Can naturals benefit from silicon?

There is a lot of talk about the dangers of cones, including the CG routine which is cone-free. However, my hair feels GREAT when I use Hello Hydration. Since I wash pretty frequently, I'm not too worried about buildup. Cones coats my strands and allows them to slip past one another without the excessive tangling. I've been avoiding cones for too long, and have considered making them a part of my regimen. Are any other naturals benefiting from cone products?

ETA: Cones would be a more proper word to use.
There is a lot of talk about the dangers of cones, including the CG routine which is cone-free. However, my hair feels GREAT when I use Hello Hydration. Since I wash pretty frequently, I'm not too worried about buildup. Cones coats my strands and allows them to slip past one another without the excessive tangling. I've been avoiding cones for too long, and have considered making them a part of my regimen. Are any other naturals benefiting from cone products?

ETA: Cones would be a more proper word to use.

It was not until I read your post that I realixed that Cones work well with my hair. I have experienced ALOT of dryness in the past 2 months and realized that it is most likely b/c I cut all Cones out of my product choices...... :wallbash:....
I have heard alot about the danger of cones as well, and realize that for me it just means that I have to clarify maybe ince every month or so... but I can live with that.
Back to the original question: I would love to know as weel from any other naturals who have used product like 'Silicon Mix' etc......

Thanks for posting this!!!
I use products with cones AND mineral oil, petroleum and petrolatum and my hair LOVES IT! I co-wash about every 2 days and I shampoo once a week - first with a clarifier then the moisturizing shampoo and it works for me! Once I shampoo I have a clean slate and start over with applying the products and they are doing my hair very good with moisture retention b/c my hair dries out easily.

Everything isn't for everyone and heck our parents used this stuff for years and in my family folks have hair great lengths so something was working.
I use products with cones AND mineral oil, petroleum and petrolatum and my hair LOVES IT! I co-wash about every 2 days and I shampoo once a week - first with a clarifier then the moisturizing shampoo and it works for me! Once I shampoo I have a clean slate and start over with applying the products and they are doing my hair very good with moisture retention b/c my hair dries out easily.

Everything isn't for everyone and heck our parents used this stuff for years and in my family folks have hair great lengths so something was working.

Same here! I like cones. I use a lot of leave in when I rollerset and straighten my hair. I'm convinced that's why it doesn't break off. People have tried to warn me about it, but it's working for me. Also I use Pantene products which I've been warned have a lot of Cones. The good news is that when I'm done my hair is not dry, and I don't have to use oil, grease, etc.

When I wear my hair curly, I like all the things she mentioned. My hair is naturally really dry, so in order to keep the curls from frizzing, I use whatever works.

Don't tell anyone, but I have even used a gel that has alcohol in it. AND the Paul Mitchell Leave-In that I used last night has alcohol too.
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ITA! If it weren't for 'cones, I would never be able to detangle on wash 'cones get a big ol' :up: in my book:yep:
Anyone have a good recommendation for a "cone" conditioner that has good slip for detangling as well as leaves your hair VERY moisturized??
I say yes. I just tried Sabino's Moisture Block for the fifth time (hey, sometimes fifth time's a charm) and my hair has so much movement and it's still very straight a week after flat ironing it.

I have to apologize for talking so greasy about Sabino's before. I guess I wasn't using it properly. This time I applied it to my hair in tiers and brushed it through for even application - perfect.
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I too avoided cones in the past, however this week I started a regimen that incorperated cones, mineral oil and petroleum and this has been the best week ever. Im not natural but I do have a lot of ng and Im VERY texlaxed.
You know you all may be on to the something. I have some Motions shampoo and condish sitting in the closet from my textlaxed days. They contain all the above mentioned ingredients. I may give them a dry this weekend and see what happens. The humidiy is killing me...none of usual styles are working and the mineral oil and cones may calm my "situation".

Divastyle do you have your regime posted? I plan on wearing my hair straight more often this coming fall & winter. Your hair looks good.
I use products with cones, and it seems to work fine for me. I clarify once a month, though.
I've tried CG before, but I don't think my hair liked it very much. Also, I got tired scanning EVERY single product label for cones. :look:
Cones arent "dangerous" but they build up on your hair and they have to be shampooed out. If you arent following cg, (no poo/low poo) then they shouldnt be a problem for you.

Here is a brief article if you havent read the book:

There are supposed to be water soluble cones that are CG friendly, and will break down without shampooing, but I dont know which ones are or arent. I think someone here had a list posted at one time.
Cones arent "dangerous" but they build up on your hair and they have to be shampooed out. If you arent following cg, (no poo/low poo) then they shouldnt be a problem for you.

Here is a brief article if you havent read the book:

There are supposed to be water soluble cones that are CG friendly, and will break down without shampooing, but I dont know which ones are or arent. I think someone here had a list posted at one time.

thanks for the information!