2016 Christian Random Thoughts

The Scripture I posted was at the request of Lucia and I posted all the translations for THAT Scripture. Of course, I knew the article was about Catholics when I posted it - those are two different things because that Scripture applies to all. I don't know much about the author but I believe most of what the article said, which is why I posted it in the first place. Much like Catholics do not believe what Seven Day Adventists and charismatics and other denominations believe, Christians from those denominations also have a right to post their beliefs on this board without any backlash.

This isn't about any one person so I won't take it personally. Not all Christians are Catholics and not all Catholics consider themselves Christian. Because no one says anything when Catholics bash other denominations doesn't mean what's been going on is right.

For the record - I do not believe the Catholic Church as it is today is the Church - the Body of Christ includes anyone who accepts Jesus as their Lord and Savior, period. If they are not Catholic, that does not mean they are not a part of the True Church. This is something that has been repeated on here without regard to other Christians who visit the CF. I'm not afraid to speak up on this because that is what I believe.

I wasn't referring to the scripture but to the article which is full of falsehood. I don't know even where to begin. The thing about us catholics? Most of us don't go around bashing and telling you other people you are heretical, on average. Salvation comes from G-d and He can save those who don't know Jesus. Plus, you should know the rules of this forum and that was an attack as you well know. Now you are back-peddling by posting something on 7th Day Adventist to make it seem as this was your true intent. If they, as well as your own sect, left the catholic/universal church Jesus instituted, how are you making any distinction between them? You're pointing fingers and fingers are pointing at you from somewhere else. The body of Christ is all of us. The Church as Jesus passed down has been changed...that is what is meant by "true church" or whatever. You know Jesus, you are His. What you believe is irrelevant to what you posted as an attack. There is the universal (which is what "catholic" means) church and hopefully, one day, we will be all reunited. You must know church history and the Reformation, no? Yes, catholics are christians. There is a cultural tradition to distinguish between Reformists and catholics to where we are "catholics" and you are "christian." It means "protestant" in that sense. Once catholic, once baptised, always catholic and christian. There are good ones and there are bad ones. So, you're not afraid of knowing Christ. Great. But speaking up on something has an agenda and you well know it, @Laela. You are breaking the rules.

There are so many questions, comments etc. that I'd like to participate in but at this point, I know/feel unwelcome here in this CF. Before we had our Catholic RT's and other threads, I felt like a fish out of water because of the attacks. Now they have resurfaced. We needed to have our subforum but it was denied because it was felt that the christian presence here was being divided. How does this type of situation on here make us feel united? It doesn't. Here we are again, square one. I just won't post here in Christian RT anymore, maybe not in CF period. The division remains. So baseless and unnecessary. I have where I can go and not be vilified in my faith and they are Hebrews as well, in the catholic faith. They comprehend. SMH. But the line is drawn, "no catholic dogs here." Yes, that's how you make me feel. And might I add that this is the last straw for me in feeling cuz I've gone through so much persecution lately and it was totally unprovoked. I don't go around with my faith/beliefs on my shoulders as chips for others to knock down. So, please know, these attacks came out of the blue (non-christians saying very insulting things to embarrass and attempts to shame me). I'm not ashamed of my beliefs either but this has certainly added to the pile of attacks. Tew much. This is edited so, anything posted after this was done so beforehand. Sigh.
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Protestantism is a form of Christian faith and practice which originated with the Protestant Reformation, [a] a movement against what its followers considered to be errors in the Roman Catholic Church. It is one of the three major divisions of Christendom, together with Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy.

So is it your position that the church was in "error" for 1500 years and God simply allowed it? Wow, that doesn't sound like a sovereign God.

Also, how do you trust people (Luther, Calvin, etc) who came along 1500 years after Christianity began MORE than the apostles and Christians who lived during the time of Christ? You believe in the teachings of the reformers but refuse to acknowledge the works of Ignatius, Polycarp, etc. doesn't make sense...
This isn't about any one person so I won't take it personally. Not all Christians are Catholics and not all Catholics consider themselves Christian. Because no one says anything when Catholics bash other denominations doesn't mean what's been going on is right.

