A method for growing hair fast???

Leslie_C said:
500 mg is 1/2 a gram (there are 1000 mg in 1 g), so u would need to take about 5-6 to get that dosage. u could do four swhich would be 2 grams, which is a pretty large dosage and should be effective. see I AM learning something in pharmacology! we are learning dosage calculations for medications. anyway, back to hair......carry on! :)

(Phew)!:: wipes her brow:: Glad you figured that out for us cause I certainly was not up to the task. :lol: I tell you there is no limit to what we learn on this forum! :grin:
Dang...this stuff sounded great until Kaddy found the part about SLE. That takes me out of the running for it :ohwell: Good luck to everyone who tries it!

Mochalolita said:
Dang...this stuff sounded great until Kaddy found the part about SLE. That takes me out of the running for it :ohwell: Good luck to everyone who tries it!


Makes me a little unsure too. IF I do decide to try I will definitely limint my intake. Maybe I will just get some alfalfa sprouts and add it to sandwiches. *Yuck*
Alrighty, I was able to get some more specifics on the side effects;

Major Side Effects

In a documented case, one individual who ate more than 100,000 mg (100 grams) of alfalfa seeds per day, experienced a condition known as pancytopenia. In this condition, normal production of both red and white blood cells decreases. Bleeding gums, bruising, fatigue, or less resistance to infections may result. When the individual stopped consuming alfalfa seeds, blood cell production gradually returned to normal.

Less Severe Side Effects

Allergic reactions to alfalfa have been reported. Alfalfa is a member of the same family of plants as peas, peanuts, and soybeans. Therefore individuals sensitive to one of those related plants may also be sensitive to alfalfa.
Hmmmmm. Vitacost.com just sent me two bottles of alfalfa capsules by mistake when I ordered something else from them and they said I could keep them. I just might open these suckers up now that I know what they can be used for. I just need to do a little more research but I think I'm gonna try them.
Alfalfa is the key ingredient in Gueye hair growth vitamins and oil.
When I'm consistent with my alfalfa pills I notice a faster rate of growth.
I take a protein shake, msm, gueye hair growth vitamins, and NOW brand Alfalfa juice tabs.

I was taking Alfalfa last year for a few months the Purtians Pride Brand and noticed a growth sprurt I will have to pull them out again.
I believe I bought them because I read on another site it gave great results if taken with a muti vit,hair vit and sea kelp.
If you are considering taking this supplement do a search on Google for "Dr. Weil Alfalfa". I remembered that one of our vitamin guru's Jade21 posted something about Dr. Weil's findings about alfalfa. Not to alarm anyone, as I'm still researching myself. I think he says it causes cancer or something like that, but apparently many experts in his field disagree. Just want everyone to be armed with all the pros and cons. If you do a search on Dr. Weil on this forum you can see where she brought his name up.
KAddy said:
:lol: I was just doing a little research on it on the internet too (trying to see if there are side effects and stuff). It appears that the pills aren't that expensive. I saw a bottle of 250 pills at vitaminshoppe.com for a little under 6 dollars.

Is this iT Alfalfa Alfalfa (500 MG)
VS-1367 Vitamin Shoppe 250 Tablets $5.55

Now I have to go shopping again yall are cruel lol
Yes, I've read about this before - alfalfa juice combo or alfalfa. Before I came to LHCF, I read a long thread about this topic on another board ( a health board). While it seemed to be working for hair growth, there was a side effect - I can't remember what it was though. They probably were the ones mentioned. If I can find that thread again, I'll post the link.

Remember the warnings just a few years ago about buying alfalfa sprouts? That's why I sprout alfalfa from good, organic seeds for eating from time to time, along with other seeds. I haven't done so in a while only because I was too busy. I also was wary of all of the warnings. I have a whole bag of seeds right now in my fridge.
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MonaLisa said:
Please share! What was it?:ohwell:

This was back in 1999. I was very actively growing all kinds of sprouts at that time, including alfalfa. The warnings by the FDA said people were getting E Coli and Salmonella from eating raw sprouts . There were warning signs in all grocery and health food stores. Restaurants stopped serving them on sandwiches and in salads.

Here is a link about it:


BTW, I never ever got sick eating my home grown sprouts (or any sprouts).
Isis said:
This was back in 1999. I was very actively growing all kinds of sprouts at that time, including alfalfa. The warnings by the FDA said people were getting E Coli and Salmonella from eating raw sprouts . There were warning sings in all grocery and health food stores. Restaurants stopped serving them on sandwiches and in salads.

Here is a link about it:


Thanks for the info Isis!
You're so right...I remember this now...
this is consuming raw sprouts...

I would hope taking the pill form would be okay.
MonaLisa said:
Thanks for the info Isis!
You're so right...I remember this now...
this is consuming raw sprouts...

I would hope taking the pill form would be okay.

You're welcome MonaLisa. I wonder if those warnings about raw sprouts still apply or if it's supposed to be forever.

I'm going to read up about the pill form of alfalfa and see if I can find that thread I mentioned.:)
KAddy said:
:lol: I was just doing a little research on it on the internet too (trying to see if there are side effects and stuff). It appears that the pills aren't that expensive. I saw a bottle of 250 pills at vitaminshoppe.com for a little under 6 dollars.

Well that tears it, off to the health food store I go. You are such an enabler *lol*.
Uh Oh, I love raw Alfalfa Sprouts. I eat them on my salad all of the time. :( I used to take liquid Alfalfa as an appetite stimulate and it really made me hungry. :lick:
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KAddy said:
Makes me a little unsure too. IF I do decide to try I will definitely limint my intake. Maybe I will just get some alfalfa sprouts and add it to sandwiches. *Yuck*

Hey Kad...yep, be careful...I already have SLE, and it's no joke when I get a flare...I wonder how many alfalfa sprouts is too much? I eat them occasionally and have no problems when its on salad or something like that (I actually like them) but I guess the problem comes in when you eat a ton of it everyday? At any rate, be safe, k?

Mochalolita said:
Hey Kad...yep, be careful...I already have SLE, and it's no joke when I get a flare...I wonder how many alfalfa sprouts is too much? I eat them occasionally and have no problems when its on salad or something like that (I actually like them) but I guess the problem comes in when you eat a ton of it everyday? At any rate, be safe, k?


Thanks Crys. I have decided not to do the alfalfa thing when I read the info in the link that Carrie posted since it is not good for pregnant and breastfeeding women and the DH and I are currently trying to conceive.
ok, I went to vitamin world and found the super alfalfa 250mg for 4.33 but got it at 2.83 w/ my membership card ! :)
KAddy said:
That sounds great HLD :scratchch This may be what my DH needs as his hair is thinning. Now if I can only get him to try them and be my guinea pig.

Okay, so that last smiley was HILARIOUS. *walks away laughing**
Champagne_Wishes said:
Well that tears it, off to the health food store I go. You are such an enabler *lol*.

Did you just say "ENABLER"? *laughing* Girlfriends is SO my show (next to Sex and the City!
Seriously though, the appetite stimulant thing--uh-uh. Can't be a'eatin' more than I already do! Back to the ole drawin' board...
KAddy said:
I am sure that they are a well trusted brand, but I don't want ladies to pop tons of pills without knowing the side effects. The info I posted wasn't specifically for using the vitamin shoppe brand, but any brand of alfalfa supplement.

I grew up taking shaklee products. My mother fed me alfalfa 6 tabs everyday along with their other supplements. This is a very good product even thought is it pricey.