2016 Christian Random Thoughts

This I can certainly believe. It think some christians try and manipulate the hand of G-d, thinking they are rebuking, straightening out, cursing the lives of, praying favorably for G-d's will concerning people (particularly, ones they just personally don't like) when it's their own personal will, not G-d's. We don't know more than G-d. I think it's very close to witchcraft to try and manipulate other people to one's own "moral" vision.

Yes it's not close to witchcraft it is aka witchcraft in the church ties in with that Jezebel spirit and either men or women can have it on them.
People have to check themselves and their true intentions in prayer. Because when they're praying like that God knows and he's not having it, it's His will be done not yours.
2 good prayers for healing oneself
Our Father and the Serenity prayer.

Matthew 6:9–13 (ESV) "Pray then like this: 'Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.'"

The Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
And wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
As it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
If I surrender to His Will;
So that I may be reasonably happy in this life
And supremely happy with Him
Forever and ever in the next.

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Iron sharpens iron Im glad you posted a response like this we need to be viligent and hold each other accountable and let those know who don't know so they have a chance.
Wow you said a lot and I totally understand you getting that clarity on how these are doctrines of demons meant to pull us away from the one True God. Yoga reiki tai chi all those eastern mystery esoteric school practices are to manipulate and or control demonic energies and forces to the practiners own will. Yoga means union or to unite it is especially dangerous because it's actually calling up demons to take possession of ones body and mind.

There aren't many ways to the one true God just 1 and He told us who and how. I think it's a Holy Spirit when that happens.

The enemies goal is not necessarily to make everyone satanist but to have people in the anything but God limbo: by keeping us in pattens of being spiritual in practices that have nothing to do with Jesus, or the one true God, or being completely materialistic and worshipping the "almighty dollar" and or all the unecessary stuff we can buy with it.

Now money is needednithkng wrong with making more money honestly or getting a promotion at work and we do need certain things to live also it's not a sin to splurge and get some nice things for yourself and family and friends if you can afford it and we are not sinning or committing crimes to get that paper. The most important is not to worship these things above God and treating or fellow man with love and respect.

FYI tattoos are a no go in the Bible as well Leviticus 19:28 no markings or cuttings for the dead... People of course have the new age reasoning to make it OK like it's not a tattoo of this or that but the word said NO, and most of the people I see who get tarts it's for a friend or loved one who's now deceased or some symbol how do they know when they get a tattoo of some symbol what it truly means besides your body is the temple of God.

1 Cor 6:19
19 Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?
I saw a YT video about a women's who went through yoga and her testimony. Also look up kundalini symptoms or awakenings.

I agree.

Satan doesn't care whether we are an atheist, a sex addict, a Satanist....as long as it is pulling us away from God.

I didn't know that about tattoos, lol. I have never wanted to tattoo myself, fortunately. Yeah, when I was into yoga, I would see warnings about Kundalini and how it has caused some to go crazy, so I never did it lol. But, yes, I do enjoy watching testimonies of people who were able to come out of that stuff. It gives me a lot of clarity. When I did meditation, I used to feel energies swirling in my hands. Sometimes I could feel things touching me, my hands, my neck. I asked someone once what it was, and she told me that it was my spirit guides trying to heal me and that I needed to meditate more. That would have just further opened me up to eventually being possessed, which I guess is what happens when people achieve Kundalini or whatever it is. At the time, I believed that my third eye was opening and that I was becoming better able to perceive spirits. I used to talk to my spirit guide thinking that was a good thing. I was probably just talking to and feeding a demon, allowing it more power into my life.

You know even while I was doing all that, I found myself drawn to Catholicism too. I had a rosary that I wore everyday until it broke. I attended Mass once and I was peeved that they wouldn't let me take communion. Whenever I prayed, I would always end it with "In Jesus Name Amen" because I was afraid that my prayer would go to the wrong source if I didn't. I obsessively listened to the Lord's Prayer sung in Aramaic. I was full of contradictions, lol. I was searching for God, but looking in the wrong places, yet even when I strayed away, you can see that God was still there.
Can someone explain what the Unforgivable Sin is? Is it just words to say something that blasphemies the Holy Spirit, or is something beyond words?

