or is that what some of y'all call lead hairs. :look: )
See this all the time on the YT, the very reasons why the Hair & beauty channels on YouTube is controlled by whites and Asians, they do not want the nasty attitudes of BW to pervade their viewers.


They have the same problems with yt trolls as the black women on yt do.

And I have to cosign asakeba's comment. Some comments on her yt page are a little too much. By LHCF standards Cathy's hair is just ok, but most black women where I live would love to have what she has and they have no idea what to do to get it. Good black hair care isn't common knowledge at all. If it were, black women's hair care issues wouldn't be the running joke it is in this country (I'm speaking about the US, can't speak for that issue anywhere else.) Most black women, when it comes to keeping their hair healthy and getting it to grow could learn a lot from her. She teaches the basics. Many of us know women who don't even understand the basic value of washing their own hair regularly.
I am never stuck on blunt ends...but one sign you need a trim, is if they will not hold a curl. Her stylist needs to be slapped for letting her get on camera that way (considering her "expert" knowledge). She needs more people! :look::look:

I do think her hair growth rate may have slowed due to age (as well as potential breakage). It is shiny.

Hair growth does not necessarily slow with age. Since begining my HJ, I have twice as much hair as I had in my twenties. Of course, if I had taken better care of my hair in my twenties I might have had twice as much hair back then as I have now! Still, I have a full head of midback length hair. My hair still grows 1/2 inch a month. I often see women in their 40's-70's with beautiful, thick hair. It's fairly rare, but I do see it.
I don't know why some people are happy having hair that turns into 5 strands of hair at the ends. Is anyone impressed when your longest 5 hairs reach your waist?
Granted, I like volume more and going natural I don't care that my natural hair doesn't hang.
But if anything, hopefully anyone looking at her pictures and videos will learn that you can't get around trimming your hair. Tucking damaged ends in or covering them with product doesn't change the fact that they are nasty. I personally a not impressed by the look in her first picture either, b/c it looks like the hair is just carefully placed over her shoulders and it doesn't look that thick or healthy to me.

But you can't get your hair to "catch up." Her hair would look so much better if she got a good deep cut. And at this point, those ends are so old that she needs a real cut. She'd still have long hair, and it would look a lot better and be a better marketing tool than the look she's working right now. So many people hold on to old and damaged ends but if you let them go, you'll wind up with much better hair, and yes, it will ALL grow back. Hair is funny that way.

And I wish that people would stop confusing shedding, which is a natural process that occurs daily, and hair just breaking off. They aren't synonymous.

She might be rolling her hair every day but nasty thin ends won't hold curl. If your ends are healthy you just don't have to fight with it that much to style it.

Yes, you can "catch up". Well known hair guru Chicoro has a brilliant method that allows you to time you trims, keep your ends neat looking and lets the shortest hair catch up with the longest. It's called the "goal point" or "length based" method. If you are interested try googling it.