BKT umm... fail?


Active Member
So i BKT today with QOD Max for the first time. i must say the results are not what i expected.
firstly maybe i used to much product cause my hair feels coated.
i also have hair breaking off i mean i had some breakage before but i thought the BKT would stop this
and my hair doesnt have the BKT shine that everyone else gets
maybe i didnt use enough heat
it just looks so dryy :(
i had my iron on 350 and did approx 4 -5 passes on each section.
any suggestions ladies should i go over it again with the flatiron when i get off work?
i used my Moroccan oil when i was done to give the hair some luster and to prevent it from tangling together.

*sigh* i dont know what to do, i cant wait until wash day (monday)
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I could be wrong but I thought with bkt you're supposed to flat iron on like 450 or something high like that

you could most products advise the high heat but numerous ladies have said that the high heat is not necessary and the paper that was in the package with the product states 350 degrees
Sounds like you may have put to much product on. Is the kind of BK where you have to wait like 3 until you can wash it? Or is the kind you can wash the same day?
I have only done this once, but when I had it don't my hair was coated and icky b/c of too much product. I didn't have the breakage. I would say lots of moisturized/oil on your ends and keep it up till wash day. It should be better after your first wash. Good luck.