Can I do a Amla Powder overnight treatment?


Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies-

I was thinking of using my amla powder in the same way I do my henna treatments. I wanted to mix it up with some tea (hibiscus or green tea), molasses and let it sit on my hair overnight. Has anyone done anything like this (let amla powder -not oil) sit on hair for a long period of time? I just don't want dry hair or my hair breaking off from this.

A good person to PM is MedMunky. There are probably more ladies, but she's the first to come to mind.
this should not be a problem. It will be messy but since you do this for Henna you already know that. Amla does not affect the colour of your hair they way Henna does.
PLEASE make sure you do some sort of a moisturised treatment the next day. Amla can feel very dry...
I mixed some Amla and Shikikai powders with some moisturizing conditioner and I have left this on my hair overnight several times with no problems. HTH.