4b hair and growing down/out?


Active Member
this is a spinny of a previous thread...kinda. Anyways, quick question. I always thought that 4b hair would FOREVER grow out and never down or somewhat down, but lately i've seen some 4b naturals whose hair was down a little (not too much like looser textures) like mooks (sp? In her i think 2nd siggy pic) hair and sera. In thw youtube video i saw of sera, her hair wasn't halo-like if you know what i mean. When i was natural my hair was SL so it never got long enough for me to test my theory. Your insight would be apprecaiated (and pix welcomed :lol:)
I thought Sera's hair is only down when it has been stretched, not from just a washngo...I haven't watched all her videos though nor have i seen a pic of Mook's washngo.
It does go down after a certain length not straight down but more of a slant. For many to do a straight wash n go and let it dry it would mean some serious detangling.

If it is braided, twisted or anything like that it does "slant downward" New hair terminology! :yep:
Every head of hair is different and this probably has to do with the texture of the strands. So if someone has 4b pattern hair and fine strands the weight of the hair might pull it downwards as it grows long, but 4b, coarse (thick) strands will probably always have a tendency to grow out and up unless manipulated downwards. If strands are medium then it might be a toss up as to which direction it will go in.
I'm a fine to medium strand 4ab mix and my hair does not grow down. I've been wl a few times in my life and never has my hair grown down its always up and out. My niece is a 4ab mix with thick coarse strands and her hair grows out not down. She's somehwere between mbl and wl.
Im 4b and past apl and my hair grows down to me...i wish it would grow out and get huge like soleil's or charzboss! My twistouts look scraggly, but my hair could just be growing down because Im still transitioning and hanging on to relaxed ends...Im almost 22 months post!
I'm 4a/b and you can see the length of my hair in my siggy. I really think it depends on a persons shrinkage. My non stretched hair shrinks all the way up to my shoulders and is a puffy fro (which I like) however it lends itself to knots so I rarely wear my hair shrunken. Even my stretched hair (twist out, braid out), only comes to like APL but it does hang.
Every head of hair is different and this probably has to do with the texture of the strands. So if someone has 4b pattern hair and fine strands the weight of the hair might pull it downwards as it grows long, but 4b, coarse (thick) strands will probably always have a tendency to grow out and up unless manipulated downwards. If strands are medium then it might be a toss up as to which direction it will go in.

I would argue the opposite of this because gravity has more force on a bigger mass than a smaller mass.

What makes 4B hair grow out is the fact that you have tightly compacted springs that have more ability to stand and prop each other up. This is particularly true with short hair. It is also true with long hair that shrinks a lot.

But you blow dry those springs or stretch them, and now there isn't that much propping up. If the hair isn't thick then you will see more of the "slant downward" than you would in someone with a lot of hair because the hair has less support to stand up.

If the strands are coarse, then when stretched, their weight will make them hang down more than those of someone with fine strands which can appear to just float. You've all seen that my fine strands can defy gravity and stand straight up when pressed straight. :lol: Coarser strands would not be able to do that and would probably have a lot of swing when pressed.
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I'm wondering this myself. I also was thinking along the same lines as what Nonie said. That if it were coarse, the weight of it might help it to grow down more than someone with finer strands.

I have peeped Sera's videos/photos and her hair seems to be growing down (or more so slanted down i suppose) but her hair is soooo long.

I have fine to medium 4B (with a little 4a in the back i think) strands and I was also wondering if/when my hair would ever start to grow down. My ultimate goal is APL and I really think my hair will still be growing out at that point.
I would argue the opposite of this because gravity has more force on a bigger mass than a smaller mass.

What makes 4B hair grow out is the fact that you have tightly compacted springs that have more ability to stand and prop each other up. This is particularly true with short hair. It is also true with long hair that shrinks a lot.

But you blow dry those springs or stretch them, and now there isn't that much propping up. If the hair isn't thick then you will see more of the "slant downward" than you would in someone with a lot of hair because the hair has less support to stand up.

If the strands are coarse, then when stretched, their weight will make them hang down more than those of someone with fine strands which can appear to just float. You've all seen that my fine strands can defy gravity and stand straight up when pressed straight. :lol: Coarser strands would not be able to do that and would probably have a lot of swing when pressed.

IA. My fine strand 4 A/B hair has little weight to it unless there's product or a lot of water added. I basically have the same hang at 12-14 inches that I did at 7-8 inches. When I straighten, the hair is light and very fly-awayish.
I'm 4a/b and you can see the length of my hair in my siggy. I really think it depends on a persons shrinkage. My non stretched hair shrinks all the way up to my shoulders and is a puffy fro (which I like) however it lends itself to knots so I rarely wear my hair shrunken. Even my stretched hair (twist out, braid out), only comes to like APL but it does hang.

Not to hijack this thread, but Ms. LaLa--- I did not understand the term "hair porn" until I first saw your hair. My Lord....I need a fan and a bib :lick: It is absolutely gorgeous.

Tis all.
I would argue the opposite of this because gravity has more force on a bigger mass than a smaller mass.

What makes 4B hair grow out is the fact that you have tightly compacted springs that have more ability to stand and prop each other up. This is particularly true with short hair. It is also true with long hair that shrinks a lot.

But you blow dry those springs or stretch them, and now there isn't that much propping up. If the hair isn't thick then you will see more of the "slant downward" than you would in someone with a lot of hair because the hair has less support to stand up.

If the strands are coarse, then when stretched, their weight will make them hang down more than those of someone with fine strands which can appear to just float. You've all seen that my fine strands can defy gravity and stand straight up when pressed straight. :lol: Coarser strands would not be able to do that and would probably have a lot of swing when pressed.

Good points. The only thing is my strands are thick and coarse and I've never in my life had swing. Still on a quest to see if that's possible.
thans guys! I didn't even know i had any answers! I thought this thread was just ignored :sad: well if anyone has anymore answers then cool. :lol:
4b here and i long for the day my hair will grow down
4b here and i long for the day my hair will grow down

Why long for that? I think your hair is beautiful as it is. Think of how much safer your ends are away from your clothes. I think it's awesome that your hair can do that, and that you still have the option of wearing it down if you want. If you blew it out or straightened it, it'd not have the backbone it does now and it'd flop down so you'd get your "hang". I hope you can one day see what a wonderful mane you have and be grateful instead of longing for the apparently greener pastures on the other side. That's usually a façade.

You are the best you there could ever be. Anything different would be less than perfect. The Master Designer feels the same way.
I'm 4a/b and you can see the length of my hair in my siggy. I really think it depends on a persons shrinkage. My non stretched hair shrinks all the way up to my shoulders and is a puffy fro (which I like) however it lends itself to knots so I rarely wear my hair shrunken. Even my stretched hair (twist out, braid out), only comes to like APL but it does hang.

Ms Lala,

Love you hair!
My hair shrinks up to my ears and to my shoulders with an 'out' style so I feel you. In your siggy, what did you style/stretch your hair with?