8 Months Stretch/Transition with a Relaxer


New Member
I recently relaxed (done by my mom) it came out bone straight and I love it.
I used Silk Elements Lye (coarse) to me it's stronger than Mizani BB Regular and works super fast. OMG!!! When I mean fast I mean my mom was still applying the relaxer to the back and I started tingling, when she finished the front she smoothed for 1-2 minutes and it was time to rinse out. Total time was like 7-8 minutes.

I also did a Clear Cellophane after my relaxer and conditioner treatment.

Here's my pictures after relaxer, wet wrap, flat iron and trim.



I have more comparisons in my fotki at http://public.fotki.com/Neala21/transitioning-1/fresh-comparison/

(no pw needed)
Very pretty!:clap: Your hair looks so silky and shiny.:gorgeous: I may have to try that relaxer when I end my stretch.
Great results! I have never wet-wrapped, but I think I might start! I have used Silk Elements Regular Lye for my last two touch-ups, and I think it is da shiz-nit! Your hair looks beautiful :).
Thanks, yeah i don't usually wet wrap because of the drying time but its my mom's preferred method. now i remember why i loved relaxed straight look and using wet wrap.