Anyone Prayed Evil Spirits Off Their Property/Hedge of Protection


New Member
Hi you all,

I'm a prayer warrior and I guess this question is posed to those who know what to do in spiritual warfare situations.

Anyhow, I pray usually at least 1 hr. straight a day. When I'm fasting, my prayers can go anywhere from 2-8 hr.s straight but usually, an average of 2-3 hours. Well, when I started to grow closer to God, an evil spirit came in my bedroom and was leaving and coming all night. Then I didn't know how to engage in spiritual warfare adn bind the spirit but now I do. Of course, I know now that I have authority adn power as a true servant of Jesus Christ and in his name, they must obey my command.

Long story short, two months ago an evil spirit thru my purse on the floor off my dresser. I jumped out of bed adn bound it immediately in Jesus Christ name and cast it into spiritual wilderness until God's judgment. Spiritual wilderness is an equivalent of the dessert for evil spirits because they thrive off water or places with moisture. So they hate this place. About a few months before that, I saw one descend in billows into my ceiling in which the Holy Spirit told me to bind it and as soon as I started saying the name of Jesus Christ, the spirit ascended quickly and left.

A month later, I saw a dark shadow while I'm reading the bible in a highly lit room floating in the air. I bound it and cast it out into spiritual wilderness. Last week, a spirit through a pillow on the floor in my home and started rattling some bags in my house. About 4 days ago, one was messing with a sign in my house. Then, when I was sleep, of course all windows closed I felt a huge gush of air go past me like someone running past me. Again, I bound the spirit in Jesus Christ name.

I know that God is training me in spiritual warfare because I am a prayer warrior. He gave me a confirmation through someone because I hadn't mentioned it to my friends but the Holy Spirit spoke to annoint my home with oil. I did so and have been praying for my hedge of protection and the Holy Spirit told me again to annoint my home with oil. I did so and he wakes me up sometimes before a spirit tries to get in my home. I spend all night sometimes just loosing the blood of Jesus. Is there anything else I should be doing?

*Note* I don't engage in fornication, any sexual sins, no pornography, no ouija boards, no Harry Potter movies, nothing that would give evil spirits a right to come into my home.
Hi, Chicacanella,
That you're active in spiritual warfare (strong prayer life) is grounds for spirits to come at you. However, you are already protected and need not do anything but remain in the secret place, where you ARE protected by God's Shadow. They can't touch you!

Sounds like you have the gift of discerning spirits, and could see in the spirit realm.. Almighty God could be preparing you for something big and the devil is trying to stop this from happening. IMHO, that seems to be what's happening...although, I could be wrong. Stay vigilant, nonetheless.
I too am a prayer warrior and I have prayed over my home.. Often. I was going through four months of spiritual attacks purpoted to drive me mad. SO yes.. I've prayed over my house.. I also suggest praying in Hebrew as well.. Hebrew and Aramic.. Its the langauge YHWH gave us Isrealites. Annoit your house with oil
Tell them that they have no legal domain there
no spiritual domain there
that YESHUA is the authority and legal defender of your home
and nothing that is OF Him can reside there.
Kick them out and invite the Characteristics of Yeshua in.
I know that God is training me in spiritual warfare because I am a prayer warrior. He gave me a confirmation through someone because I hadn't mentioned it to my friends but the Holy Spirit spoke to annoint my home with oil. I did so and have been praying for my hedge of protection and the Holy Spirit told me again to annoint my home with oil. I did so and he wakes me up sometimes before a spirit tries to get in my home. I spend all night sometimes just loosing the blood of Jesus. Is there anything else I should be doing?
It sounds like you are in training for a call God has placed on your life. Many members, one body you know? You have pretty much employed the things we as believers are supposed to do in these situations. They cannot hurt you and must leave when you tell them to so I would say continue with the prayers, binding and losing, applying of the blood covering and hedges, and fasting etc. I am assuming you have already asked the Father what he is trying to teach you from these experiences? Nothing written is superior to your prayer language but here is a link to a prayer manual with a few prayers pertaining to spiritual warfare. Perhaps others will chime in too. There are several prayers aimed at dealing with demonic occurrences. Look over the table of contents. Look at the In a Pinch Prayer as well.
Hi, Chicacanella,
That you're active in spiritual warfare (strong prayer life) is grounds for spirits to come at you. However, you are already protected and need not do anything but remain in the secret place, where you ARE protected by God's Shadow. They can't touch you!

Sounds like you have the gift of discerning spirits, and could see in the spirit realm.. Almighty God could be preparing you for something big and the devil is trying to stop this from happening. IMHO, that seems to be what's happening...although, I could be wrong. Stay vigilant, nonetheless.

