BKT formaldehyde and cancer

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New Member
BKT: Brazilian Keratin Treatment
I'm just posting what I read. I've never used it but was curious so I'm posting what I read. I have no personal opinion. I just wanna post what 2 different scientists have said about keratin and formaldehyde. Just so you can keep an eye out and make an informed decision. If you have any more updated research on it, please post those links as well.

From Dr. Ali Syed of Avlon:
"I have been receiving many questions lately about the Brazilian Keratin Treatment (BKT) or as some people call the Escova Progressiva. I have now analyzed samples of three popular brands that are used for straightening curly hair based upon "keratin", "formaldehyde-free", or "aldehyde" technologies.

The truth is that they are actually using formaldehyde and in concentrations that exceed the legal limit. Two of the brands use 1.0% formaldehyde and the third one uses about 4.0% formaldehyde. The legal limit is 0.2%.

All of these brands pose serious health risks as the fumes generated during blow drying and flat ironing can cause headaches, irritation of the breathing pathways, eyes, and mucous membranes. Prolonged exposure can cause even worse problems." http://www.dralisyed.com/2009/07/keratin-formaldehyde-revelation-cancer.html#more

From cancer.gov website:
"5. What have scientists learned about the relationship between formaldehyde and cancer?
Several NCI studies have found that anatomists and embalmers, people who are potentially exposed to formaldehyde in their professions, are at an increased risk of leukemia and brain cancer compared with the general population. " http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/factsheet/Risk/formaldehyde
Girl it's been discussed over and over and over again. There was a thread about it just last week. You should have done a search first.

Here's the gist...
Some brands have formaldehyde, some don't and people are going to use it regardless as long as they feel it's not detrimental to them.

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I don't see what is wrong with her posting her research. People will always have their own opinions on this issue and I don't see why she shouldn't post what she thinks just b/c it is a board fave.
I don't see what is wrong with her posting her research. People will always have their own opinions on this issue and I don't see why she shouldn't post what she thinks just b/c it is a board fave.

It's not about it being a board fave.

Just like many other things it's been discussed ad nauseum and the same info has been presented. Everyone gets annoyed when there are multiple threads on the same topic when there don't need to be. Just like when someone posts "what's the best moisturizer", my response is going to be you should do a search first.

Second, none of these threads ever end well. Almost every single one has been locked. It's the same old argument every time. It's just pointless to repeat.
I did do a search for formaldehyde and nothing came up. So I posted this. Sorry if it was discussed before. I'm sure there's at least one person who hasn't read it before like me. I have no personal opinion on it personally.
I did do a search for formaldehyde and nothing came up. So I posted this. Sorry if it was discussed before. I'm sure there's at least one person who hasn't read it before like me. I have no personal opinion on it personally.

Try doing a search for "bkt cancer" or even just "bkt"...there are lots of threads that will come up.

OP, I'm not really annoyed with you. Everyone knows how I feel about bkt :look:. But just like other people, I get annoyed when multiple threads are posted about the same exact thing and it's obvious the person didn't do a search before they posted. Obviously it's a discussion forum, and there'd be no discussion without new threads, but the redundancy of threads just works my nerves.
thanks for Posting OP! I dunno maybe I'm different but when i see topics that are duplicates i skip them and don't bother to even post *looks*

I was thinking about doing a BKT but was unsure. I haven't researched on it, it was just a thought (I didn't like how some people's hair looked when wet). But so far i just use the Aphogee Keratin GreenTea misting spray stuff. It makes my flatiron last longer.
thanks for Posting OP! I dunno maybe I'm different but when i see topics that are duplicates i skip them and don't bother to even post *looks*

I was thinking about doing a BKT but was unsure. I haven't researched on it, it was just a thought (I didn't like how some people's hair looked when wet). But so far i just use the Aphogee Keratin GreenTea misting spray stuff. It makes my flatiron last longer.

I clicked because I thought maybe she had something new to say.
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