For the record - I do not believe the Catholic Church as it is today is the Church - the Body of Christ includes anyone who accepts Jesus as their Lord and Savior, period. If they are not Catholic, that does not mean they are not a part of the True Church. This is something that has been repeated on here without regard to other Christians who visit the CF. I'm not afraid to speak up on this because that is what I believe.

False. All Catholics are Christian.
You're not engaging with me out of genuine concern, moreso to prove yourself right and me wrong. That's not my intent for you. We're all of the same Household of Faith, there shouldn't be any dichotomy. I'm not saying I don't believe everything that is Catholic. As a matter of fact I support the 40 Days For Life, which has supporters from all Christian faiths including Catholics.

I believe that Peter's confession of faith to Christ in Matthew 16 is the "Rock" (petra) that the Church is built on, not Peter himself. Much like I believe when Jesus looked at Peter and said get behind me, Satan, He was speaking to the devil, though looking at Peter. Peter himself tells us in his writings to look to the Overseer of our souls, who is Christ. He also addressed the other elders in kind, showing he was a "fellow" elder and not a figure of authority. Please post the historical accounts that mention Peter the apostle being the Bishop of Rome.

1,500 years...

Scriptures tell me that for the Lord, one day is like a thousand years...

In a nutshell, the reformers like Luther sought to go back to the early teachings of Christ and to move away from a corrupted church that grew indulgent and sought to use the power/influence of scriptures for the wrong reasons. But, let's not forget that there was a Catholic Reformation, an aggressive counter to the Protestant Reformation.

I believe in the teachings of Jesus Christ and the early church before the first council of Nicaea.

So is it your position that the church was in "error" for 1500 years and God simply allowed it? Wow, that doesn't sound like a sovereign God.

Also, how do you trust people (Luther, Calvin, etc) who came along 1500 years after Christianity began MORE than the apostles and Christians who lived during the time of Christ? You believe in the teachings of the reformers but refuse to acknowledge the works of Ignatius, Polycarp, etc. doesn't make sense...

OK. ...

False. All Catholics are Christian.
The Scripture I posted was at the request of Lucia and I posted all the translations for THAT Scripture. Of course, I knew the article was about Catholics when I posted it - those are two different things because that Scripture applies to all. I don't know much about the author but I believe most of what the article said, which is why I posted it in the first place. Much like Catholics do not believe what Seven Day Adventists and charismatics and other denominations believe, Christians from those denominations also have a right to post their beliefs on this board without any backlash.

This isn't about any one person so I won't take it personally. Not all Christians are Catholics and not all Catholics consider themselves Christian. Because no one says anything when Catholics bash other denominations doesn't mean what's been going on is right.

For the record - I do not believe the Catholic Church as it is today is the Church - the Body of Christ includes anyone who accepts Jesus as their Lord and Savior, period. If they are not Catholic, that does not mean they are not a part of the True Church. This is something that has been repeated on here without regard to other Christians who visit the CF. I'm not afraid to speak up on this because that is what I believe.

When you post an article with no scripture to back it and that article basically trashes the entire faith with falsehoods, fabrications and heresey, you have to expect a response. Responding is not automatically backlash because it disagrees with your beliefs.

If you had questions or doubts or even curiousity about about the faith you could have posted things a different way not complete assertions based in misconceptions and falsehoods and then hide behind freedom of speech.
People have the right to express their beliefs that's true but does it have to be done in such an inflammatory and provoking nature? No, I think this could have been presented in a different tone if you wanted a true dialogue even spirited debate. You could have said I read this article and I was raised, taught, or just come to believe to be true.
Can any Catholics on here tell me if any part or all of this is true ? It just seems like you didn't even bother to speak to a Catholic or check any Catholic sources beforehand.

People forget that when you express your thoughts, others also have that
same right to express their thoughts on what you have said. Freedom of speech should be done responsibly.

You have a right to your beliefs but if you're beliefs about Catholics are based on falsehoods and outright lies we also have a right to correct falsehoods and heresy about the Catholic Church especially if you're leading other people to believe the same.
If we believe you're in error we must admonish as the bible says. It's not an attack to correct and admonish when necessary.

You basically called us out with a hodgepodge of different pagan beliefs and ascribed them to Catholicism with no scriptural or historical references that concretely link them just similarities, conjecture, accusations. Just cause paganism existed at that time then doesn't mean it was necessarily part of the Church that's like saying paganism is part of all Christian churches now just because they existed at the same time in the same place. Are there Christians who also practice paganism yes but that's the individual not the institution and they would be admonished for that and be told to confess and repent of it cause it's incompatible, you cannot have two masters, the same as in Roman times.

