Au naturale . . . silver, gray, grey, white . . .whatevuh

My sister loves her gray; she's got a shock of it at the front of her hairline and I have to admit that it looks good on her. But me, that's another story. My gray isn't coming in pretty at all, so as long as the good Lord makes the henna and indigo plants grow, well, that will be my solution.

My paternal grandmother and aunt had the prettiest silver hair, but I don't think I got that gene, my sister did.
I inquired about it, but mgmt. states it is a no go. :ohwell:

That's because they're not old yet. Just wait... :lol: We'll get one if we stick around long enough and keep asking.

The majority of the forum's members are on the young side of age and that's who they cater to.
More pictures for inspiration











Thanks for bumping this thread up. I have quite a few silver strands (about 20 in the front and who knows what's going on in the middle or back). I was just thinking about whether I should color it or let it go. I'm only 32.

That's because they're not old yet. Just wait... :lol: We'll get one if we stick around long enough and keep asking.

The majority of the forum's members are on the young side of age and that's who they cater to.

Wednesday I was typing content for a New Thread "50+ Seasoned Members" but when I was ready to post - the system had logged me out - and I didn't re-type.

I was curious about any members who are over 50+ and on a LHJ. So seeing this thread makes me think a separate thread, for 50+ forum members may be a good idea, especially if a separate forum is not likely at this time. Certainly our challenges/regime may be a little different than younger forum members (grey hair, hormones, menopause age factor, metabolism, etc.)
That's my mom's hair! :) on the thread you quoted.
I dye mine, and leave out a streak of grey in the front over my forehead. But will let my grays (more than 70%) out when I'm older.

Ladies, you can check
cafe gray

create albums on your pinterest, like mine

Thanks Danysedai - I'll be sure to check these out.

And thank you for the inspirational pictures. If I could get close to looking like the beautiful diva in the first picture with the curly do - I would be a "seasoned - my stuff don't stink hot mess" :lachen:

Jus' kidding - but I would be absolutely besides myself :lol::yep:
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I long for Salt and Pepper. Really more Salt than Pepper. I've had a grey streak for years.
I thought more gray was coming in so I stopped tinting with Cellophane thinking I was about be fierce in the gray dept. It stopped growing and I'm pissed off!!!! My mother and Grandmother has/had beautiful gray hair. I want it right damn now!!!!!!!!!!
I love seeing older ladies with all grey healthy thick hair. It could be shoulder length and not that long and its so pretty. But not rushing my greys....
I am thinking about growing my grey back out. I henna my hair every month and I love the color but for some reason I am really missing my salt and pepper hair. Having 3 colors is a challenge.
I haven't started coloring my grays yet. I have a concentrated patch in the front left side that I'm okay with for now. I'm not ready for full salt and pepper though lol. I see myself using henna in the near future.
I refuse to hide behind color and do all that work. Grey doesn't make anyone look old unless you already do imo.
This woman right here is absolutely stunning. I agree with Firecracker, gray hair doesn't make one look old unless they already look old....she looks very youthful, even better than before she was gray:


Before gray:
I'm graying, mostly at my temples. I tried some of the recommended safe for relaxed hair colors but the gray was a weird color and faded back to gray with a few washings. Since I have been relaxed for the majority of my adult life and just recently got a grip on how to take care of my relaxed hair...I'm going with stretching, texlaxing and no color--let the grays fall where they may. I think the bone-straight relaxing was keeping my grays short but I think I notice a difference with the texture. It never really was the color at bothered me was the contrast between the bone-straight brown and wiry, kinky grays right in the front for everyone to see. I always looked like I needed a touch up.
~~HoneyComb~~ said:
This woman right here is absolutely stunning. I agree with Firecracker, gray hair doesn't make one look old unless they already look old....she looks very youthful, even better than before she was gray:

Before gray:

She is very beautiful, but to me she definitely looks older with the gray hair. I only cover my grays with a rinse when I get a touch up about 4 times a year. I can always tell when it's time for a touch up because when people are talking to me their eyes keep darting from my eyes to my temple (lots do gray) and back again.
I have a patch of gray hair in the front f my head. I didn't dye my hair for yrs, then my friends started harassing me about dying my hair. Now I'm back to not dying my grays. I have to find some pics
Atdow71 I have a small streak of gray in the front. I call it my Josey from the Pussycats look. Only folks my age would remember that cartoon. LOL

~~HoneyComb~~ that lady looks radiant after her gray. The before is blah looking like a load of other women. She stands out much more with the beautiful Salt. She also looks like she could be Lucie mother in that pic in the black dress.
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Atdow71 I have a small streak of gray in the front. I call it my Josey from the Pussycats look. Only folks my age would remember that cartoon. LOL

~~HoneyComb~~ that lady looks radiant after her gray. The before is blah looking like a load of other women. She stands out much more with the beautiful Salt. She also looks like she could be Luci mother in that pic in the black dress.

Oh how I loved me some Josie & the pussy cats.