4 Months Progress Check Up Since BC


New Member

I hope all are enjoying their summer. :sunshine:
I finally learned how to upload pics and would like to share with my hair care friends. It's been a real challenge since the bc learning what products and procedures my "Crown and Glory," will accept or reject. I love washing my hair and applying conditioners and oils to enhance my curls on my crown. However, my sides and midback girls are always fighting me. The sides are real gangsters. The stick together and don't let outsiders in, (gels, creams, oil) I just learned to embrace and brush a little and keep rolling on. It has been liberating enjoying my new short hair cut. I did received many compliments and some like my hair better short. Thanks, but sister loves mbl straight hair and sometimes nice big curls. Until next time.


India :bdance:

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I'm on my way to hair dresser for a Professional Press and Curl. I'm going out of town and I love to get my Glamour on. I"ll post afterwards, Ladies.

I'm on my way to hair dresser for a Professional Press and Curl. I'm going out of town and I love to get my Glamour on. I"ll post afterwards, Ladies.


Hey Ladies,

I made it back from the salon. Nice conversation and it took ninety minutes to wash, condition, blow dry w/ comb, Press ( Still seems rough around the edges, dusting and curls.) I like it and it feels soft. Last time I had it curl which was the first time after the bc the stylist useda holding creame, which I hated. It didn't feel good to touch, but this Doo is soft to the touch. I welcome comments.