ETA: There were temples and worshippers of baal and molech in ancient Jewish times before Christ and during does that automatically link the early Jews to those pagan practices which also had similarities like burning offerings to their god? No the Jewish faith was different as they worshipped the one true God. That's also in the Bible Book of Ruth.

There is what people think they know about the Catholic Faith and Church and what the Catholic Faith and Church really is. Those are 2 very different things.

Just because we state the foundations of the early Christians and affirm that Catholicism is a direct lineage of that doesn't mean we totally reject all Protestants. Again that's an "assumption" you have made. What we believe is that our Protestant brothers and sisters are not in full communion with the Catholic Church. That's based on how different denominations pick certain sacraments to uphold and rejected the rest some denominations have no sacraments at all not even baptism also the books of the Bible, their interpretation, doctrine, Eucharistic presence of Christ vs just being symbolic, rosary, Marian veneration, authority, traditions of men vs traditions of God among other differences.

That's not bashing its a fact that the Reformation Fathers turned away from the Catholic Church. Luther was given many chances to recant after writing his 95 Theses but in the end he rejected all corrections and admonishments and was excommunicated from the Church.

It's also not bashing for me to state that Protestatism came out of Catholicism because that is the truth. And if you're refuting Catholicism it logically follows you're refuting Protestants early roots and Protestanism itself. It's like Christians saying we didn't come out of Judaism that wouldn't make any sense cause that's illogical. Jesus and the Apostles were all Jews before being baptized in Christ.

I really pray that you will dig deeper and do your due diligence and some homework especially the history, origins and doctrines regarding your own denomination first and then get some basic information on different denominations within Christianity and not take some article, book, pastor or lay speaker at face value. And I hope your research leads you to the truth.

Show me in the Bible where it says you must accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour?

Also when has any Catholic on the CF called Protestants out on the carpet in a way that was not charitable?

NABRE Bible, Ignatius Bible, RSV Bible or
Bible with apocrypha
Catechism of the Catholic Church or Boston or Penny Catechism

Luther 95 Theses


The Apostasy that wasn't


The Protestants Dilemma


Pope Fiction


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Luther is considered a hero by most Protestants. Any thoughts on these quotes by Luther?

Here are a few:
“If we allow them – the Commandments – any influence in our conscience, they become the cloak of all evil, heresies and blasphemies” (ref. Comm. ad Galat, p.310).

“Do not ask anything of your conscience; and if it speaks, do not listen to it; if it insists, stifle it, amuse yourself; if necessary, commit some good big sin, in order to drive it away. Conscience is the voice of Satan, and it is necessary always to do just the contrary of what Satan wishes.” (ref. J. Dollinger, La Reforme et les resultants qu’elle a produits. (Trans. E. Perrot, Paris, Gaume, 1848-49), Vol III, pg. 248).

“Burn their synagogues. Forbid them all that I have mentioned above. Force them to work and treat them with every kind of severity, as Moses did in the desert and slew three thousand… If that is no use, we must drive them away like mad dogs, in order that we may not be partakers of their abominable blasphemy and of all their vices, and in order that we may not deserve the anger of God and be damned with them. I have done my duty. Let everyone see how he does his. I am excused.” (ref. About the Jews and Their Lies,’ quoted by O’Hare, in ‘The Facts About Luther, TAN Books, 1987, p. 290).
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You're not engaging with me out of genuine concern, moreso to prove yourself right and me wrong. That's not my intent for you. We're all of the same Household of Faith, there shouldn't be any dichotomy. I'm not saying I don't believe everything that is Catholic. As a matter of fact I support the 40 Days For Life, which has supporters from all Christian faiths including Catholics.

I believe that Peter's confession of faith to Christ in Matthew 16 is the "Rock" (petra) that the Church is built on, not Peter himself. Much like I believe when Jesus looked at Peter and said get behind me, Satan, He was speaking to the devil, though looking at Peter. Peter himself tells us in his writings to look to the Overseer of our souls, who is Christ. He also addressed the other elders in kind, showing he was a "fellow" elder and not a figure of authority. Please post the historical accounts that mention Peter the apostle being the Bishop of Rome.