I don't think I have really come to terms with who God is because I still do not feel fear of Him.
Which vice came first, "disobedience," "fear," "avarice" or "hatred" and why? I say it's disobedience because Adam and Eve were perfectly happy. Their curiosity wasn't necessarily sinful, it was their disobedience and actions. They didn't sin until they acted by eating off the Tree of Knowledge and transgressing the mandate they clearly had. I don't think racism is fueled by "fear" as much as fear is a consequence of the racism and that struggle to keep power. I think disobedience to the moral law/justice, whichever, is the reason for racism because it stems from hatred. Fear is the latter consequence. Realizing that Adam and Eve were fearful after they transgressed the mandate, we see their child committing murder eventually - hatred.

Lucifer was greedy and hateful, turning against G-d. He wanted to be G-d and wasn't. Was that fear or hatred? How does that relate to people today? I think that we're afraid today to actually say that people are evil and not just in reference to mass murderers. I don't think the root of racism is fear but hatred and evil which stems from disobedience. Anymore, people are placating themselves to death and ridding themselves of moral absolutes altogether.
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Can someone explain what the Unforgivable Sin is? Is it just words to say something that blasphemies the Holy Spirit, or is something beyond words?

I don't think I have really come to terms with who God is because I still do not feel fear of Him.

Blasphemeing the Holy Spirit but also refusing to repent and let the Holy Spirit in so words and actions. The link gives a more detailed explanation.

If you're looking for fear as your motivation then even if you did you would still be searching for something or someone more powerful or perceived to be.

This seems like residue of new age, spirituality. At the same time they claim focus on inner self inner power they also want to be God. God is the Creator Satan is a creation so he will never attain that glory and he will never be able to overcome God and take Gods throne.
The reason to believe in God is logical and if you pray and study scripture and look around at the beauty and awesomeness of the world you will see Gods love... and power.

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Which vice came first, "disobedience," "fear," "avarice" or "hatred" and why? I say it's disobedience because Adam and Eve were perfectly happy. Their curiosity wasn't necessarily sinful, it was their disobedience and actions. They didn't sin until they acted by eating off the Tree of Knowledge and transgressing the mandate they clearly had. I don't think racism is fueled by "fear" as much as fear is a consequence of the racism and that struggle to keep power. I think disobedience to the moral law/justice, whichever, is the reason for racism because it stems from hatred. Fear is the latter consequence. Realizing that Adam and Eve were fearful after they transgressed the mandate, we see their child committing murder eventually - hatred.

Lucifer was greedy and hateful, turning against G-d. He wanted to be G-d and wasn't. Was that fear or hatred? How does that relate to people today? I think that we're afraid today to actually say that people are evil and not just in reference to mass murderers. I don't think the root of racism is fear but hatred and evil which stems from disobedience. Anymore, people are placating themselves to death and ridding themselves of moral absolutes altogether.

ITA adding Disobedience IMO is like the sin of rebellion. It was pride then rebellion that caused Lucifer to sin.
ITA adding Disobedience IMO is like the sin of rebellion. It was pride then rebellion that caused Lucifer to sin.

That's it! It was pride before he developed hatred. So, the root of racism is not "fear" (some White guy is trying to explain it away....blah, blah,...nah son, it's hatred), it's pride. Fear comes with punishment.
Question: How do you ladies feel about the push to repeal the Johnson Amendment, allowing churches to not lose their tax-exempt status by participating in partisan politics?
I really do believe that all of these alternative religions and beliefs open you up to demonic possession. And that the leaders of such religions are probably demonically possessed. When I was doing my new age/meditation/chanting, I experienced all sorts of stuff. Most importantly, I never felt safe. The only time I've ever felt safe or taken care of is by clinging to Christ. When I got really, really creeped out I would play gospel music. I was drawn to psychic readings, tarot cards, astrology. I read a book by so called ex satanist John Ramirez, he said that participating in just one tarot card reading is how they get you. It's also how he was pulled into Santeria/Satanism.

The more people dabble in that stuff the more they are drawn to it and it doesn't even have to be you personally if one of you ancestors was into any of the stuff hardcore that Spirit follows the family bloodline. Regardless if you change names through marriage change cultures whatever.

