how sad:nono:. Afro could you please keep us updated on her situation? I would really like to see her progress now that she is in the right hands
OMG....This is so awful. I def agree that when youre in the chair you need to be mindful of when things dont feel right or know something's going wrong. Dang...I feel so bad for both of them having to go thru that.
Yes, you are totally right. This one was the first one:


This is Isabella: she used to be a model and after she burned her head due to a relaxer her hair will never grow back again.

That can't be true, all you have to do RINSE THE RELAXER OUT, the look of the scalp burns show they left full head of relaxer on till it burned.
OMG, I just read that story of Isabella for the first time yesterday and let me tell you. Her story signed and sealed the deal...NEVA EVA, EVA, EVA to relax again! Her story is very very sad and I'm glad she found success after such a tradegy.
That can't be true, all you have to do RINSE THE RELAXER OUT, the look of the scalp burns show they left full head of relaxer on till it burned.

IT SEEMS as though something was very wrong with the relaxer she had

contaminated or something

but somethiung isnt right here

WHY was it left on so long, it looks as though she was attacked

ps. if your a relaxed head and a lurker, dont get scared, this is not common to this extent and relaxer will not do this to your head if you follow guidelines and follow your instinct too! if your a natural, good on ya ladies!

Yes, you are totally right. This one was the first one:


This is Isabella: she used to be a model and after she burned her head due to a relaxer her hair will never grow back again.

Without a doubt, this is the worst hair "issue" I have ever heard of or seen. I am horrified and so sad for her. No more hair growth!!?? EVER??!! And at her own hands-so tragic.:nono:
OMG!! :cantlook:

The last woman must have left the relaxer on her head for hours for it to burn the scalp and folicles like that. unsightly.:nono: Seriously, those pics are very hard to look at. That's an instant hair anorxia cure too! Makes me appreciate my own head of hair in a whole new way.
how sad:nono:. Afro could you please keep us updated on her situation? I would really like to see her progress now that she is in the right hands

I will try, I want to know it myself. When I relaxed, my hair was breaking too. Although I'm natural now I'm glad I learned so much about hair on this forum.

So, she didnt rinse it out? It would seem like if she just rinsed it all out with water and a reg. shampoo the results wouldnt be that bad

Did she not know that a nuetrilizing shampoo was needed or what the purpose was?

Did she win a lawsuit?

I wonder that the brand was....

Thats crazy though, i always set my stuff up before i start, i wonder how that happened or if she had any stores close to her ( 5 min. or less) where she could run and hurry up and buy another kit or something and use that neturlizier while she had condioner in her hair

The lawsuit is still busy at this moment, I would like to know the brand of the relaxer kit she used.
she needs an intense oiling, with vitamin E or wheat germ

that would help her scalp return to somewhat normal
OMG! Both of those picture are straight up scary -- like skin eating-bacteria-type scary. :nono::nono:

That's exactly what i think it looks like! It made my stomach turn over just thinking about what it had to feel like to be going through that.