1,500 years...

Scriptures tell me that for the Lord, one day is like a thousand years...

In a nutshell, the reformers like Luther sought to go back to the early teachings of Christ and to move away from a corrupted church that grew indulgent and sought to use the power/influence of scriptures for the wrong reasons. But, let's not forget that there was a Catholic Reformation, an aggressive counter to the Protestant Reformation.

I believe in the teachings of Jesus Christ and the early church before the first council of Nicaea.

Actually, I'm not trying to prove myself right and you wrong. I am genuinely dismayed that people have the wrong impression of the Catholic church.
Satan worked through the heresy of Luther to separate Christians from the very thing that gives life: the Eucharist ("if you do not eat my flesh or drink my blood, you have no life in you..."). Why would Satan be warring with the Catholic church if he was behind it? Our Lord said "can a house divided against itself stand?" Lately, I have been given the gift of tears when I receive communion and it is incredibly sad to me that not everyone experiences this intimate communion with Our Lord and Savoir. Again I'm not trying to be "right." I just wish everyone knew how sweet this level of fellowship is with Jesus. And I know Protestants can and do have an intimate relationship with the Lord but you don't have the Eucharist. I am just grateful that He revealed Himself to me in this way.

If you believe in the teachings of the early church prior to the first council of Nicaea, I challenge you to read the Didiche and compare your own beliefs to those of the early apostles. :yep:

There are so many questions, comments etc. that I'd like to participate in but at this point, I know/feel unwelcome here in this CF. Before we had our Catholic RT's and other threads, I felt like a fish out of water because of the attacks. Now they have resurfaced. We needed to have our subforum but it was denied because it was felt that the christian presence here was being divided. How does this type of situation on here make us feel united? It doesn't. Here we are again, square one. I just won't post here in Christian RT anymore, maybe not in CF period. The division remains. So baseless and unnecessary. I have where I can go and not be vilified in my faith and they are Hebrews as well, in the catholic faith. They comprehend. SMH. But the line is drawn, "no catholic dogs here." Yes, that's how you make me feel. And might I add that this is the last straw for me in feeling cuz I've gone through so much persecution lately and it was totally unprovoked. I don't go around with my faith/beliefs on my shoulders as chips for others to knock down. So, please know, these attacks came out of the blue (non-christians saying very insulting things to embarrass and attempts to shame me). I'm not ashamed of my beliefs either but this has certainly added to the pile of attacks. Tew much. This is edited so, anything posted after this was done so beforehand. Sigh.


Please don't leave the entire CF forum or the boards because of a couple posts. If you don't want to post here anymore I completely understand, but we have our Catholic threads and you can certainly feel safe and supported there. You have great insights that no one else sees it would be a shame if we lost your POV on discussions and topics here


