My crown is growing.


After searching the internet in September for advice on getting my hair back to health I found LHCF. After finding LHCF I changed the way I cared for my hair. That day I ran to Sally's and brought some products. I then came back home and shampooed with Aphogee shampoo for damaged hair followed by Apohgee 2 step treatment to combat the breakage I was having in that area. That treatment stopped the breakage in its track. At that point I knew I was on the journey to healthy hair.

I then started co-washing every 2-3 days. I would deep condition under a hooded dryer for 30-45 minutes with a combination of SE Luxury Moisturizing condition and Ion Reconstructor. Then I applied my CON leave in. I have been wearing wigs since then.

After 3 months I finally see growth in my crown area :grin:. Thank to the wonderful knowledge obtained from the ladies of LHCF.

My progress:
Now that is some serious progress for 3 months.
Congratulations! Are you doing scalp massages or using anything else to stimulate growth?
CONGRATS!!!! Now share your secret.

My regimine is as follows.

Every 3-4 days: I prepoo with olive oil overnight. The next morning I rinse then cowash with Aussie Moist for about 20 minutes. Then rinse and do a deep condition with a combination of my staples SE Luxury Moisturizing conditioner and Ion reconstructor for 45 minutes to an hour under a hooded dryer. I then do a final cold rinse with Roux PC.

Nightly: Moisturize with S-curl. Massage for 5-10 minutes. Seal with castor oil or Softee growth oil. Apply satin wrap for bed.

Morning of non wash days: I moisturize with Aussie hair insurance and seal with castor oil. I then either rewrap my hair (if I am not working that day) or put on my wig (if I am going to work).
Gurl!!! I am so proud of you for reversing the damage....Congrats!!!!

Whoo hoo! im sure this is an encouaraging post for many!!!
Thanks for the inspiration. This is how I also found LHCF. My crown was thinning. I am now 3 weeks in. So I hope that I have the same success as you in the next few months.
CONGRATS! What are your hair goals now?

Thanks. My short term goal is to grow my hair out to shoulder length within the next year and a half. My ultimate goal is to have BSB length hair. Right now I am stretching my relaxers; currently I am about 3.5 months into it. I am loving my texture. I may try the Thermasmooth to help me stretch until my HHJ anniversary (Sept 2010).