Yeah, I know because God gave me a confirmation through someone else. The Holy Spirit actually chuckles and tells me he's proud of me when I bind these spirits. At first, I'm like, "God, you are laughing? This is serious business!" But then the Holy Spirit affirmed to me a scripture, "But the Lord laughs at the wicked, for he knows their day is coming." Psalm 37:13. It's no big deal to God, so I'm like if it's no big deal to him, it's no big deal to me.

My friend actually, who can really, really hear from God has battled against principalities. And God showed her the spirit bound and he was maddddd! He couldn't get loose and she said, everytime you go against a principality, they always have a weapon. It's a strategic way you have to do it because she said everytime she would go up against this spirit, they'd try to use a weapon. Then she said the spirit came one night and was trying to get her to stop praying against it. She didn't so it came back with more spirits, and she was like, "I'm still not going to stop praying."

I too am a prayer warrior and I have prayed over my home.. Often. I was going through four months of spiritual attacks purpoted to drive me mad. SO yes.. I've prayed over my house.. I also suggest praying in Hebrew as well.. Hebrew and Aramic.. Its the langauge YHWH gave us Isrealites. Annoit your house with oil
Tell them that they have no legal domain there
no spiritual domain there
that YESHUA is the authority and legal defender of your home
and nothing that is OF Him can reside there.
Kick them out and invite the Characteristics of Yeshua in.

Prayer warriors, are like the first line of defense. I feel like we make up for the Christians who don't pray at all.:look:

I don't know how I know, well actually I do. I just can sense by the Holy Spirit when they are there. I've observed that praise and worship runs them away, quickly.
But I didn't mention this but two days ago knocked over my annointing oil. Again, I bound it like 15 times and cast it out.

I know that God is training me in spiritual warfare because I am a prayer warrior. He gave me a confirmation through someone because I hadn't mentioned it to my friends but the Holy Spirit spoke to annoint my home with oil. I did so and have been praying for my hedge of protection and the Holy Spirit told me again to annoint my home with oil. I did so and he wakes me up sometimes before a spirit tries to get in my home. I spend all night sometimes just loosing the blood of Jesus. Is there anything else I should be doing?
It sounds like you are in training for a call God has placed on your life. Many members, one body you know? You have pretty much employed the things we as believers are supposed to do in these situations. They cannot hurt you and must leave when you tell them to so I would say continue with the prayers, binding and losing, applying of the blood covering and hedges, and fasting etc. I am assuming you have already asked the Father what he is trying to teach you from these experiences? Nothing written is superior to your prayer language but here is a link to a prayer manual with a few prayers pertaining to spiritual warfare. Perhaps others will chime in too. There are several prayers aimed at dealing with demonic occurrences. Look over the table of contents. Look at the In a Pinch Prayer as well.

Yeah, God told me I have a level to go up against. I don't know if it's because my friend is heavily involved in spiritual warfare but she said teh enemy didn't want her talking to me and helping me. God showed me something in teh spiritual realm. I saw an evil spirit that looked like it was in the clouds and it was watching my property. I think they watch from like the 1st heaven, which are the clouds. Second heaven, the dark outerspace where the planets are. Third heaven, where God The Father's throne is.
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stop constantly binding..
BInd and be done with it...

You are in Authority Under WHo You serve...
not them
when you constantly bind it appears weak..
don't get me wrong.. some demons are stronger than others.

those takes stronger binding
even callon Angels.. that is thier tasks. to protect thier charge...

i too am in training even more so
and I have the call to go back and continue Interceeding......

I can show you and tell what I know and expierence if you like.. something may help you

I've dealt with the Supernatural for years
and I'm not saying this at all out of arrogance
I'm saying because I know how messed up things really are.. and that's a burden it really is
I also suggest that you null and void any legal and spiritual contracts any former owners have made with demons or people in your family knowingly and unknowingly have.. they cannot hassle you unless they have a legal right somewhere.
I also suggest that you null and void any legal and spiritual contracts any former owners have made with demons or people in your family knowingly and unknowingly have.. they cannot hassle you unless they have a legal right somewhere.

I'm glad you mentioned this which is what I was taught.

Chica - you personally probably haven't opened the door for attacks but the recurring hassles can come from association that is unknown to you.
This is enlightening.

When you guys anoint your home, what do you do? I assume people take some type of oil and make a cross sign over doorways into rooms and pray to God to place a hedge of protection around all inhabitants of the household.
UM NO. What I do is I pray on the four walls of. Every room and the center

I rebuke every legal ansd spiritul right and ask forgiveness for any and all sins

Annoit. I pray over my bed since the advesary gets a thrill outta bothering me when I sleep (sighing and rolling eyes).

