can this be anything besides newgrowth caused by MN


New Member
Looking for some theories ladies....

I bought some dollar store MN and mixed it with some BB brand castor oil and tea tree oil. I have been applying it to my scalp maybe 3 times a week or so. The result of this has been small sections of wavy roots with a rough texture like new growth. I have no idea how fast my hair normally grows, but I do know my new growth has never showed up so fast after a relaxer before. I relaxed around 8/15. Normally, I don't see any clear new growth until maybe at least 2 months later. By then, I change the way I comb and style my hair because my new growth seems to encourage shedding. Even though I am only a few weeks post relaxer, it appears that this rough new growth textured hair has to be one of the following theories:

A. Actual newgrowth
B. Some texture change near where I apply MN for whatever reason, but not actual new growth

I am just having a hard time thinking that my hair has grown so fast behind MN.....I haven't even applied it daily and I diluted the mess out of it to avoid those headaches a lot of people report having!

What are your thoughts? Has anyone ever applied MN, thought they had some radical growth only to find out after straightening that it was just a texture change for whatever reason? Thanks in advance!
I am wondering the saaaaame thing. I too don't know the rate in which my hair grows, but I do know that I notice new growt around 1 month after a touch up. But after my last touch up, I have been applying MN every other day for 3 weeks straight. Around the time I'd be over joyous thinking my hair has grown only to be terribly disappointed when I straightened it a week after. Then again I haven't been tracking my growth (due to the absence of a camera), and I'm pretty sure I'm hairnorexic (idk how you guys spell it). Then again it could be that I haven't been retaining my length..............nahhh that's not it. LOL.
I know when I first joined I tried it and it worked for me, yes really that fast.:grin: I use to think the same thing when I was using MT/OCT, that it was the texture changing/reverting, I knew relaxed hair is relaxed for good but I didn't want to believe it. Luckily not only did I see the length after I relaxed, I was able to see my color growing out also. Lol, it's growing , enjoy it!! :drunk:
Thanks ladies!

Yep, there is a difference in the color too. I usually put a semi perm. Black rince in my hair. The new hair is more dark brown, but not quite black....thanks for bringing up that point flowinlocks!
I know it works, was using it after my BC and it was ok. Now i can put it in my scalp because of my hair growing, (is to difficult when the hair don't want to stay quiet and wanna "see" what your doing) and put it in my hair makes it dry, so i stop untill my hair grows a little bit.