Winter Hair Care Tips


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Winter Hair Care Tips

Wear a scarf, hat or cap to protect your hair from the cold and wind, but make sure that it's not so tight that it will restrict circulation in your scalp.

Use a conditioner daily.

Once you have your hair moist, lock in the moisture by running your hair through cold water, this will also give your hair an extra shine.

Don't go outside with your hair wet, you risk breakage; your hair will freeze if it's cold enough outside and may break.

Limit your use of "hot" items on your hair such as a blow dryers and curling irons.

If you need to use a "hot" item use a leave in conditioner before using the item on your hair.

Avoid taking hot showers or washing your hair in hot water, use warm or cool water instead, the heat can dry out and/or damage your hair and skin.

Hair products that have the word, "Replenish" on it is made to moisturize your hair.

Try using a dry shampoo if you need to wash out your hair, one dry shampoo you can use is baby powder, simply sprinkle some onto your hair and use a comb to comb it off.
I don't know about putting Baby Powder in my hair. I don't think it will comb out that easy. Thats just me though.
Most of these tips are great.....others I don't feel are geared towards our hair (baby powder).

Thanks OP!
I moisturize the ends almost daily, and then wear a bun. When I put my hat on, I wear my satin scarf underneath the hat. But I also bun when I go to sleep and the ends are tucked in with the moisturizer on them so my hair never gets dry.

I do lots of buns when my hair is straight.
Thanks for sharing the powder is great for absorbing perspiration from the hair line after working out when you don't have time to shampoo.:yep:
Oh damn is this part true?

"Don't go outside with your hair wet, you risk breakage; your hair will freeze if it's cold enough outside and may break."

Because I don't really have a choice sometimes. It takes hours for my hair to dry and I sometimes wet it in the morning before running out the door to catch the bus.