I LOVE Flaxseed Oil!... Challenge Anyone?

I think that applies to after it's been opened. After you break the seal you need to refrigerate but I'm not 100% sure on this. I sure hope that's how it goes cuz I got two huge bottles just sitting around the house (un-opened).

your right!
I just got a bottle yesterday and I took one (1000mg) with dinner. Um, I think it made me itch. :perplexed It felt like things were crawling on me about 30min. after I took it and it lasted maybe 1hour. Do you think it was the flaxseed? Has this happened to anyone? I going to take one again tonight and see if the same thing happens. If so I won't be joining this challenge.:nono:

I took the same amount last night with no adverse effects so ... I'm in!:yep:

Since taking Flaxseed Oil, my cycle came and for the first time in years, I did not have any cramps. :yay:

I usually have delibitating cramps. The only time I do not have cramps is when I work out, but I have not worked out in years. So it must be the flax seed oil. I also take B-Complex, Biotin, iron pills (for my anemia) but I have been taken those vits prior to the flaxseed oil.

Since taking Flaxseed Oil, my cycle came and for the first time in years, I did not have any cramps. :yay:

I usually have delibitating cramps. The only time I do not have cramps is when I work out, but I have not worked out in years. So it must be the flax seed oil. I also take B-Complex, Biotin, iron pills (for my anemia) but I have been taken those vits prior to the flaxseed oil.

Those omega fatty acids work WONDERS!!!
I really want to start taking Flaxseed Oil, and join this challenge! But I have to use up my Evening Primrose Oil first (about 3 more days). Has anyone ever used this (EPO), because I didn't notice anything. :nono: So after I finish that up, I'm off to the store to buy Flaxseed Oil!! I really hope it lives up to its name! :yep:

I have been taking Flaxseed Oil for the last 2 weeks and never in my adult life have I been so regular. I'm talking meal in, meal out :grin: It's great.

I have been taking Flaxseed Oil for the last 2 weeks and never in my adult life have I been so regular. I'm talking meal in, meal out :grin: It's great.

hey i found my period was shorter and lighter and also painfree!!!!


woooo hoooo

Since taking Flaxseed Oil, my cycle came and for the first time in years, I did not have any cramps. :yay:

I usually have delibitating cramps. The only time I do not have cramps is when I work out, but I have not worked out in years. So it must be the flax seed oil. I also take B-Complex, Biotin, iron pills (for my anemia) but I have been taken those vits prior to the flaxseed oil.


when i took flaxseed b4 i was on the BC pill so i never had cramps...but now i'm off bc, i had acne for the first month and terrible TERRIBLE CRAMPS

and was on for 7 whole days

since flax i'm on 5 days
and no pain

i love this stuff
Candy, count me in also. I've been taking 1 tbs a day, and plan to keep taking it. I even have my sister taking it. :) Before I started taking flaxseed oil, I had chronically dry chapped lips most of my life. Nothing, I mean nothing helped. After a week of taking the oil, my lips started to show improvement. Two weeks in my lips were moist and smooth, and have been ever since. No more cracking, peeling, or anything. In addition I get scalp, hair, and heart benefits. What more could a girl ask for from one supplement. :D
Candy, count me in also. I've been taking 1 tbs a day, and plan to keep taking it. I even have my sister taking it. :) Before I started taking flaxseed oil, I had chronically dry chapped lips most of my life. Nothing, I mean nothing helped. After a week of taking the oil, my lips started to show improvement. Two weeks in my lips were moist and smooth, and have been ever since. No more cracking, peeling, or anything. In addition I get scalp, hair, and heart benefits. What more could a girl ask for from one supplement. :D

golden breeze, my lips used to get pretty dry too, i must say they havent caused me grief for a few days now

and i'm glad your sis is taking it too!!

Lets check in November 25th with results!

Hey Candy_C, just wanted to let you know that I officially joined the challenge tonight. I just downed 3 teaspoons of Flaxseed Oil, and almost barfed, not yummy, but its not too bad. :lick:
Bless Up Sistrens!!!

I just got my Flaxseed oil from VS ..its cinnimon flavor and taste not bad at all :grin: ... So any of u who are fightin the taste can try dat :yep: .. Plus VS is having a sale this month of Sept.
I took 1 tsp. just in case it didnt agree with my tummy but it went good so ill go with a Tbl next try
Cant wait to reap the rewards
hey i found my period was shorter and lighter and also painfree!!!!


woooo hoooo

That is what I'm hoping to have a painfree period. Oh, I remember you mentioned that it prevents acne. Does it also help remove blemishes/scars from past acne?
That sounds good. It appears to be 100% flaxseed with no additives. By the way zzirvingj, how did you get your hair to curl up like that in your siggy? Mines just piles up on the top of my head when I let it airdry.

Hey! My hair seems to hang down a little more the longer it grows (I guess cause it's getting heavier). It has this natural "part down the middle" thing going on with it too that I could never seem to have any control over, lol!

In my siggy pic, that was my hair after conditioner washing, which helps me to define my curls. Plus, the weight of the water tends to "stretch it out" some. I had squeezed the excess water out of my hair once I got out of the shower. Then I sprayed it with my bottle of diluted Giovanni Direct. It's not 100% dry in that pic, it's slightly damp.

HTH! :)
Perfect timing! I'm in!! I just started Flax oil on 8/19. I've had excema all my life but never had the nerve to try the oil. I've had the seeds before but never stuck with it to see results. I take 2 tablespoons in one cup of Trader Joe's Vanana (vanilla and banana) yogurt and drink it down! Surprisingly yummy!

Happy to hear about the lighter periods too!

Oh and to the sister who says she noticed she was itching for 30 min to an hour, that may be an allergic reaction. Please be careful!:ohwell:

That is what I'm hoping to have a painfree period. Oh, I remember you mentioned that it prevents acne. Does it also help remove blemishes/scars from past acne?

I wish I had known about flaxseed oil when I spent years curled up in a fetal position at least 2 days EVERY month!

I have been taking Flaxseed Oil for the last 2 weeks and never in my adult life have I been so regular. I'm talking meal in, meal out :grin: It's great.

OMG....you are so right. I have never been regular in my life and now....it's amazing. It's also clearing up all my blemishes. I just need to watch it a little bit more on the hair growth part.
I'm in too!

I've been taking this in capsule form for about 2 weeks. I take Nature Made Organic Flaxseed oil. Two pills twice a day which is 4,000 mg.

I'm noticing more shine! Watching the skin carefully.
Alright Ladies,
I need to clear up my acne, stop having chapped lips, and stay regular so I'm off to get some flaxseed oil, ASAP!!!!:grin: