bump on my scalp


New Member
I have a bump on my scalp, I'm not sure how it got there. My scalp is oiled, everytime I put my hand in my hair, my fingertips have oil on them. How do I get rid of it? My mom said it had a scab on it. I put some vitamin E on it.


Well-Known Member
Try to just leave it alone. Don't let brush bristles or comb teeth get to it, and it will probably clear up on it's own.


Active Member
I had one a long time ago. It hurt everytime I accidently touched my scalp. My Mom looked at it and it was a pimple(black head). I kept applying hot compresses and it came to a head on it's own and healed. Black heads are basically clogged pore openings(usually oil). Try doing compresses..no picking....it should heal. If it gets worse go to the doc. Even if it just a pimple, they can take care of it more quickly medically.