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New Member
Might be setting yourselves up for Keratosis!

Think about it you will say oh Petroleum and Mineral Oil can clog the follicles! But you dont think 'insoluble Keratin' Cant? Where is all the Keratin going? huh?

Keratosis pilaris occurs as excess keratin, a natural protein in the skin, accumulates within the hair follicles forming hard plugs (process known as hyperkeratinization). Bearing only cosmetic consequence, the condition most often appears as a proliferation of tiny hard bumps that are seldom sore or itchy. Though people with keratosis pilaris experience this condition year round, it’s during the colder months when moisture levels in the air are lower that the problem can become exacerbated and the “goose bumps” are apt to look and feel more pronounced in color and texture.

Many KP bumps contain an ingrown hair that has coiled. This is a result of the keratinized skin "capping off" the hair follicle, preventing the hair from exiting. Instead, the hair grows inside the follicle, often encapsulated, and can be removed, much like an ingrown hair, though removal can lead to scarring.


oh and you better be sure you have plenty of Vitamin A since your overloading your scalps and follicles with Keratin!

Your body reacts to a deficiency in vitamin A with brittle nails that grow slowly, and don't glow pink underneath. You also can be afflicted with night blindness, cloudy vision, ulcers of the cornea, and in extreme cases, blindness. Vitamin A helps to keep your tissues soft, because it encourages mucus secretion of the cells. When there isn't enough A, the tissues harden (keratinization). Your digestive and respiratory tracts can harden, making it very hard for those systems to work correctly. Your skin can also be keratinizaed. The hair folicles get plugged with keratin (insoluble protein, also the main constituent of hair and nails) and resembles goose flesh. The first to be afflicted is the forearms and thighs. On the other hand, if you get too much A, you will experience fatigue, restlessness, nausea, vommitting, headaches, skin rash, dry scaly lips, hair loss, brittle nails, weight loss, and liver ad spleen enlargement. Carotene from plants isn't toxic, because your body only changes what it needs to vitamin A. You may get alarmingly yellow-orange skin though. To get a toxicity, you'd have to take 100,000 RE every day for six months. Probably the only way you would do this is through supplements, so be careful with those supplements. You don't need them anyway if you eat a ballanced diet of wholesome foods.


how's that for doing your research and being a captain save a head! :grin: But you know I'm the bad guy I just dont want people using MT/OCT because they are my enemy AND I MUST OWN APHOGEE or something. come on, not even long ago many of you would have been against anyone saying to use Keratin like this! :nono: But now you see some growth and look at ya'll! willing to risk it all! and anyone saying anything about being careful or you know hey , keratin really aint no joke this really isnt making sense to do this, is the bad guy! Well I am through, igg this and please be my guest Keratin it up ladies!!!! You know as long as you grow some hair quckily! Thats all that really matters right?

well after this, far be it for me to try to stop anyone from f'in up their heads of hair! your right. Its your thing do what you want to do! I'm retiring from my 'captain save a head' position!

It didnt pay good enough N E WAY :nono:
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and i wont add what it can do to your hair because um yeah I got it. YOU GOT IT ALREADY!

far be it for me to not totally understand why the hell anyone would want to take risks and totally f up their hair all together! with heavy use of Keratin! nah I need to understand! I mean really! whats wrong with me? I must be crazy! Even though you might lose it all together this way! Or cause other greater issues you want hair! & I need to shut up and not say anything about how serious I SEE this could be and not try to save nobody's head!


I really find it sad!

i can't talk about anybody's choices though, i am still using V05 even though it has fromeldahyde (sp?) in it... :look:

good lookin out with that info though Iris! at least nobody can say they didn't know any better...
External keratin wouldn't cause Keratosis pilaris. Your basal cells in the epidermis of your skin produce your keratin which forms a water resistent barrier on your skin, scalp and nails. Internal and subcutanous dermatitis can cause your basal cells to product more keratin in response to the irratitation, as an attempt for your body to help protect the skin. This is where the keratin buildup comes from, not products.

