Black Hair Dye Fixed My Damaged Hair???


Well-Known Member
my hair is ruined by bleach and heat and it was a hot mess. I got tired of the light brown and decided to dye my hair black with a box dye. My hair strands use to alternate from thick to thin like this

And my ends used to be thin. After dying my hair strands are now one even thickness and my hair when straightened is extremely silky and my ends appeared thick.

Could it be the black hair dye? The coconut milk I'm drinking (my nails are thicker as well)? Or doing frequent hard protein treatments? Or a combination. Idk why my hair would go from 2 extremes with no real changes
I agree with FaithVA. Black hair hides damage more. I put a blue black rinse in my hair to help some of the breakage around my edges blend in. It's probably the protein treatments.
I would think it would be the protein treatments. Not sure about the coconut milk. The box dye can coat your hair and maybe give it an appearance of health but overtime if it wasn't healthy it would start to break and look pretty bad.

Should I continue doing them that often or now that my hair is filled in spread them out more?
Should I continue doing them that often or now that my hair is filled in spread them out more?
How often are you doing them now? When I had heat damage, during my Komaza Analysis she recommended protein every 6 weeks with a trim. You can try doing protein every 6 weeks and see how it goes. Let your hair tell you if you need it more often.
How often are you doing them now? When I had heat damage, during my Komaza Analysis she recommended protein every 6 weeks with a trim. You can try doing protein every 6 weeks and see how it goes. Let your hair tell you if you need it more often.

Thank you! I've been doing hard protein treatments every 2 weeks. At some point I was doing once a week (that's how bad my damage was). Now I'll def. wait at least a month with light protein in between because my deep conditioner has protein in it (joiko-k pak) so I'm going out today to get the macadamia hair mask for a deep conditioner that's purely hydrating. I've also been dusting myself more often. I'm trying to grow my hair out fast enough where I can still see progress even though I trim often (I grow 3/4-1inch a month)
Look up Naptural85's post-bleach experience. She got damage and ended up having to cut off a lot. Then she re-dyed it and started a whole new regimen. Now she's wondering if the new regimen would have sufficed, maybe she didn't have to cut off so much. Look it up tho, cuz I can't remember the details of the new reggie.
Thank you! I've been doing hard protein treatments every 2 weeks. At some point I was doing once a week (that's how bad my damage was). Now I'll def. wait at least a month with light protein in between because my deep conditioner has protein in it (joiko-k pak) so I'm going out today to get the macadamia hair mask for a deep conditioner that's purely hydrating. I've also been dusting myself more often. I'm trying to grow my hair out fast enough where I can still see progress even though I trim often (I grow 3/4-1inch a month)
Are you using the knock off Sally's version of the Macadamia deep conditioner or are you using the real version you get from CVS?
Look up Naptural85's post-bleach experience. She got damage and ended up having to cut off a lot. Then she re-dyed it and started a whole new regimen. Now she's wondering if the new regimen would have sufficed, maybe she didn't have to cut off so much. Look it up tho, cuz I can't remember the details of the new reggie.

Thank you! My hair definitely has different needs and idk what it wants lol
I dunno I think there is something in the dye. I had the same experience years ago after being a white blond for about six months my hair was breaking and it was turning brassy. My stylist dyed my hair brown and deep conditioned. I did not use protein for about a month and I did not touch up my hair either. But the change was really rapid and my hair was healthy. My hair was short so perhaps that limited the damage but I never had to cut any off.
Dying the hair blond is normally a stretch for many people of color so I think the bleach really strips the hair shaft. I think the dye is depositing color, masking what was stripped away, then conditioning mask moisturizes the hair.
Sounds like you have something working for you so don't stop!!
I dunno I think there is something in the dye. I had the same experience years ago after being a white blond for about six months my hair was breaking and it was turning brassy. My stylist dyed my hair brown and deep conditioned. I did not use protein for about a month and I did not touch up my hair either. But the change was really rapid and my hair was healthy. My hair was short so perhaps that limited the damage but I never had to cut any off.
Dying the hair blond is normally a stretch for many people of color so I think the bleach really strips the hair shaft. I think the dye is depositing color, masking what was stripped away, then conditioning mask moisturizes the hair.
Sounds like you have something working for you so don't stop!!

Interesting. I will def. incorporate clear rinses in my regimen, my hair seems to like fillers
Just asking because I was going to tell you that the knock off Sally's one for $11 blows my mind WAY more than the expensive one you get from CVS.

Really??! What difference was there? No idea Sally's sold it for that cheap. I don't think the Sally's where I live sells it, if have to buy online
Having messed with dye of almost all colors for years, I definitely think it's the protein treatments. Black dye does help to make hair appear healthier and perhaps there is something in the dye that is making your hair feel silkier after application (I always have that experience after using Redken Shades EQ or Dia Richesse).
Really??! What difference was there? No idea Sally's sold it for that cheap. I don't think the Sally's where I live sells it, if have to buy online
For me, the Sally's version provides an insane amount of slip, detangles well and leaves my hair feeling so moisturized. I've tried a ton of conditioners that people rave about from Joico Moisture Recovery to the Silk Elements. None of them top my beloved $11 Macadamia deep conditioner from Sally's. I hope its never discontinued. The only thing I did like about the more expensive Macadamia masks sold at CVS and Target is that it left my hair smelling soooo good.
I tried henna but I don't think I did it right. I don't understand how to mix it. And the whole letting it oxidize. Either it was too confusing or too much work

Henna definitely has a learning curve especially if you are using it over dye - maybe a henna gloss.
I used to do a lot with henna I had special ingredients - now I have a type of henna I like and I mix 100 grams with a can of coconut milk add about 50 grams of indigo mixed with water. Then I put it on my head and go to sleep. Sometime the next day I will rinse it, do an oil rinse and do braid out with a little mango butter.