Beyond Shoulder Length


New Member
Hello ladies, I'm not a newbie to the forum but I'm to posting. I would like to know from those who are natural and past shoulder length how long did it take you to go from shoulder length to armpit length? I seem to be stuck at this stage shoulder length for the past couple of years. Granted its only been within the past year I have been taking care of my hair although I have been natural for 5 years now. Thanx.
It's looking like it's gonna be about ten months for me. Made SL around March 2011, and I'm about an inch from APL in the back.
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Thanks AngelEyez, it just seem to be taking so long for my natural hair to go past shoulder but straightened it about armpit length.
It took me 8 months, but you should really just measure yourself and estimate by how much growth you get monthly including trims to determine how long it will take.
OP, shoulder length could last a few months. Shoulders slant as I show in the image below. Shoulder Length starts right at the point you leave neck length and you're still at shoulder length when at collarbone because shoulders slant.

Also the question "how long does it take to get past it?" is sorta hard to answer because assuming that hair is growing all the time, tomorrow could be the day when you get past CBL by a fraction of an inch. So would you say it took one day? Two days? A week? Getting past is not the issue. It's actually getting from point A to B that might be easier to assess.

A better question would be "How long did it take you to go from SL to APL?" and for that question, this thread has some answers:
Last in May I got my hair trimmed to shoulder length. By October the back was APL with the front and top lagging behind. But I don't know/remember where on my shoulder I was measuring. By December, the rest was APL. I trimmed twice since December and now the back is grazing (maybe 2") from BSL.

Its hard to say what made a difference. I actually experienced more growth and retention these past 6 months than in the previous year. In the winter I wore my hair out all the time in twist outs and realized that was not a good idea due to the weather, scarves, wool coats, etc. :nono:

I realized when your hair is hitting your shoulders - PS is the key.

I've been natural for a while and as if 2010 just started really caring for my hair so I totally feel you.
Thank you to all for ladies for the advice especially Nonie for the chart comparison and link. I do not trim my hair as it defeat the purpose of growing it out.
It took me from about June 2010 - June 2011 so 12 months... I'm not full APL because my hair grows in layers but the back is apl... I think what you said is a HUGE key... I've been natural many years but didn't start my HHJ until June 2009 and spent that whole year stalking the forums, researching, purchasing, and testing to learn my hair and form HHH healthy hair habits. So that has a lot to do with it I believe. After my bc I stayed at nl for a GOOD while. One reason people get stuck at shoulder length is the friction of hair touching clothes... For me 99% of the year was with my hair in braids under a du rag and under a wig so my ends never had a chance to touch my clothes or my shoulders. Another thing for me was being afraid to trim. I need the 8-12 week dustings and without them I end up with so many dry ends or single strand knots that I'd have to get more trimmed than I would have had to dust. Hth

Hello ladies, I'm not a newbie to the forum but I'm to posting. I would like to know from those who are natural and past shoulder length how long did it take you to go from shoulder length to armpit length? I seem to be stuck at this stage shoulder length for the past couple of years. Granted its only been within the past year I have been taking care of my hair although I have been natural for 5 years now. Thanx.