Can natural 4ab hair look like 3a...

There are many people with so-called 3a, b, c, xyz, etc hair who wish that they had nappier(4a or b) hair. Not everyone promotes the 3abc is best type of attitude. I personally HAVE 4a hair that is VERY compact and just plain NAPPY, and I adore it. I don't sit and wish for other types of hair. I only wish for the knowledge to properly maintain the type of hair that I have.

On topic, you will find MANY people who feel that "God" or inspiration, or the universe, or whatever they believe in has given them a message to give to the "poor" women whose hair won't grow long. They feel like our saviour, as if having short hair is a curse. Then when you approach them with something contrary to what they are SELLING, they get touchy.

I originally came here to get inspired with the knowledge to grow my hair long. Now I realize that hair grows well enough on its own, and products don't really SAVE hair, but techniques DO. I wouldn't waste time debating over hair typing and what someone that I really don't know anything about is growing out of their scalp. We REALLY don't know celebrities true hair types, because they lie so much in Hollywood anyway.
lavendarlover said:
There are many people with so-called 3a, b, c, xyz, etc hair who wish that they had nappier(4a or b) hair. Not everyone promotes the 3abc is best type of attitude. I personally HAVE 4a hair that is VERY compact and just plain NAPPY, and I adore it. I don't sit and wish for other types of hair. I only wish for the knowledge to properly maintain the type of hair that I have.

On topic, you will find MANY people who feel that "God" or inspiration, or the universe, or whatever they believe in has given them a message to give to the "poor" women whose hair won't grow long. They feel like our saviour, as if having short hair is a curse. Then when you approach them with something contrary to what they are SELLING, they get touchy.

I originally came here to get inspired with the knowledge to grow my hair long. Now I realize that hair grows well enough on its own, and products don't really SAVE hair, but techniques DO. I wouldn't waste time debating over hair typing and what someone that I really don't know anything about is growing out of their scalp. We REALLY don't know celebrities true hair types, because they lie so much in Hollywood anyway.

Thanks for the comments ladies!

@ Lavendarlover that's exactly what I was thinking! Thanks for bringing that point up.
And as for people wishing that they had other hair textures my mom's a thin 2a and she wishes that she had any other hair type but her own...especially during the hot months. Just the other day she had just finished washing and drying her hair and now she was curling it and as she was curling her hair it was sweating back and falling, so she had to put the air conditioner on a lower temp so that she could curl her hair. During the cooler months she's complaining.
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