Your liver actually stores enough vitamin A to last nearly a year as long as you don't have major illness. If you have a healthy body fat percentage or a little extra chub:look:, you also have a larger store of it too. Your liver absorbs vitamin a in the form of retinol palmate since that is the fat soluable form of vitamin A. Beta carotene, found in veggies is the water soluable form that your body can process, convert, and store as well if need be. Otherwise, you pee the extra out every couple of hours.


Keratosis pilaris is most commonly seen in the skin on the arms, butt, legs(especially the thighs), and sometimes the face. It is rare that you see it on your scalp.
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Also, all keratin isn't the same either. The keratin produced in your skin, your scalp and your nails is different.
External keratin wouldn't cause Keratosis pilaris. Your basal cells in the epidermis of your skin produce your keratin which forms a water resistent barrier on your skin, scalp and nails. Internal and subcutanous dermatitis can cause your basal cells to product more keratin in response to the irratitation, as an attempt for your body to help protect the skin. This is where the keratin buildup comes from, not products.

Your liver actually stores enough vitamin A to last nearly a year as long as you don't have major illness. If you have a healthy body fat percentage or a little extra chub:look:, you also have a larger store of it too. Your liver absorbs vitamin a in the form of retinol palmate since that is the fat soluable form of vitamin A. Beta carotene, found in veggies is the water soluable form that your body can process, convert, and store as well if need me. Otherwise, you pee the extra out every couple of hours.

Now...this is a great post. Thank you for clarifying it. You so smart:grin:
what a trip some of ya'll can be ova growin some hair! ya'll dont play! dont wanna hear nothin about nothin, unless it happens to you! Dang shame really to be this way about hair , that trust me, is gonna grow N E WAY!

i never said people cant do what they want. I saw the growth myself! But whats this , line up with the majority's opinion , regardless of total good intentions, or get lost!

This is some bulllsheet! Next there is gonna be all these threads with ladies with long hair, but scalp conditions or hair loss due to protein overload!

just like the surge craze, then came the costs
just like the MTG craze , then came costs

not saying everybody paid them! But we all know there were quite a few that really did! I do not appreciate not being able to openly say ,as it has always been here and should remain, open dialogue, for anyone reading that thread, that this might not be the best way to go! not every thread entry just being for those using it and just didnt want to hear it! Thats some bull

anyone is invited to the thread and read over the dialogue that was suppsed to be 'controlled' *I guess*, where apparently I did something really wrong!
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External keratin wouldn't cause Keratosis pilaris. Your basal cells in the epidermis of your skin produce your keratin which forms a water resistent barrier on your skin, scalp and nails. Internal and subcutanous dermatitis can cause your basal cells to product more keratin in response to the irratitation, as an attempt for your body to help protect the skin. This is where the keratin buildup comes from, not products.

thank you gymfreak, i mean, honestly. Quite frankly, keratosis pilaris is a hereditary condition in the first place...

External keratin wouldn't cause Keratosis pilaris. Your basal cells in the epidermis of your skin produce your keratin which forms a water resistent barrier on your skin, scalp and nails. Internal and subcutanous dermatitis can cause your basal cells to product more keratin in response to the irratitation, as an attempt for your body to help protect the skin. This is where the keratin buildup comes from, not products.

Your liver actually stores enough vitamin A to last nearly a year as long as you don't have major illness. If you have a healthy body fat percentage or a little extra chub:look:, you also have a larger store of it too. Your liver absorbs vitamin a in the form of retinol palmate since that is the fat soluable form of vitamin A. Beta carotene, found in veggies is the water soluable form that your body can process, convert, and store as well if need be. Otherwise, you pee the extra out every couple of hours.