I rebuke contracts null and void and ask Yeshua and all that is connected to Him to come in
This is from experience...

Make sure that in your praying you are not actually focusing your attention on evil spirits, but rather on Christ. The presence of Christ and the expanse of the Holy Spirit do not abide in the same place with demons--they flee from Christ. Focus your attention on abiding more and more deeply in the presence of Christ and in the leading of the Spirit.

You can certainly see, but do not become fascinated with seeing. It can be subtle, but really don't direct your attention too much to the spirits themselves. By doing so, you can invite more "activity" as it were.

ETA: I would be remiss if I did not add Luke 10:20--"Nevertheless, do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven."
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We've seen spirits in this house. Actually, when we first moved here, I was taking out the trash outside at night in summer but it was a cool night with some fog. I thought a deer passed me but I distinctly saw in my mind's eye a little blond girl giggling. I don't know if she was good or bad. I do believe in the communion of saints...those passed on from this world are around us (heavenly dimension) and pray for those on earth in their daily walk. I just didn't at the time wish to pay attention to it.

I've also seen a very ugly-faced man in work attire outside the window...again, in my mind's eye. Saw this thing in the basement. My kids have said that there is a presence in the home and neighborhood. That's when I got more holy images and even opened up the scriptures to set on the table and doused the home with holy water. I've prayed various times for this to stop happening. My littlest ones have seen evil things as I had as a child and adult but G-d is so good. He has replaced the evil things with heavenly apparitions and messages.

He has given us very holy apparitions, images and "words of knowledge" of a sort that He is with us. Not everyone will see such signs and it doesn't mean one's faith is weak, it is simply the way that He will communicate to whomever He so desires. I am eternally grateful for it and I continue to pray for peace and protection from evil. It's a necessary duty in life, imho. What He has given us, at Sinai and through is very real.:yep:
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We always annoint our homes or apt before moving in and once that's done, there are no problems. Make sure the oil you use has been blessed by a true Man of the Cloth. We bless all openings in the house, be sure to include the air vents, all around doors and windows, anyplace spirits can try to com in. Make sure to do the doors, so they can't enter in with other people. Once that's done, there shouldn't be anymore problems.
This is enlightening.

When you guys anoint your home, what do you do? I assume people take some type of oil and make a cross sign over doorways into rooms and pray to God to place a hedge of protection around all inhabitants of the household.

Pray your heart, sweetie pie, just pray your precious heart to the Lord.

As for me,

I apply 'oil' to the door posts of my home with this prayer:

Father I thank you for your presence in me and in my home. In like manner, as the Children of Israel applied the Blood of the Lamb to their door posts, so am I with this oil. I thank you that no evil shall come upon me or my loved ones, neither shall any harm come nigh us.

Father, I thank you for the same angels that you assigned to block the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve sinned, are posted by my door allowing no entrance of any evil of any kind, in Jesus' Name.

Evil does not reside in me, you do, for your word declares that the Greater One, you, dwells in us, and Father God where you dwell, no other spirit can; they have been ruled out. Your presence is here and it rules and reigns and no other, for though art God, indeed thou art God.

In Jesus' Name I pray, Amen and Amen. :Rose:
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Now this scripture I absolutely love from Luke 10 .. It just blesses me so. :yep:

And the seventy returned again with joy, saying, Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name.

18 And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.

19 Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

20 Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven.

I'm jumping up and down with this word, cause it BLESSES ME! When God first gave me this scripture in Luke 10, I literally took it to heart.

Jesus SAID... He saw satan fall as lighting from Heaven. The imp FELL from Heaven, quicker than lightening.....Quick. Michael, the arch angel, was..... not..... playing.... :woohoo2:

And with that God gave me this from Isaiah 14... Lord have mercy :meme:

:woohoo2: :woohoo2: :woohoo2:

I'm excited..... can you tell? :lol: It's just that the following scripture from the Word of God is sooooooooooooooooo good! You will never lose sleep or spend excessive time ever again rebuking devils from your homes.

Okay... here it is:


Those who see you stare at you, they ponder your fate: "Is this the man who shook the earth and made kingdoms tremble, the man who made the world a desert, who overthrew its cities and would not let his captives go home?"

...... but you will be thrown out of your grave like a worthless branch. Like a corpse trampled underfoot, you will be dumped into a mass grave with those killed in battle. You will descend to the pit.

Is this the one? Are you kidding me? :nono: All this time, satan was roaring as if he were a lion, king of the jungle, and yet all awhile, he was nothing other than a toothless 'bark' and a roar's echo. He was and is still nothing, and has no power whatsoever, other than what I give him. And even with that, he is too small to overcome the Blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ our Lord.