John Ramirez has some interviews where he's said that one of biggest deceptions he devil uses is to have people think that Santaria/voodoo Wicca is actually their ancestral heritage and culture when it's not the music and dances on their own but a lot of it has been twisted to serve the enemy.

I'm not fanatical about it like no dancing or music at all, cause like everything there's good and bad but I do pay attention to content. IMO it's ok to create music or entertainment about human situations the good and the bad etc...
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Question: How do you ladies feel about the push to repeal the Johnson Amendment, allowing churches to not lose their tax-exempt status by participating in partisan politics?

I think it could be a good idea, churches clergy should be able to speak their consciences and preach the Bible without the financial chains holding them back.
I think it could be a good idea, churches clergy should be able to speak their consciences and preach the Bible without the financial chains holding them back.

I personally don't want any clergy telling me who to vote for. We get instruction from our Church on morals and from there, I'm intelligent enough and well-versed in our Church enough to make the right decision. Plus, I tend to agree with Pope Francis on how we push pro-life for the unborn OVER that of the people already here as though the latter don't quite matter. Plus, as in the case of Trump, who is trying hard for catholics now, it would be our clergy playing into promoting the lies we know he is living as he says he's pro-life, which he is not. Well, being pro-life is from conception til natural death. And what if the clergy said, "If you vote for X candidate, you're excommunicated or are going to hell?" SMH.
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I personally don't want any clergy telling me who to vote for. We get instruction from our Church on morals and from there, I'm intelligent enough and well-versed in our Church enough to make the right decision. Plus, I tend to agree with Pope Francis on how we push pro-life for the unborn OVER that of the people already here as though the latter don't quite matter. Plus, as in the case of Trump, who is trying hard for catholics now, it would be our clergy playing into promoting the lies we know he is living as he says he's pro-life, which he is not. Well, being pro-life is from conception til natural death. And what if the clergy said, "If you vote for X candidate, you're excommunicated or are going to hell?" SMH.

Since most Catholics are poorly formed/catechized, I think the clergy needs to remind people what the church teaches and why they shouldn't vote for candidates or platforms that are contrary to the faith. They don't have to call names but simply reminding people of the facts should be enough. Sadly, the people coming to church week after week probably aren't the ones who need these reminders.
Since most Catholics are poorly formed/catechized, I think the clergy needs to remind people what the church teaches and why they shouldn't vote for candidates or platforms that are contrary to the faith. They don't have to call names but simply reminding people of the facts should be enough. Sadly, the people coming to church week after week probably aren't the ones who need these reminders.

Don't they get that every single homily especially during election year? .
Don't they get that every single homily especially during election year? .

Sadly no. Unless you are in a good traditional parish and don't have a "feel good" priest then no. When was the last time you heard a homily about contraception? Most Catholics don't even believe in the Real Presence.

Many priests today are not orthodox themselves. We know the church was infiltrated by commies who tried to destroy her from the inside out.
Can someone explain what the Unforgivable Sin is? Is it just words to say something that blasphemies the Holy Spirit, or is something beyond words?

I don't think I have really come to terms with who God is because I still do not feel fear of Him.

It is unrepentant, final rejection of Christ or G-d. It's the last chance before death and one says, "no."
Sadly no. Unless you are in a good traditional parish and don't have a "feel good" priest then no. When was the last time you heard a homily about contraception? Most Catholics don't even believe in the Real Presence.

Many priests today are not orthodox themselves. We know the church was infiltrated by commies who tried to destroy her from the inside out.

All the time as well as anti-abortion, racism, etc. By default, we are orthodox as Catholics. But people can reject the truth, certainly. If we consider the liturgy, then they are being told the truth. I've heard these arguments before, how we don't "preach." Rosarycenter.org, Luminous Mysteries, 7-10 (it re-formats to 1-5 here):
  1. "Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him."
  2. The Eucharist is a sacrifice inasmuch as it is offered up, and a sacrament inasmuch as it is received.
  3. In the Mass we offer ourselves to God, and God gives himself to us.
  4. The Mass will be fruitful in the measure of our surrender to the Father.

