Apl 2018

Happy New Year to you too!!:dance7:

I’ve learned that I must have a solid plan too. I’m not one of these lucky gals that can grow butt length hair on a whim. My back will grow and retain with little effort but my sides and front are super fragile. That’s why I’m keeping it super simple with just moisturizing, sealing, and hiding my ends. My back is still too short from wearing the tapered cut after my BC, so I can’t bun yet. I’m wearing the two French braids until I can bun. Being able to bun is my mini goal for this year. :D I do tuck and pin the ends of my braids to keep them out of the wind though. Seems to be working out well thus far.

Coloring my hair is something I think about. I only have a few strands of gray but of course they will begin to take over as time goes on. Do you use semi or permanent to color your hair?

I tried using henna once and it was such a mess!! It made my hair super hard too. I wanted it to work but I don’t think I did it right. Anyone had good results?

I was using henna until last month. You may want to try different types of henna. I also think some ladies mix theirs with coconut milk for softer affects. And you definitely want to deep condition well afterwards. I didn't have any drying effects. I kept my henna simple with just henna and green tea. I also only keep it on for 2 or 3 hours. I think leaving it on for extend hours would not work well for me. I hate the color that henna turns my hair. It is a brassy copper. I was using indigo after the henna but it doesn't stick to my hair very well

I'm currently using Surya Brasil which is a natural henna semi-permanent color. I've only been using it for the past month or so. So far I like it. My grays and my low porosity hair are hard to color with a semi-permanent color but I have had good results with this color so far.
I wonder if my twist will be long enough for this by the end of the year. It's already the style I wear, Just have to get my twist long enough to wrap together and hang.

I really don't know what I'm doing wrong. I had my hair in crochet locs from July to December, leaving my hair untouched for 8 weeks at a time. When I'd take the locs down I'd wash, DC and blowdry and then cornrow again to install the locs. I didn't flat iron the entire time. My hair grew out a lot but the ends were still horrible. I don't know what to do to prevent these split ends from taking over!

Are you able to moisturize or put oil on your hair under the locs?
I think protective styles have helped my hair to grow but the ends were raggedy or split. So I'm going to have to probably trim them. I really have no clue because my hair never gets to APL.
Have you considered wigs? You can take it off everyday and cater for your hair needs more easily. You’re still protective styling in the form of cornrows or braids underneath, but you actually get to feel your hair more often.
I want to join, I'll come back later to post info but I can't get a starting pic till I take my current weave out. I think I am solidly brushing shoulder length now.

My challenge is to not cut my hair!! I am getting married in September and I just want enough hair to have options. I'd prefer to wear my own if it looks long enough by then. I need to stay up in this thread so I won't go to the barber.
So I started my every 4 day regimen. I will be doing a water rinse, cowash, shampoo or something with a lot of water every 4 days. I will trial this for 90 to 120 days and then re-evaluate.

I water rinsed and then conditioned with Nexxus Emergencee. I felt my hair and my ends needed some love after several blow dries and a flat iron. I did some form of LOC with TGIN leave-in, Mane Choice split end serum, Mane Choice Restorative spray, Carols Daughter Honey Mimosa and twisted with TGIN gel. Back in my flat twist.

I'm looking forward to the day when I can dry in twist/braids, wear them for a day and then convert them to a style. Just being able to put braids up into a mini-bun would be helpful.
Day 4 of my first week of the Inversion Method. I won’t be measuring my hair growth with a tshirt or ruler or anything, since I’m mostly interested in gaining more length so I can cut off the damaged hair without sacrificing a lot all at once. That sounds really stupid now that I’ve typed out. Ah well. I’m style challenged so anything where I can’t put it in some kind of bunny puff is too daggone short for me
Day 4 of my first week of the Inversion Method. I won’t be measuring my hair growth with a tshirt or ruler or anything, since I’m mostly interested in gaining more length so I can cut off the damaged hair without sacrificing a lot all at once. That sounds really stupid now that I’ve typed out. Ah well. I’m style challenged so anything where I can’t put it in some kind of bunny puff is too daggone short for me
There is nothing wrong with that. I cut mine all off at once and it was a pain so do what works for you.
What length are you now? chin length on the sidees and in the front, shoulder length in the back.

What's your regimen? Umm...:look:

What do you need to do/change to reach APL? Develop a regimen. :lol: Right now, I just kind of wash and DC when I feel like it. But I’m also protecting styling with a wig until at least spring or summer. Also, get my breakage under control.

Goal areas: all, but especially sides and crown.

What month would you like to reach your goal? End of the year.

Post your starting pic.
***If you have a section/sections already APL, post a pic of the areas NOT APL***

This is the only one I took that will upload. This is a half-arsed flat iron (I'm natural).
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I'm in.

What length are you now? NL

What's your regimen? Crowning Glory

What do you need to do/change to reach APL? Retain length

Goal areas: back, front, sides, crowns if already APL in a section/sections - Back

What month would you like to reach your goal? December