Thanks for this post and to the OP, too. I was clicking on the wiki article trying to figure out how the keratin in our shampoo is related to this condition Isis talks about.
what a trip some of ya'll can be ova growin some hair! ya'll dont play! dont wanna hear nothin about nothin, unless it happens to you! Dang shame really to be this way about hair , that trust me, is gonna grow N E WAY!

i never said people cant do what they want. I saw the growth myself! But whats this , line up with the majority's opinion , regardless of total good intentions, or get lost!

This is some bulllsheet! Next there is gonna be all these threads with ladies with long hair, but scalp conditions or hair loss due to protein overload!

just like the surge craze, then came the costs
just like the MTG craze , then came costs

not saying everybody paid them! But we all know there were quite a few that really did! I do not appreciate not being able to openly say ,as it has always been here and should remain, open dialogue, for anyone reading that thread, that this might not be the best way to go! not for those using it and just didnt want to hear it! BS!

I didn't know that my post would cause such an uproar, Iris. Why I gotta be a trip? I don't go around calling people names (well, maybe McCombOver:lachen:) and you didn't like when someone said that you were the Captain of Hair...so relax. If I choose to continue to use the stuff..then so be it. It's ok...
It took me 2 seconds to utilize google in order to bring y'all these truths:

Hormonal influences have been considered since it appears at puberty and is more common in overweight women who have higher androgen (male hormone) levels. There is a genetic component to this condition. It appears to be autosomal dominant, and there is also an X-linked recessive variant.

The specific causes of this disorder are unknown. Since this disorder runs in families, it is thought to be hereditary. Keratosis pilaris is not a serious disorder and is not contagious.

The cause of Keratosis pilaris is unknown but genetics plays an important role. It is frequently seen in people who have a personal or family history of asthma, allergies or atopic eczema.

This is not about the OP personally, but damn, could we maybe not resort to incorrect scare tactics in order to push our own agendas?
& trust me I really dont got that much time to be worried over what ya'll are putting in your heads. I didnt even care to find out what it was, and the information about came out in that thread! once I saw it was Keratin and how it was being used all I could think was oh shyt! This dont make sense nor does it sound safe!

But again ladies, I wish you the best! I hope it works for you without suffereing any of the risks! I actually really really do! :yep:
It took me 2 seconds to utilize google in order to bring y'all these truths:

This is not about the OP personally, but damn, could we maybe not resort to incorrect scare tactics in order to push our own agendas?

if your putting tons of keratin in your head you can create the same environment as someone with it! too much keratin!
So now I'm confused :perplexed. Can somebody clarify the whole keratosis pilaris thing? Is it something that can happen from protein overload or is it purely hereditary? Because my hair seems to love the Aphogee protein treatments but if it has the potential to harm my health in anyway I'd like to make the informed decision to continue use or not.
if your putting tons of keratin in your head you can create the same environment as someone with it! too much keratin!




by virtue of being "hereditary", you are either born with it or you're not. It's caused by a gene. It's the first thing said by your original source:

Keratosis pilaris (KP, also follicular keratosis) is a very common genetic follicular condition that is manifested by the appearance of rough bumps on the skin and hence colloquially referred to as "chicken skin" as well as "meat bumps".
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So now I'm confused :perplexed. Can somebody clarify the whole keratosis pilaris thing? Is it something that can happen from protein overload or is it purely hereditary? Because my hair seems to love the Aphogee protein treatments but if it has the potential to harm my health in anyway I'd like to make the informed decision to continue use or not.

The way i see it is, well who was going around putting a bunch of Keratin in their heads to ever know what it would do? But this is a condition thats hereditary that causes too much keratin. I am simply saying my logic tells me you can also create Keratosis , by using too much keratin the same

too much keratin is too much keratin, whether its caused by a genetic over production or creating the same environment with too much use. all I'm saying is its something to consider! But whatever the case its A FACT that it can clog your follicles! yep! So anti grease people are now clogging their precious follicles with insoluble Keratin! wow that makes sense! :yep:
if your putting tons of keratin in your head you can create the same environment as someone with it! too much keratin!

You are comparing apples and oranges here.........