Psalm 3:

1 LORD, how many are my foes!
How many rise up against me!
2 Many are saying of me,
“God will not deliver him.”

3 But you, LORD, are a shield around me,
my glory, the One who lifts my head high.
4 I call out to the LORD,
and he answers me from his holy mountain.

5 I lie down and sleep;
I wake again, because the LORD sustains me.
6 I will not fear though tens of thousands
assail me on every side.

7 Arise, LORD!
Deliver me, my God!
Strike all my enemies on the jaw;
break the teeth of the wicked.

8 From the LORD comes deliverance.
May your blessing be on your people.

The next time the enemy shows himself, ignore him and go to sleep. Truly, for there is nothing he can do but leave. Dogs don't bark at parked cars or sleeping bodies. :sleep2:
ITA 1000%

however, there is a reason why it's called warfare and I will always say Jesus is our example in all things.

Wrestle, struggle, fight are active words, not passive.

Satan stepped to Jesus, so he will step to us. Jesus put the devil in his place, so should we. I agree there is no need to focus on evil... it's like sin vs. righteousness. There has to be a balance. Be aware of any spiritual activity, deal with it and be done with it. The WAR however, won't end until Jesus returns.

This is from experience...

Make sure that in your praying you are not actually focusing your attention on evil spirits, but rather on Christ. The presence of Christ and the expanse of the Holy Spirit do not abide in the same place with demons--they flee from Christ. Focus your attention on abiding more and more deeply in the presence of Christ and in the leading of the Spirit.

You can certainly see, but do not become fascinated with seeing. It can be subtle, but really don't direct your attention too much to the spirits themselves. By doing so, you can invite more "activity" as it were.

ETA: I would be remiss if I did not add Luke 10:20--"Nevertheless, do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven."
and we ARE AT WAR... and it's bigger than we realize... A LOT BIGGER... and it WILL NOT END until Yeshua returns.
So yes. guard yourselves. because the War is Real and the prize... our souls.... which side will you give that prize to
I use oil my mom gave me that was blessed by her pastor...It's not so much the oil, but being in agreement with the person who blessed the oil... so when I use the oil (sparingly), I"m adding my faith to the minister's faith. I anoint the doors, and confess (already believe) that I am protected. It's a combination of the super + the natural, an act of faith... sort of when that woman touched the hem of Jesus' garment. It was her faith that made her whole, yet her faith couldn't have been activated until she did something in the natural. That's the best way I can describe why I use anointed oil. HTH

This is enlightening.

When you guys anoint your home, what do you do? I assume people take some type of oil and make a cross sign over doorways into rooms and pray to God to place a hedge of protection around all inhabitants of the household.
Was the oil blessed that you used? Do you have a church home and if so, have you talked with your Pastor regarding these happenings?
What type of oil do you guys use as your "holy" or "annointed" oil?

For those of you who use this oil, are you all of the Pentecostal and/or Apostolic denominations?
My husband uses "olive oil" that he blessed and we're not of Pentecostal and/or Apostolic denominations.
What type of oil do you guys use as your "holy" or "annointed" oil?

For those of you who use this oil, are you all of the Pentecostal and/or Apostolic denominations?

Olive oil or essential oil that is blessed.. I'm a former pentecostal that is now Messianic
What type of oil do you guys use as your "holy" or "annointed" oil?

For those of you who use this oil, are you all of the Pentecostal and/or Apostolic denominations?

Catholic.... formulas taken from scripture (salt was used to make things sacred way back...that's how it becomes holy water, with prayer and salt). Olive oil or "chrism." I've got water from the Jordan, gotten by a friend when she traveled to Israel. Also got chrism and blessed water from Lourdes, France. It's absolutely biblical, whether catholic or pentecostal and those in-between. :yep: Jesus was annointed various times.
What type of oil do you guys use as your "holy" or "annointed" oil?

For those of you who use this oil, are you all of the Pentecostal and/or Apostolic denominations?

We use 'Olive Oil' [however oil is oil, we're not going to break the flow of prayer and God's anointing ], if Olive is unable we've held what we have on hand unto God for Him to bless it as we pray.

Our Church is Non-Denominational, however we do have a Pentecostal background.
This is all very scary - spirits making themselves visible like that? Knocking down things, descending from the all sounds like a horror movie. All because you are a prayer warrior? WOW.
That is NOTHING compared to what they're capable of.. I've dealt with this as a child.... They're a nusiance... So bind and kick out frequently... Other things however.... This is just the tip of the iceberg of the spirititual war we're in... This is the "pretty stuff". I've seen ugly things. However MY GOD IS GREATHER YHWH IS GREATER HE IS GREATER THAN ALL THINGS!