We have the truth, the complete truth so the question is, "What is our level of participation and reception?" We are not blank slates and have personal responsibility. Surely, there are many things that need to be addressed.
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All the time as well as anti-abortion, racism, etc. By default, we are orthodox as Catholics. But people can reject the truth, certainly. If we consider the liturgy, then they are being told the truth. I've heard these arguments before, how we don't "preach." Rosarycenter.org, Luminous Mysteries, 7-10 (it re-formats to 1-5 here):
  1. "Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him."
  2. The Eucharist is a sacrifice inasmuch as it is offered up, and a sacrament inasmuch as it is received.
  3. In the Mass we offer ourselves to God, and God gives himself to us.
  4. The Mass will be fruitful in the measure of our surrender to the Father.

We have the truth, the complete truth so the question is, "What is our level of participation and reception?" We are not blank slates and have personal responsibility. Surely, there are many things that need to be addressed.

You're in a good parish.

I have to disagree that all Catholics are orthodox by definition. Definitely can't consider someone orthodox who supports gay marriage and abortion. These are not Catholics but heretics.
SO, my friend and I are reading the Bible together and holding each other accountable. I'm on Genesis 9 and I've gotten to the part about Ham seeing Noah naked and I remembered that Ham is who slavers used to justify keeping black people enslaved.

Well, anyway, going back to Ham, I didn't understand at all the significance of him seeing his father naked or telling his brothers about it. According to bible.org, it seems that the issue is a matter of dignity?

"Ham did nothing to preserve the dignity of his father. He did not see to it that Noah was properly covered. Instead he went outside to his two brothers and graphically described the folly which had overtaken their father. It seems to me that Ham also may have encouraged Shem and Japheth to go into the tent to see this for themselves."
You're in a good parish.

I have to disagree that all Catholics are orthodox by definition. Definitely can't consider someone orthodox who supports gay marriage and abortion. These are not Catholics but heretics.

Every parish I've been in has been the same over various states and abroad. I'm personally referring to the Catholic faith as orthodox, not distinguishing between individual levels of observance or adherence. If people don't participate, I believe that's personal responsibility. You can have a free store filled with food and people who are stubborn and too lazy to go shop for the food complaining that they are starving. The issue might be with individuals not upholding orthodox faith. Jesus is the same.

As far as I know, Hilary isn't catholic. The way I personally see it, gay marriage is a civil issue, not a religious issue - not yet - though, they are trying it. I personally don't see reasons to remove civil rights from others even though I do not like that they call them "marriages." Civil unions. And for abortion, still, I'm utilizing the medical term, not the unlawful (per the Church) murderous term. I've given the moralist discussion on it in another thread and it's not promoting direct abortion but that it's licit to save the life of the mother with the unfortunate outcome that the child will die in certain and exacting situations only - that both lives are in danger. It's not the goal to kill the child but to save the mother. I'm not trying to direct your viewpoints, just clarifying mine.
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I just deleted all of the secular music from my spotify account except for my African music because I want to go through it and filter...I'm mad because I just bought Bey's new album and I know I'm going to have to delete it too because it's not spiritually alligned with where I want to go. I didn't realize how many sacrifices I would have to make, how many parts of my old self I would have to cut off to follow God. I am scared of what further sacrifices I will have to make.

"And there were also Sodomites in the land.." I Kings 14:24

Rehoboam the son of Solomom reigned seventeen years in Jerusalem. Under his reign, the Bible says, "And Judah did evil in the sight of the Lord. . . " (I Kings 14:22a). Among those evils listed was their condoning of Sodomites in the land.
This is one of the prevalent sins of America today. In times past the Sodomites were not condoned in America.
Not only are there Sodomites in this land, but they are welcomed and harbored. Under the Carter administration, Cuba dumped thousands of their unwanted Sodomites into Florida. Cuba was anxious to get rid of them and the Sodomites were anxious to escape what they called, "Severe repression in Cuba."
The light of the churches is so faint and flickering that these creeping things of darkness have come out into the open.
Let's now turn the light of God's Word directly upon this epitome of moral degradation, and send the Sodomites scurrying back into their hiding places.

I. God's Description of the Sodomites

"Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
"Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.
"For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
"And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet." Romans 1:24-27

1. Unclean--Vs. 24--Lazarus was laid at the rich man's gate full of sores. He was probably looked upon as unclean by many in his day. God did not call him unclean. God's angels carried him into Abraham's bosom when he died. Lazarus was clean in his heart.

"Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. ." Matthew 5:8

The unclean go into hell when they die!

"For this ye know, that no whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God." Ephesians 5:5

Sodomites are unclean!

2. Vile--Vs. 26-27--The Devil's leading religion in America, secular hutmanism, described by God in verse 26, states its position concerning Sodomy in their "Humanist Manifesto II"-- ". . .we believe that intolerant attitudes often cultivated by orthodox religions and puritanical cultures, unduly repress sexual conduct. The right to birth control, abortion, and divorce should be recognized ... the many varieties of sexual exploration should not in themselves be considered evil."

The humanist attempts to camouflage the corruption of the Sodomites, but God's inspired, infallible, inerrant, preserved Word reveals their filthy sins as vile!

3. Abomination--
"Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination." Leviticus 18:22

The Sodomites are an abomination to God!

Webster's definition of an abomination--"Extreme disgust and hatred; abhorrence; detestation; loathing. That which is abominable; anything hateful or shamefully vile."

A man must not wear a woman's garment. A woman must not wear that which pertaineth to a man.
"The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God." Deuteronomy 22:5

The sins of Sodomy are also suggested or declared by all who abominably attire themselves!

Sad to say, the biblical title of Sodomites, which was given to these debased sinners by God, is seldom used by those who cry out against this terrible wickedness. They usually use the term--

1. Homosexual--This is like calling a drunkard an alcoholic; or calling a thief a cleptomaniac. The sharp words of God are ". . . quick, and powerful and sharper than any twoedged sword. "

When preachers, and others who oppose this vile sin, use the term "homosexual" they are only giving a partial definition of what a Sodomite is!

2. Gays- This is their choice title of this day. This, like the other, only gives a partial definition of what a Sodomite is, and the sharp edge of the Word of God is gone.

According to Webster, "gay" means: "loose; licentious." The Sodomites far surpass that in their vileness.

Our text does not say there were homosexuals in the land or gays in the land. It says there were Sodomites in the land!

A Sodomite woman is not a lesbian nor is a Sodomite man a gay. They are Sodomites! Call them what they are by using the title of infainy given them by the Lord. Don't let the Sodomites choose their title. God has already named them!

Call them Sodomites whether they like it or not.

They will never be convicted of their vile sins without the Word of God.

"The shew of their countenance doth witness against them; and they declare their sin as Sodom, they hide it not. Woe unto their soul! for they have rewarded evil unto themselves." Isaiah 3:9

1. Marches-They no longer sneak around in hiding like roaches and rats. They now march down the main streets of cities and towns carrying signs, declaring their sin as Sodom!

This does not reveal advances made by the Humanist Sodomite liberation movements. It simply reveals how low-down the morals in this nation have plunged.

When Sodomites start marching down main street it is like a house infested with roaches, where no effort is made to control or eliminate them!

Here is the disgraceful report of some Sodomite marches June 26, 1983:

New York City, NY 40,000
San Francisco, Cal 200,000
Los Angeles, Cal 90,000
Chicago, Ill. 30,000
Columbus, Ohio 600
Houston, Texas 50,000

2. Newspapers-It is becoming increasingly more obvious that the news media in general is pro-Sodomite!
3. Politics-A few years ago a Sodomite would not dare to run for any office, and no political party would endorse sodomy for votes. The Democratic party has. "Walter F. Mondale cites party commitinent to eliminate all laws, rules and regulations which discrminate againsts individuals on the basis of sexual orientation."
4. Pageants-Charlotte, NC fostered a Miss Sodomite America pageant 9/25/82
5. Churches-The Metropolitan Community Church is a Sodomite denomination!

"The Metropolitan Community Church, a nationwide denomination formed in 1968 by an ex-Pentecostal Holiness minister named Troy Perry ... MCC now boasts 30,000 members in 170 churches." (Greenville News)

The Metropolitan Community Church openly denies that sodomy is a sin!

The boldness of the Sodomites in Judah was a result of and a testimony to the prevailing evil condition of the people in general.

This is the same sequence that we are now witnessing in America.

6. Television-This has been one of the key instruments that Satan has used io brainwash this wicked world into accepting Sodomites into its culture.

