Best oils for hair growth


Active Member
Hi I am a newbie here, thanks to the thread about olive oil and cayenne pepper!! I would have intro-d myself but couldn't find the thread for that. Anyway, I want to know what are the best oils for hair growth. I know olive oil, carrot oil, rosemary, coconut oil are good but I know there are others. Trying to find my staple for daily oiling as my hair is dry. I plan to do the olive oil and cayenne at least twice a week as a pre-poo. Also, if you list an oil could you give the properties too? Thanks, only been on a day and have learned so much!!:grin:
I've expanded my hair oil regime since i've been in LCHF myself. Amla, Vatike oils etc. But the best advice I will give is...Take your time, Educate yourself on products you have no knowledge about, go the the internet and web search it, learn what you can about their pros and cons before using! Don't try to jump on every bandwagon you read about. What works for someone else doesn't work for everyone. Something I think most of us have done is...$$$, try not spend too much money, it can add up, and you will constantly read about lots of products you want to try :yep:. Most of all take your time, a quick decision could cost you your hair, progress.

Good Luck, Sincerly Anna