2004 Fall/Autumn Grow Out Challenge

I've only been transitioning for two months so my hair is about 2 to 3 inches? I recently big chopped. Anywho, I hope to gain another inch or so by then. Basically, I'll just keep the relaxer from my tresses, continue to live a healthier life style (better eating habbits and exercise), and basic care (cleaning, moisturizing, scalp messages etc). I'll update on December 21!
i'm in
Current: i don't know in inches, but its about jaw length
wanted length: about base of neck/borderline shoulder
plan to: do as many protective styles as possible(braids), surging and scalp massages.
I'm in!

Current length: 22.5 inches hairline to ends (19 inches crwon to ends - I think)

Goal - 1 to 1.5 inches by Dec 31, 2004

I'm giving serious thought to braiding my hair early Nov. since it worked so well for me this summer. Until then:

-Wash 2x weekly
-Deep Condition Weekly
-Moisturize daily sealing ends with olive or castor oil
-Protective styles only (buns in daytime and baggies at night)
-Take vitmins daily
-Pray this all works
UPDATE ... just measured last night.

Current Length 25" (gained 1 inch since last month)

will wash/condition more frequently, no trim, no heat (except for special occassions), baggie method more often, 100mg of Iron twice a day (doctors orders not mine, but it seems to be helping my hair). I will oil my ends in the morning and at night!

My goal as far as length is just for it to keep growing healthily and thick.
Well, I bought a new shampoo (although I promised myself that I wouldn't buy anything else this month!!) and I LOVE IT!!!

It's called Olive Shampoo (I can't remember the Manufacturer - but I'll post the name later) and I bought it at Whole Foods Supermarket for $5.99. I can't believe how soft my hair was last night. I combed through my hair like butter! One downside, was that after I blow dried my hair in the usual allotted time, it was still damp. I don't know if it was all the moisture in my hair. Or what??? But I love this shampoo and will keep using it for the Fall Challenge.

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Wash 2x weekly; Deep Condition 2x/week or at least 1x/week (2x maybe too much conditioning)

-Moisturize hair daily with homemade brew of 911/shea butter oil, castor oil, olive oil, avocado oil - really works great!)

- Seal ends with castor oil, baggie up.

-Protective style (baggies at night);phonytail on weekend
-Take multi vitamin daily; extra zinc; grapeseed; calcium
-TRY NOT TO PLAY IN MY HAIR!! (Biggest challenge of all)
I'm going to continue with my cathy howse regimen. ( washing every three days).

But now I going to "wet" my ends with a liquid leave in and cover over with Cathy's howse creame conditioner and hot six oil, twice dailyThen I let it air dry with a scarf and pin it up in the back.
weekly I will alternate with her conditioner and mostuizing deep conditoner (lEKAIR PINK).

I'm rocking this all fall. I think it will help my hair gain length. it really to short for a nice rollerset and wrap. I'm really not trying to hot curl my hair every three days.

Since I plan to work out, it's a good style that doesn't require maintence
I am in. This is my regimen.
Wash and deep condition every 2-3 days
Wear protective styles
Go back to the baggie technique
Leave my hair alone
Exercise 6 days a week
Increase my protein and start taking vits
Im definetely in.

Dont know exact length but like base of next length in the back chin length in front with a couple layers throughout.

I plan to roller wrap and caruso roller it up. I only plan to use heat when my acapella choir has shows.

Right now I don't have a definite regime Im trying to simplify my regime right now because I really don't have time to be all in my hair.

DelightfulFlame said:
Current length: about 3 inches
Length wanted: 2 more inches
Steps I will take: protective styles, weekly take down and wash, vitamins daily, up water intake, exercise, eat better

I can't complain. I got 1.5", and I didn't do one thing on that list consistently (except for the protective styles). Hey, I guess that's hope for the future and what lies I ahead when I do actually try!
I'm not sure how much growth I gotten. I'm transitioning and my new growth is different lengths in different areas of my hair. I would say 1.5" to 2" inches of growth. :)