@Belle Du Jour

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Judith 16

1 Break into song for my God, to the tambourine, sing in honour of the Lord, to the cymbal, let psalm and canticle mingle for him, extol his name, invoke it!
2 For the Lord is a God who breaks battle-lines; he has pitched his camp in the middle of his people to deliver me from the hands of my oppressors.
3 Assyria came down from the mountains of the north, came with tens of thousands of his army. Their multitude blocked the ravines, their horses covered the hills.
4 He threatened to burn up my country, destroy my young men with the sword, dash my sucklings to the ground, make prey of my little ones, carry off my maidens;
5 but the Lord Almighty has thwarted them by a woman's hand.
6 For their hero did not fall at the young men's hands, it was not the sons of Titans struck him down, no proud giants made that attack, but Judith, the daughter of Merari, who disarmed him with the beauty of her face.
7 She laid aside her widow's dress to raise up those who were oppressed in Israel; she anointed her face with perfume,
8 bound her hair under a turban, put on a linen gown to seduce him.
9 Her sandal ravished his eye, her beauty took his soul prisoner and the scimitar cut through his neck!
10 The Persians trembled at her boldness, the Medes were daunted by her daring.
11 These were struck with fear when my lowly ones raised the war cry, these were seized with terror when my weak ones shouted, and when they raised their voices these gave ground.
12 The children of mere girls ran them through, pierced them like the offspring of deserters. They perished in the battle of my Lord!
13 I shall sing a new song to my God. Lord, you are great, you are glorious, wonderfully strong, unconquerable.
14 May your whole creation serve you! For you spoke and things came into being, you sent your breath and they were put together, and no one can resist your voice.
15 Should mountains be tossed from their foundations to mingle with the waves, should rocks melt like wax before your face, to those who fear you, you would still be merciful.
16 A little thing indeed is a sweetly smelling sacrifice, still less the fat burned for you in burnt offering; but whoever fears the Lord is great for ever.
17 Woe to the nations who rise against my race! The Lord Almighty will punish them on judgement day. He will send fire and worms in their flesh and they will weep with pain for evermore.
18 When they reached Jerusalem they fell on their faces before God and, once the people had been purified, they presented their burnt offerings, voluntary offerings and gifts.
19 All Holofernes' property given her by the people, and the canopy she herself had stripped from his bed, Judith vowed to God as a dedicated offering.
20 For three months the people gave themselves up to rejoicings in front of the Temple in Jerusalem, where Judith stayed with them.
21 When this was over, everyone returned home. Judith went back to Bethulia and lived on her property; as long as she lived, she enjoyed a great reputation throughout the country.
22 She had many suitors, but all her days, from the time her husband Manasseh died and was gathered to his people, she never gave herself to another man.
23 Her fame spread more and more, the older she grew in her husband's house; she lived to the age of one hundred and five. She emancipated her maid, then died in Bethulia and was buried in the cave where Manasseh her husband lay.
24 The House of Israel mourned her for seven days. Before her death she had distributed her property among her own relations and those of her husband Manasseh.
25 Never again during the lifetime of Judith, nor indeed for a long time after her death, did anyone trouble the Israelites.
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Is. 43: 1-7 (Matthew Henry)

God's favour and good-will to his people speak abundant comfort to all believers. The new creature, wherever it is, is of God's forming. All who are redeemed with the blood of his Son, he has set apart for himself. Those that have God for them need not fear who or what can be against them. What are Egypt and Ethiopia, all their lives and treasures, compared with the blood of Christ? True believers are precious in God's sight, his delight is in them, above any people. Though they went as through fire and water, yet, while they had God with them, they need fear no evil; they should be born up, and brought out. The faithful are encouraged. They were to be assembled from every quarter. And with this pleasing object in view, the prophet again dissuades from anxious fears.
Er, that was in general.. I was referring to the entire Christian forum and other members, not just this article. You're not telling me anything new.

The web site, GotQuestions.org is biblically based and I've always posted articles from that source with scriptures. I've seen backlash even when someone posts Scripture to support their claim, so please stop.
This is the Christian Forum. If I didn't know any better, I'd think all the Catholic threads are pure proselytizing -- the same claim Catholic members love to accuse other Christians with when members of another denomination posts one or two threads. I've not gone into one "Catholic" thread to accuse you of heresy or falsehoods or bashing of Protestants (which you do constantly)

But the minute a thread goes up Catholics do not agree with, they try to shut it down. You don't even see the error of your ways.

There is room for all here. So please, don't go there...

When you post an article with no scripture to back it and that article basically trashes the entire faith with falsehoods, fabrications and heresey, you have to expect a response. Responding is not automatically backlash because it disagrees with your beliefs.
But why does there need to be a "right" church? Why can't I just love Jesus freely? This is a question for both Catholics and Protestants. The bible is pretty clear on what living righteously looks like. Why can't we just do that without the division?
Er, that was in general.. I was referring to the entire Christian forum and other members, not just this article. You're not telling me anything new.

The web site, GotQuestions.org is biblically based and I've always posted articles from that source with scriptures. I've seen backlash even when someone posts Scripture to support their claim, so please stop.
This is the Christian Forum. If I didn't know any better, I'd think all the Catholic threads are pure proselytizing -- the same claim Catholic members love to accuse other Christians with when members of another denomination posts one or two threads. I've not gone into one "Catholic" thread to accuse you of heresy or falsehoods or bashing of Protestants (which you do constantly)

But the minute a thread goes up Catholics do not agree with, they try to shut it down. You don't even see the error of your ways.

There is room for all here. So please, don't go there...


If you haven't been in the Catholic threads how can you confirm that we bash Protestants constantly?
The other posts generally made about other denominations did not present them in such a negative way.

