[B]How long should I wait to relax after washing my hair?[/B]


New Member
How long should I wait to relax after washing my hair?

I washed it Monday and was thinking of relaxing today. Is that ok? Coz I once relaxed a day after washing and the relaxer hadn't even been on my head for 2 minutes before it started to burn real bad.
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I wash the same day I relax, that's the only way I don't burn. There's a thread in this. I'll see if I can find it.
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i wash daily, so i normaly do my touchups right before my daily wash... but maybe it's not so bad because i cowash??... i dunno...

no matter what, though, i don't experience burning... as a matter of fact, i haven't had burning since i started self-relaxing...
My hair was relaxed my hair 2 days after washing and deep conditioning.... I think waiting atleast 2-3 days is fine.
I think as long as you don't stratch or rub your scalp during washing, waiting 1-2 days seems fine. I've always waited a week:)
CAPlush said:
I think as long as you don't stratch or rub your scalp during washing, waiting 1-2 days seems fine. I've always waited a week:)

those are some big rollers, I'm gonna have to purchase some