Baka Beauty Natural-Laxer.....????


Ayiti cherie
I was wondering if any of you ladies have ever used this product. It is supposed to relax your curl (not straighten) naturally. There is only one ingredient which is a herb.

I did a search for it here on LHCF but no one had stated they had used it. I was just wondering if since then someone has been bold enough to try it
My mom used it. She has 4 months of new growth (I'm not sure if she's transitioning or what) and said that it did softened it some. She has 4 b/c? hair.
in the past these so called natural relaxers have only done more harm than good. a lot of people that have tried them complain about them.
I've tried it and cocoa's mom is correct. It does straighten it some, not a whole lot, very subtle, but it is 100% natural. You can use as much as you want and leave it on as long as you like, nothing will happen. I used it and my husband used it. No repercussions whatsoever. That was our experience anyway.
Tammy said:
I've tried it and cocoa's mom is correct. It does straighten it some, not a whole lot, very subtle, but it is 100% natural. You can use as much as you want and leave it on as long as you like, nothing will happen. I used it and my husband used it. No repercussions whatsoever. That was our experience anyway.

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Okay, now I'm curious. What's in it?
Here ya go:

Product Category: Hair, Styling

3. Item Number A47B - Natural-Laxer™ Relaxer, 28g package (Baka)
Chemical-Free, Herbal Hair Relaxer
Natural-Laxer™ Relaxer is a chemical-free hair relaxer and conditioning system. It naturally relaxes, detangles, and strengthens hair for a natural silky/smooth look. No odor. No burning. Safe for children and the entire family.

Relaxer is a gradual relaxation process which gently relaxes and strengthens the hair. Since it is 100% natural, permanent color can be used on the same day if desired. It can be used over chemical perms and is a great transition product used between curly and straight perms. It is known to stop hair breakage and enhance hair growth. Natural-Laxer™ Relaxer is in powder form packaged in 28 gram packets which consists of only one herbal imported evergreen plant which has been ground into a fine powder. Not a mixture of herbs- It is one pure herbal hair relaxer and conditioner. INGREDIENTS: Daphne Gnidium, an evergreen which is indigenous to Africa and the Mediterranean. Chemical-free.

Common use: Natural relaxer- 100% Natural/herbal and chemical-free. Herbal strengthener; detangler. Safe for women, men, children, teens. Gentle on scalp. Can be left on the hair for longer periods of time if desired; can be used as frequently as desired.

Suggested Directions: Shampoo, rinse and towel dry hair. Pour one complete package of Natural- Laxer into a mixing bowl. Mix with 8 oz. of hot water. Apply to hair. Rinse, shampoo & condition. (Additional instructions & suggestions included with packet).

Your Price $9.95
Pooh, that's what they claim . They listed one herb as the ingredient and apparently it comes in powder form and you have to mix it with water. Unfortunately its $12 a packet so I wanna know before I buy. And there's this other stuff that they highly recommend you use with it....I'm sure that stuff costs an arm and a leg too...
Thanks for the info Tammy, that's the stuff. But I think the website I went to is trying to jip me, your's only cost $9.95!
Alliyah & Patience

That's true, usually I wouldn't even consider.......we all remember rio, Rio, RIO!! Then it was COPA!! (I used to watch those commercials all the time

But this one sounded different when I was reading the description....that's why I wanted to ask on here if anyone hair had fallen out or whatever.

Well when if I'm posting next month about how all my hair fell out, you can say "I told you so!"
When I looked up the herb that used, everything I found said it was poisonous.
That scared me.
Good luck if you decide to try it. I hope it's not another Rio or Copa.
Hey guys you had caught on to my secret I use Baka Natural and Tammy is right. It does not straightened the hair, but it does loosen the curl pattern. It has been good for me since I am in the midst of transitioning. The perm was breaking off because of the new growth, now that I have been using Baka natural-laxer my hair seems much stronger and it doesn’t tangle as much. The stuff looks and smell like tea.

The only downfall about using this product is the lengthy process in applying it. You have to shampoo your hair first, then apply it to your entire head, somewhat like a perm on virgin hair. After you sit under the dryer for 45 minutes then another 30-45 minutes without the dryer. And finally you can shampoo, condition and style.

