Biotin withdrawal or something more sinister?


Always thinking about my next hairstyle.
My mom sent me a large bottle of hair, skin and nails vits that contain 5mcg of biotin. I cautiously began taking them about five months ago. Thanks to LHCF I was well aware of the potential side effects such as acne and hairy toes.

I have scalp damage from a bad relaxer in my nape area. This area has been struggling while the rest of my hair is doing well, hampering my goal of thick hair. I self relax and apply relaxer to my nape last, but have not seen much progress. I hoped that biotin and scalp massages with Boundless Tresses would help.

I was thrilled when I began to see progress in my troubled area approximately one month ago. I had to stop taking the biotin vits because the high citric acid content was causing my eczema to flare up. (I was diagnosed with an allergy to citric acid as a child.) I also take MSM, pantothenic acid, silica, a multi vit and hyraulaunic acid so I was not worried about stopping my progress.

To my dismay the tiny hairs that had grown in my nape area were falling out:nono:. They were in the skink, on my clothes and on the floor. Biotin is the only thing that I have changed so I think it is biotin withdrawal. What's also troubling is that some of these short hairs, they are TWA short, are split at the ends! I applied AE to stop the shedding and started taking garlic today.

Do you think this is biotin withdrawal or something more sinister like protein overload (I use a lot of Ayuervedic pastes, but always follow up with moisture.)? Or could my acv rinse be too strong? TIA
Thanks to LHCF I was well aware of the potential side effects such as acne and hairy toes.

I take biotin and never heard of this.
To my dismay the tiny hairs that had grown in my nape area were falling out. They were in the skink, on my clothes and on the floor. Biotin is the only thing that I have changed so I think it is biotin withdrawal. What's also troubling is that some of these short hairs, they are TWA short, are split at the ends! I applied AE to stop the shedding and started taking garlic today.

Do you think this is biotin withdrawal or something more sinister like protein overload (I use a lot of Ayuervedic pastes, but always follow up with moisture.)? Or could my acv rinse be too strong? TIA

Is your hair relaxed? Do you use heat? If you don't do either of these things then the cause of the splitting and shedding might be internal. You might have a nutritional deficiency and garlic can help with that. Biotin doesn't cause splitting and shedding and neither does protein. I also don't think vinegar can take out your hair but your rinses shouldn't be too strong.
I take biotin and never heard of this.

Is your hair relaxed? Do you use heat? If you don't do either of these things then the cause of the splitting and shedding might be internal. You might have a nutritional deficiency and garlic can help with that. Biotin doesn't cause splitting and shedding and neither does protein. I also don't think vinegar can take out your hair but your rinses shouldn't be too strong.

@ Tiye
I am self relaxed, but do not use direct heat. I left the relaxer on my nape for no more than five minutes last time and I roller set every wash. Hopefully the garlic will help. I just started taking 1000 mgs today.
It sounds like protein overload and moisture time, IMO. How do you normally wear your hair?
i dont think its the biotin, becuase all the research ive done on it says that biotin has little to no side effects, so im guessing no withdrawl symptoms either. Maybe if your hair is split and breaking you need more moisture back there. Make sure youre rinsing well back there too. hope that helps :)
It sounds like protein overload and moisture time, IMO. How do you normally wear your hair?

@ NappyNelle
I keep it in a pony with the ends tucked in. I try to switch the location around often. I very rarely wear it down.
@ Tiye
I am self relaxed, but do not use direct heat. I left the relaxer on my nape for no more than five minutes last time and I roller set every wash. Hopefully the garlic will help. I just started taking 1000 mgs today.

Nape hair is fine/delicate, and sometimes 5 minutes of the chemicals is all that it takes to damage hair. If you have relaxer damage the garlic will help your new growth to come in healthy.
Hey Queenmickie, one thing I realised no-one has mentioned is that eczema on the scalp can cause your hair to fall out. I have scalp issues as well - so do both of my sisters - and all three of us have been to dermatologists who have indicated that we have eczema. The doctors told us - separately - that eczema can cause hair loss/shedding. In order for you to get this to stop, you'll need to get your eczema under control. I know how you feel, I've been there already...

My suggestions:
  • Maybe stop relaxing the nape for a while
  • Start to pay keen attention to your scalp
  • Reduce the amount of product you apply to your scalp
  • Explore the possibility of using either a topical or internal remedy for your eczema

What worked for me was to stay away from excessive intake of citrus-based stuff - so I can only have two or three glasses of fresh orange juice a week, any more and my eczema WILL flare up, and I keep product application to my scalp to a minimum; the only thing on my scalp is my Jane Carter Scalp Nourishing Serum (a life-saver) or water/water-based spritz!

HTH, and good luck!

ETA: Since I've been natural, my scalp has been in WAY better condition. It's like a completely different head!:yep: I'm not saying to give up the relaxer; you can try to use a milder one - I think Affirm has one for Dry & Itchy Scalps...
Hey Queenmickie, one thing I realised no-one has mentioned is that eczema on the scalp can cause your hair to fall out. I have scalp issues as well - so do both of my sisters - and all three of us have been to dermatologists who have indicated that we have eczema. The doctors told us - separately - that eczema can cause hair loss/shedding. In order for you to get this to stop, you'll need to get your eczema under control. I know how you feel, I've been there already...

My suggestions:
  • Maybe stop relaxing the nape for a while
  • Start to pay keen attention to your scalp
  • Reduce the amount of product you apply to your scalp
  • Explore the possibility of using either a topical or internal remedy for your eczema

What worked for me was to stay away from excessive intake of citrus-based stuff - so I can only have two or three glasses of fresh orange juice a week, any more and my eczema WILL flare up, and I keep product application to my scalp to a minimum; the only thing on my scalp is my Jane Carter Scalp Nourishing Serum (a life-saver) or water/water-based spritz!

HTH, and good luck!

ETA: Since I've been natural, my scalp has been in WAY better condition. It's like a completely different head!:yep: I'm not saying to give up the relaxer; you can try to use a milder one - I think Affirm has one for Dry & Itchy Scalps...


Thank you!
I think my problem is two-fold:
Protein overload
Citric acid overload

In addition to pastes I have been using Hairveda's ProMoist every wash. Not because My hair needed protein, it was getting plenty from my Amla and Brahmi pastes, but because I love the smell:wallbash:

I have also been using ALL protein leave-ins. This I did out of ignorance. I have been using Lacio Lascio, Silicon Mix with Bamboo and Salerm. I did not realize they were all protein based. I did this twice a week for over a month! :nono::naughty:

Thanks for the wake up call NappyNelle :yep:

My nape is very fine. Thanks Tiye
I think that area took the brunt of the reaction to the citric acid overload, resulting in the mass shedding of the progress I made.

I pre-pooed with AORM and honey overnight. Shampooed, did a black tea rinse with tea tree oil and peppermint. Added Matrix Hydrating Balm. Covered with plastic, topped with a heated towel, then another plastic bag. Made pancakes and sausage. :lick:
Rinsed, added HH with PC rinsed roller set using It's a 10 and NTM. I applied Hairveda Whipped Ends to the length and ends then sealed with grape seed oil. Much less shedding and my hair feels soft and strong.:grin:

Thanks for the help ladies!:kiss2: