"Hair extensions 'can lead to permanent baldness'"(article)


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Hair extensions 'can lead to permanent baldness'

By Pat Hagan
Last updated at 1:16 AM on 01st January 2009


Thinning locks: Victoria Beckham's hair doesn't look too lush

Women who use hair extensions risk developing permanent bald patches, skin experts have warned.

It follows research which shows some women start to lose their hair within a week of having false strands fitted.

Dermatologists say the extensions, which are attached to a person's real hair by glue, weaving or braiding, put such tension on follicles in the scalp that they can become inflamed causing hair to fall out - a condition known as traction alopecia.

As a result, many women are left with permanent bald spots because the damage to follicles is irreversible.

The research, which has been published in the British Journal of Dermatology, also stresses that the problem could be far more common than reported.

Even women who had no visible signs of hair loss after wearing extensions had considerable underlying damage to the scalp when examined more closely, dermatologists from the University of Miami in Florida in the U.S. and Bologna University in Italy found.
Fears over the growing use of extensions first hit the headlines two years ago, when Victoria Beckham was photographed with a sizeable bald patch after years of sporting false hair.

Kate Beckinsale, Christina Aguilera and Britney Spears have also all been spotted with thinning hair after using extensions.

Last night, hair experts called for a ban on the popular accessory, which costs between £300 and £1,000 depending on the quality of the hair and the technique used to attach it.

Barry Stevens, from the Trichological Society, which represents hair specialists in the UK, has appeared as an expert witness in a number of court cases involving women who have suffered permanent baldness after wearing extensions.

Several were later awarded thousands of pounds in damages from their hairdressers.
He said: 'This is a very real problem-Hair extensions should be banned because they are no good at all.

'I've been involved in two cases recently and in both the claimants were successful.

'I've had people in tears at my clinic over this. The extensions can destroy the follicles so that hair cannot grow back.

'Women using extensions may not be aware of the presence of traction alopecia. But with time this becomes permanent alopecia.'

In recent years, demand for hair extensions has risen by an estimated 40 per cent and is now worth several million pounds to the UK economy each year.

Although false hair can be fixed by weaving or braiding, clip-on extensions have also proved increasingly popular.

However, many women opt to have extensions glued or fixed on to their own hair with hundreds of tiny metal tubes.

Mr Stevens added: 'My advice to women is stop using them. Hair normally regrows but eventually the follicles become so damaged that they only produce very fine hair or none at all.'
There is this lady that I know who has always used extensions, and now her head is bald all over. She still gets extensions, but they glue it to her scalp.
This is a scary article to read the day after I get my first sew-in. The thing is my hair has been thinning rapidly for years with no chemicals, heat or extensions. Three dermatologists can't even figure out why let alone fix it. I guess it's a catch 22. My hair is thin to the point that I can't even style it and look decent now wearing someone else's hair is likely to pull the rest of it out. Guess you can't win for losing! :wallbash:
This is a scary article to read the day after I get my first sew-in. The thing is my hair has been thinning rapidly for years with no chemicals, heat or extensions. Three dermatologists can't even figure out why let alone fix it. I guess it's a catch 22. My hair is thin to the point that I can't even style it and look decent now wearing someone else's hair is likely to pull the rest of it out. Guess you can't win for losing! :wallbash:

Wow! Maybe you should try ORS uplifting shampoo and hair mayo. I have never had extensions, but my hair started to get thin due to excessive heating use every two weeks. I haven't had direct heat on my head for about a year and I used the products above and my hair is as thick as it was before.