"And turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes condemned them with an overthrow, making them an ensample unto those that after should live ungodly." II Peter 2:6

Look at the example and learn the lesson well America!

"If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them." Leviticus 20:13

You will find in the Bible that the Sodomites flourished under the reign of the wicked kings and they were removed by the good kings--
1. Asa-"And Asa did that which was right in the eyes of the Lord, as did David his father.
"And he took away the sodomites out of the land, and removed all the idols that his fathers had made." I Kings 14:11-12
2. Jehoshaphat--"And he walked in all the ways of Asa his father; he turned not asidefrom it, doing that which was right in the eyes of the Lord. . . "
"And the remnant of the Sodomites, which remained in the days of his father Asa, he took out of the land." I Kings 22:43a,46
3. Josiah--"And he brake down the houses of the sodomites, that were by the house of the Lord, where the women wove hangingsfor the grove. " II Kings 23:7

The first mention principle of Bible interpretation is a very profitable study.

In Genesis chapters 13, 18, 19 we find God's attitude toward and His judgment against Sodomites:

"But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the Lord exceedingly." Genesis 13:13

"And the Lord said, Because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grievous." Genesis 18:20 "

"Then the Lord rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven; And he overthrew those cities, and all the plain, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and that which grew upon the ground." Genesis 19:24-25

God did not find ten righteous people in Sodom. That place was so given over to its vile corruptions that no hope remained. God's wrath was poured out upon them because of their sins.

Where Sodom once stood there is now the Dead Sea. Nothing grows there. Do not harbor the hope that God will overlook this heinous wickedness that is being accepted and legalized in America. We could fall as suddenly as Sodom did!

". . Sodom, that was over thrown as in a moment. ." Lamentations 4:6b

You will search in vain for any trace of God's excusing the Sodomites in their debased state.
"...God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah. . . " Isaiah 13:19b

1. The sins of the Sodomites are of the vilest nature. God's hatred of their abominations is revealed in their incurable disease that strikes with near 100% mortality--AIDS!
2. Sodomy is not an alternate life style. It is a sin. It is a style of death!
3. There is no such thing as Sodomite rights found in God's Word.
4. There is one hope for America--Do as Asa, Jehoshaphat and Josiah.
5. There is one hope for the Sodomite--The Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

"For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; "Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time." I Timothy 2:5-6

"Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works. " Titus 2:14

"I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. " Luke 13:3

by Raymond Blanton
Hillary was raised Methodist and taiught in their Sunday school and is currently still Methodist but is now part of UMC.

Donald on the other hand, believes in himself. Like Frank Underwood he prays to himself, for himself.
No seriously he said he's Protestant Presbyterian and he's a good Chrsitian.
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I just deleted all of the secular music from my spotify account except for my African music because I want to go through it and filter...I'm mad because I just bought Bey's new album and I know I'm going to have to delete it too because it's not spiritually alligned with where I want to go. I didn't realize how many sacrifices I would have to make, how many parts of my old self I would have to cut off to follow God. I am scared of what further sacrifices I will have to make.

That's a job!
I listen to some of Beys old stuff sometimes especially when she was still with DC her music and image was still OK IMO. Her image and music have been going bad for a while now-I blame Jay mostly and her for falling down on the job. The quality of her lyrics and music has declined too when she was still a proclaimed Christian honestly her music was better.
Jay was never a Christian so I guess that verse is right do not be yoked with unbelievers. 2 Cor 6:14

But since her music has taken an obvious turn for the raunchy and her videos are more like soft porn than an artistic and fun or even based on actual dance performance or talent-I'll pass.

I can't support someone just cause theyre on the top of the charts and happen to be a person of color. Just like I no longer support Shonda Rimes.
I know people are addicted to her shows like it's tv crack but seriously the shows always start out ok then she hits you with the moral deterioration.

Oh yeah it's great that a black woman is where she is but I could do without the blatant catering to all things homo. Every other character in her shows now is gay or bi, even the ones who were straight before she even messed up Greys with that stuff and she got rid of all the manly men.

If she wants audience like me back and if she is as talented as they say then she shouldn't have to resort to pandering to gays or raunch and shock value to drive her story lines all the time.
It's like she must sit down on her meeting and think what depraved twisted perversity can I come up with this week.
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