Another Curlformers Thread, Everyone post your Results and Reviews here


Hey everyone, I’m new, but long time lurker. Just want to thank kellylinn77 who shared her results.

Ok so here’s my review. I used three packs of the long and narrow (blue & green). Yes, since I am a college student I was being cheap and only got three packs LOL, but I made them work. I sectioned the back of my hair in big sections and used a lot in the front. I did this because I was going to separate the curls. My hair was wet when I did them and I used some setting lotion mix. I let it air dry and I also slept in them, it wasn’t that bad.

The Good:grin:
-All the curls had the same shape.
-It took about 30 minutes once I got used to putting them on.

The Bad:wallbash:
-They wasn’t long enough for my hair in the back. I have to leave about an inch out from the roots, so my ends wouldn’t hang out.
-I guess I was doing it wrong at first, because I got the rod thingy stuck between the roller fabric two times. Once I got it out, the roller was still intact.

Overall I like my style, but I’m still debating if I should take them back. I can do this with flexi rods. I went and got two packs of the long and wide (orange & pink) yesterday. On my next wash, I’m going to use those in the back of my hair and one pack of the long and narrow in the front. The result of that set will determine if I want to return them or not. But they are good for someone who is roller challenged.

The pictures are in my fotki, my files were too big to post, i'm working on them.

Update: So, I returned the long & narrow curlformers and got 3 packs of extra long & wide and 1 pack of the long and wide and I like the results that I got and they were long enough.
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I love it! I think your hair looks beautiful.:yep: I am surprised you would take them back. I am however rollerset challenged so for me this is the best thing since sliced bread. I have seen nothing but good results with these so far. I purchased the kit as well as the long individual packs. I am so excited about them. Did you feel like the pulling through with the hook could be damaging to the hair at all? Thanks for sharing.
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Next they need to come out with ones that mimic the results of Magnetic Rollers - in my mind they would be shaped like fruit roll-ups. And then you could wrap them once you take down the rollers. Beaaaaaaaaaaautiful. :grin:
Girl yours came out real good and you only used 3 packs WOW!!! I have some in my hair right now this is the second time I have used them this week :grin: I LOVE THEM ...they are so easy and ALOT OF FUN to use!! :drunk:
your hair turned out great ... i went out and bought me some yesterday but i only got two packs, them bad boys kinda pricey but the results look worth it. good job!!!
OMG! Girl you better not take them back! It came out krute!:yep: lol If anything go get you some more! lol (waiting for another Sally's coupon :sekret:)
I like the results ... I don't think I'll have the patience for them. They don't look easy to put in? But I love the effect they give. Maybe I'll give them a try.
I like the results ... I don't think I'll have the patience for them. They don't look easy to put in? But I love the effect they give. Maybe I'll give them a try.

These are soooo easy to use! Seriously, it will take you like maybe the first two rows to get the hang of it and than you will be slapping them in pretty quickly. Don't let the usability factor keep you from getting them. They are GREAT in my opinion!!!

I'd be a lil scurred of using it after like 6-8 weeks post, but I would definitely try them from touch up time up to about 6 or 7 weeks post.

just waiting on a good coupon.....
I must be in the OP forum too long because I'm very lost on this CurlFormer movement. They do look like they might be something I could manage. I think your curls came out very beautiful OP!
Yesterday after reading the overwhelming response to this new hair technology (Kelly's thread) I tried to do something similar on the cheap (my PJism is out of control ladies).

So I put some shealoe on hair sections and twisted. Okay so the results aren't as STUNNING as ya'lls but, it didn't turn out half bad.

You all have got me chomping at the bit to make a BSS raid. Hold me back, please, my child needs shoes!:lachen:
Yesterday after reading the overwhelming response to this new hair technology (Kelly's thread) I tried to do something similar on the cheap (my PJism is out of control ladies).

So I put some shealoe on hair sections and twisted. Okay so the results aren't as STUNNING as ya'lls but, it didn't turn out half bad.

You all have got me chomping at the bit to make a BSS raid. Hold me back, please, my child needs shoes!:lachen:

OK - Big sis - no buying curlformers.

you have to come to L.A!!!!:lachen:
These are soooo easy to use! Seriously, it will take you like maybe the first two rows to get the hang of it and than you will be slapping them in pretty quickly. Don't let the usability factor keep you from getting them. They are GREAT in my opinion!!!


I agree, they are easy once you get the hang of them
Also how are you ladies keeping the style? Do you have to redo them every night?

At night I just pinned all of my hair up. On day three I recurl the front sides because I had slept on them. It's day four now and the curls are flat, I didn't have time to do anything so I just put a headband on. I got to take them down tonight or something.