Your skin is a selectivly permable membrane. It can't and won't absorb everything. Keratin protein is not a small molecule, especially keratin that has been hydrolyzed to be used in cosmetics.

Its like this........ You can drink 100 gallons of water and it will kill you or you can sit in a pool with 100 gallons of water and it won't. Either way I could say you have too much water but in reality, the situations are TOTALLY different.



by virtue of being "hereditary", you are either born with it or you're not. It's caused by a gene. It's the first thing said by your original source:

Some people are also born with hereditary Adrenal issues, no production of Cortisol , but taking corticosteroids will produce the same disease!

get it?

keratossis=too much keratin , I mean I am sure all the books havent been written because I am sure up until now people didnt go around saturatiing their scalps with Keratin! Hey maybe this will update if the same environment of keratosis can be created by adding it regularly , like the condition is over production of it, your creating an over production of keratin environment for yourselves. yeah lets see what happens! it will be interesting! :yep:

now we will all know for sure and the books can be updated!

But please NOBODY was going around trying to have a mass production of Keratin on their heads before this :perplexed: I DONT THINK
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The way i see it is, well who was going around putting a bunch of Keratin in their heads to ever know what it would do? But this is a condition thats hereditary that causes too much keratin. I am simply saying my logic tells me you can also create Keratosis , by using too much keratin the same

too much keratin is too much keratin, whether its caused by a genetic over production or creating the same environment with too much use. all I'm saying is its something to consider! But whatever the case its A FACT that it can clog your follicles! yep! So anti grease people are now clogging their precious follicles with insoluble Keratin! wow that makes sense! :yep:

Oh! ok I'm tracking now...you're thought process makes sense because when I googled it, it said that its THOUGHT to be hereditary but it also says its harmless. So as long as we're not doing keratin treatments or whatever else on a daily basis and still clarify (like those of use that still use grease) we should be ok correct?

i can't talk about anybody's choices though, i am still using V05 even though it has fromeldahyde (sp?) in it... :look:

good lookin out with that info though Iris! at least nobody can say they didn't know any better...

What is formeldahyde? what does it do, I use V05 faitfully,
Some people are also born with hereditary Adrenal issues, no production of Cortisol , but taking corticosteroids will produce the same disease!

get it?

keratossis=too much keratin , I mean I am sure all the books havent been written because I am sure up until now people didnt go around saturatiing their scalps with Keratin! Hey maybe this will update if the same environment of keratosis can be created by adding it regularly , like the condition is over production of it, your creating an over production of keratin environment for yourselves. yeah lets see what happens! it will be interesting! :yep:

That is a steriod which has hormonal effects on the body that can activate ocogenes that can cause cancer that you would consume orally. Still not the same thing.
keratossis=too much keratin , I mean I am sure all the books havent been written because I am sure up until now people didnt go around saturatiing their scalps with Keratin! Hey maybe this will update if the same environment of keratosis can be created by adding it regularly , like the condition is over production of it, your creating an over production of keratin environment for yourselves. yeah lets see what happens! it will be interesting! :yep:


I normally don't say this because I'm not one to tell people what should and should not be their opinions. But this isn't about opinions, it's about scientific facts, so simply:

You are wrong.
Oh! ok I'm tracking now...you're thought process makes sense because when I googled it, it said that its THOUGHT to be hereditary but it also says its harmless. So as long as we're not doing keratin treatments or whatever else on a daily basis and still clarify (like those of use that still use grease) we should be ok correct?

No matter what you do, you can't GIVE yourself this condition; IT IS GENETIC!!!

Not capping at you, just stressing the point.
:dazed:sheesh. i'm gettin bout as confused as i was after that Texlax/bonelax thread....when ya'll come to a conclusion, somebody pm me1
What is formeldahyde? what does it do, I use V05 faitfully,

More or less its a disinfectant. You know in movies where they kidnap somebody and put the white cloth soaked in some liquid over the person's mouth? that's formaldehyde. its in building materials and many household products.
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