Ok so if Im understanding you correctly, for example, I can come on here and post an article just like the one you did but instead of Catholics being named it named Protestants, stating that all Protestants are devil worshipping pagans who don't follow Jesus Christ and not expect any response? And even be surprised that someone took that seriously?

You and other Protestants on the thread would stay silent and let us Catholics or anyone else get away with that? Really?

Let me understand, for clarification:

1. No matter what is posted from whatever source if it accuses Catholics of anything negative or false we Catholics should not respond at all?

2. If we do respond stating such things are not our beliefs and not what we're about then were infringing upon your free speech rights on the boards? (Even though I like to think that I know my religion a little bit better than a non-Catholic I'm just saying)

3. So everything we Catholics post about our religion or from people who happen to be Catholic like talks, testimonies, prayers, clergy, lay speakers, books, religious pictures, references anything "Catholic" or remotely Catholic is proselytizing? (Not just putting out a good message or celebrating our faith) I don't feel like I'm being forcibly converted because someone posts a message from Heather Linsay or Myles Monroe, Tony Evans etc...

Truly that post just made me and other Catholics on the board feel that we are not considered Christian by you and others who believe the same as you do. And if our basic Christianity is being called into question I will not stay silent and take it, I must respond and I expect other Catholics to respond as well. If that's the majority consensus here then No, we (Catholics) are not all welcome here. Yes, I did "go there".

This board is for Christians for all those who believe that Jesus Christ is Lord and he was crucified, died and rose again for all of our sins.
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So this young man sang "Break Every Chain" on The Voice tonight... I actually enjoyed it and his courage to sing it so passionately to the nation!
The Lies we buy exposing spiritual dangers

She talks about LOA laws of attraction, reiki, yoga and meditation, Hindu or Krishna based practices, palm readings, readings tea leaves, divination, Esther Hicks and "Abraham" teachjngs, Oprah Winfrey, Ekhart Tolle , ghost hunters, Harry Potter, etc... All fall under Leviticus

Lev 19:31
mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them. I am the LORD your God.

Lev 20:21
"'A man or woman who is a medium or spiritist among you must be put to death. You are to stone them; their blood will be on their own heads.'"

Lev 20

Lev 19:28
Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the LORD.

Lev 19
https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Leviticus 19
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You fill yourself up with trash, you can't be surprised when you have no faith and no results in your life. Your spirit must be built up. No one has time to waste on things that have no earthly or eternal value.
Whenever I think about my old job and going back I get excited! It doesn't pay as well or offer as many benefits as my current job. But I loved what I did, I would go in feeling refreshed and leave feeling good even on the bad days. I can not say that about my current job, where I hate every moment. I got a bad vibe from that company the moment I started the orientation process, but I kept going feeling I needed a job. Since being there my depression has increased my relationships have been strained, and I feel spritually dead. No matter how much I pray, read the Word, and sit in church I just feel empty. I just feel my time of working in health care has come to a close or something I shouldn't have gone into in the first place. As none of my healthcare jobs worked out and I didn't like any of the jobs. I'm just ready to move on back to working with special needs children and going into education. I'm believing that God is going to provide a way for me.
Hebrews 13:8. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. But guess what, He loved you yesterday, He loves you today, He'll love you tomorrow. #NationalPrayerDay
I decided on tonight I am no longer going to be throwing pity parties for myself. Time to get up and dust myself off to get back to work!! There is too much life to live to waste time wallowing in my failures. No more looking to the left or right, but now I will only look ahead in front of me. The Lord is my strength and with Him on my side I can accomplish anything!! I am ready to get back on my feet and claim what is rightfully mine!!!
I should come here more often.

I haven't bc I feel chatized before I even open the section :x

Anyway ladies, the week before last my job paid for me to go to the bethe Moore conference and the week before that I went to the outcry concert (hillsong, elevation worship, kari Jobe, Jesus culture) they were both very touching.

I have to find my notes from the beth Moore conference.

Also, it was all I could do to not cry when Kari Jobe sang. The voice Gods had given her is so beautiful. I thought this is what angels must sound like (to compare there is a singer with the most beautiful enchanting voice and when I heard her I thought 'she has the voice of a siren) but kari is using hers to glorify Good and what a marvelous thing
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