Black Hair Care Information site


New Member
Hey have you seen this site already about Black Hair Care Information! It has info about hair regime I guess. The site is

here's a little
How is African or Textured hair structured?
How does a relaxer work?
Are no lye relaxers better and/or milder?
What about natural relaxers?
What do I look for in a stylist to put in my relaxer?
Can I remove a relaxer from my hair?
What is my hair type?
What are the black hair care basics?
How do I deep condition my hair?
How often should I wash my hair?
How do I handle natural hair?
How do I care for permed hair?
Which oils should I use (and avoid)?
Should I go permed or natural?
How do I transition from permed to natural hair?
What's a good transition hair style?
Is there a pill to fix my hair problems?
Is there something that will make my hair grow really fast?
How do I care for my child's hair?
Should I use "natural" products?
What is Shea Butter?
How can I regrow lost hair?
Where can I find some good hair styles for me?
What ingredients should I avoid?
Where can I find more information (other black hair care sites)?

It might give a good regime for others who didn't reach their hair goals or maybe a little change.

I might give this a try to see if I see any diffrence in my hair.
Thanks for the info, Hair!!