
New Member
Hey y'all! I have a review of some products I brought this weekend. I tried several products and had good results with all of them. I tried Razac's PHC (precision Heat COmplex) a concentrated hot oil treatment, it worked well and did not leave my hair greasy, my hair was very moist and easy to detangle. I tried Cantu Shea Butter Leave-in Conditioning repair cream, this stuff was very thick; it had a very thick custard like consistency, smelled great and was not greasy. It did moisturize my hair but left it kinda hard, I have a love-hate relationship with Cantu products as they provide excellent moisture, shine and definition but after several days they leave my hair hard because all the products contain proteins (collogen, hyrolized soy protein).

Finally I found a great BSS in East Orange, NJ that sells great products such as the entire line of Cantu, Africa's Best, Sulf Solution, Elasta, Mizani Relaxers...EVERYTHING! They have a HUGE selection of products. THe name of the store is DiCi II Beauty SUpply located on 571 Central Ave, East ORange.
I also bought the Cantu LeaveIn Cream. :) It's really good. It's the only moisturizer that actually penetrates my hair. I apply a little oil on top after the the leavein cream. I was wondering why it dried like that but now i see the proteins. I also tried their shampoo and conditioner, both were very gentle.
I like their products, but I agree they leave the hair a bit hard. The only one that didn't for me was the Grow Strong. Break Cure was great for me in my baggies when my ends were breaking!

Has anyone tried the Daily Moisturizer (in the tall bottle)?
baglady215 said:
I like their products, but I agree they leave the hair a bit hard. The only one that didn't for me was the Grow Strong. Break Cure was great for me in my baggies when my ends were breaking!

Has anyone tried the Daily Moisturizer (in the tall bottle)?

I have tried the daily moisturizer; I've not used it on my scalp put I put it in my hair concentrating on the ends before going to bed. I love it, it does keep the hair moisturize. I'm alternating between that and Jamaican Black Castor Oil, and love the combination.
Victory1 said:
I have tried the daily moisturizer; I've not used it on my scalp put I put it in my hair concentrating on the ends before going to bed. I love it, it does keep the hair moisturize. I'm alternating between that and Jamaican Black Castor Oil, and love the combination.

Thank you! Is it lightweight? Could I use it on my hair if I wear it out?
baglady215 said:
Thank you! Is it lightweight? Could I use it on my hair if I wear it out?

It is lightweight to me, but I don't use much; I just put a little in my hands, rub them together, and rub it on my hairconcentrating on the ends mostly. It comes out of the bottle thick, similar to castor oil.
The Breakcure was my staple for the last few weeks to keep my length from breaking and to maintain moisture.
Yes it left my hair kinda hard, but still feeling great. I loved the consistency most of all.

It's retired for another 8 weeks. Strictly oils for now.
Victory1 said:
It is lightweight to me, but I don't use much; I just put a little in my hands, rub them together, and rub it on my hairconcentrating on the ends mostly. It comes out of the bottle thick, similar to castor oil.

Thanks Victory! I may give this a try.
I have the Grow Strong but I haven't really used it yet...
I'm trying to do damgae control with my ORS Carrot Oil for the next few weeks...
Yeah, I noticed that hardness is a common theme with the Cantu but they are going to be apart of my staple. Since using them my hair has no breakage, after I used the leave-in my old hair (texturized part) was very soft, it's usually dry. I think these products are really helping me stretch without any drama.