5 years after BC - Updated Pics


Active Member
I finally decided to update my photo album after 3 years. It has been 5 years since my BC and I can really see my progress after I looked at my old pictures. I remember when I did my BC my hair was 3 inches and now my hair is 21 inches and 1 1/2 inches from BSL! I really thought that my hair was not growing!

For my wash n go's I leave in a little conditioner and I add Organics Olive Oil leave and and seal with olive oil. I also use a little Smooth and Shine Curl Activator.
Just Gorgeous! I would like to know what is your routine?

1)Like how often did you straighten your hair and what do you do to it at night?

2) Did you do your hair yourself or relied on a stylist?
Just Gorgeous! I would like to know what is your routine?

1)Like how often did you straighten your hair and what do you do to it at night?

2) Did you do your hair yourself or relied on a stylist?

When my hair in curly I usually co-wash everyday and put it in a bun and I try to deep condition once a week.

I have been straighten my hair myself with a Sedu flat iron every other week. I make sure to deep condition before I flat iron and I use Tresseme heat protectent. I also get my hair trimmed at Fantasic Sams every 3 months and between trims I do the search and destroy method. I am really trying to get to BSL soon, so I am going to lay off the flat iron for a while.

Also, I have been doing the BKT every couple months. I also think that I am going to lay off of that for a little while, because I do not want my curls to get any looser. But I have gotten alot of my growth while I have been doing this treatment.