Can relaxing help stop my shedding


New Member
I recently noticed that my hair is shedding...A LOT or at least more than what is normal for me. I did a tea rinse last week and spritzed some more tea yesterday and it helped a little but I'm still shedding more than is usual .

My dilemma is that I want to install a sew in but I'm nervous about doing an install when I'm so many weeks post.

Backstory - I am currently about 3 months post relaxer, prior to relaxing this June, I hadn't relaxed my hair since early December last year. I've had severe breakage at the line of demarcation in the past so I'm worried that the shedding is being caused by stretching.

Do you think its safe to do an install if I'm several weeks post? Or would I be "wasting" the relaxer by doing an install soon after?

I am wondering if its because my hair is several weeks posts. My last relaxer i
Humm, you are bringing up several issues. So I think we could use some clarity. Are you having shedding or breakage at the demarcation line? A fresh relaxer will not stop hair from shedding, but it will resolve breakage at the line of demarkation.

If I had a fresh relaxer, I would swing my hair for a while. Does kinda seem like a waste to just braid up a fresh relaxer.

Also some people transition in weaves in order to reduce breakage. You can put a weave on three months of new growth. It might be a good idea to relax the leave out depending upon your style.
Do you mean shedding or breakage? Those are totally different. You must identify which it is to get the right advice. I get lots of breakage when my hair is dry. Lots of new growth and lack of moisture equal excessive breakage for me.
Thanks guys, just to clarify: I'm pretty sure what I'm experiencing is shedding because I check for the white bulb on root. My concern is that the stretching is what is causing the shedding. Is that even possible?

I'm not seeing breakage at the demarcation currently.The only reason I mentioned line of demarcation breakage is that last year (still early in my HHJ) I experienced it breakage while on a long stretch. So I just get extra cautious when my hair acts abnormal during a stretch
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You should probably get the shedding under control before you relax. You don't want any scalp issues when you are relaxing. I have delayed a relaxer application because of shedding in the past. I don't like to take chances.