I was apprehensive at first trying this product do to Rio. Infact I wanted to see what it look like before I purchased through the internet. After contacting them I found that they did sell this product in very few stores. There was one in my area that sold it. It wasn’t a beauty supply store, but an all herbal shop. The Black women that were did all use that product and said their hair has never been healthier and they all had long, thick hair.

You can check out Mahalialee4 old posts. She had asked about Baka products a few year back.
Blkbeauty, I forgot all about that long process. The whole sitting under the dryer for x amount of minutes then w/o for x amount of minutes but once again guys, it is safe. You know how we are on this board, we research and get fellow testimonies before purchasing products and that's what I did w/this product. I'm not about to put just anything on my head, and I was convinced that this product would be just fine and it was. I bought it initially to help me out w/transitioning, but I decided not to and therefore, no longer needed to use it.
Secret's out now girl!

It sounds like it's been working for you. How often do you use it? Do you blowdry or press your hair?
I did look it up at There was one complaint listed for it back in 1995. It said dryness but not burning to the head. I saw that it was poisonous when ingested and may cause dermatitis (itch,redness) if a person comes in contact with the sap of the flower.

I was only going to use it on my hair because it doesn't start curling until about 1/2 inch out my scalp(weird)...then it goes crazy. I'll probably just do a strand test to see how it works out first.
nurseN98 said:
I'll probably just do a strand test to see how it works out first.

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That's exactly what you should do!!
nurseN98 said:
I think your mom may be one of the few brave ones Cocoa

But I may be next!

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I agree. She's always trying stuff on her hair. I guess she figures push comes to shove she can just cut it off and start over. Her hair grows fast.
The good news—

(Cut and pasted from the Yahoo! group blackhairgrowout)

hi- tried the product last year. it was good- did no damage to my hair, decreased frizz, didn't change the color of my hair, made it easier to blow dry, etc. In fact I wrote them telling to express my like for their product. I have stopped using it because I am forever looking for a product that is like RIO. Girl- ye I loved RIO! This is the closest. What I didn't like was I thought it made my hair too dry and you must use the provided hair oil (to brevent hair from becomming too dry). I decided I prefer curly hair and began using a regular acid curly perm to tame and reshape mmy own curls. I like this better because it isn't as harsh as anything else I've tried - except the Natural laxer. I know it was supposed to help tame curls but my problem is that I have a poorly defined curl pattern, so anything that makes it straighter only breaks up the curl pattern more, so I couldn't continue to use Naturallaxer unless I wanted to wear my hair straight.
Hope this helps, I know how hard it is to get info- honest info! Oh, it will NOT make your hair straight- forget that! But it will be softer and easier to manage. The staff are very friendly. (

The bad news—
Mahalialee did a little research and found out that the Daphne Gnidium plant is caustic and can cause blistering etc...
Thanks for the info Sassygirl, but she said
I decided I prefer curly hair and began using a regular acid curly perm to tame and reshape mmy own curls.

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WTH is an "acid curly perm"? Does she mean the perms that ppl with straight hair get to make their hair curly or is this something diff.?
Well, they say for the first 3 applications you will have to press your hair, because the results are very subtle. But I just simply let it air dry. I can tell you this because it softens your hair and loosens the curl pattern when I do apply heat to my new growth it doesn't take much to get my hair straight as oppose to without the natural-laxer.

Again, the natural-laxer will not get the hair straight unless heat is applied. Do a strand test and PM me and let me know how it goes for you.

Take care
I ordered some of this but have yet to use it. I also ordered the Sahara Clay to go along with it. (The Sahara Clay will also double as a facial mask so my husband is going to try that). I'm planning on using it tomorrow so I'll let you know how it goes. It's supposed to take 3 applications 7-10 days apart and then you are to continue to apply it every 6-8 weeks. It's supposed to help your hair keep from reverting so quickly also. We'll see.
yeah I heard that the Sahara Clay is suppose to enhance the affect. Hmmm, I thing I might just order me some.
Let me know how it goes!