What Kind Of Voodoo Is In Wetline Gel?

I searched high and low for this stuff last week because I got tired of hearing y'all say how good it is. :laugh: Went to Target, Walgreens and Sally Beauty...NADA. I ended up buying it on Target.com with free shipping (in-store pick up wasn't available at my store) for 3 bucks and some change. I haven't used the Eco Styler variations in a while (and I was never that crazy about them anyway) but Wet Line feels totally different. Like Serena said, it goes on so smoothly. I was using the Camille Rose gel even after I promised myself I wasn't going to mess with coconut oil anymore and I already think I'm going to like this super cheapie gel better.
I got mine from Target.com
this stuff IS voodoo! I bought some from CVS today and did a washngo just now. It goes on very smooth! I'm throwing all my ecostyler in the trash and getting the big tub of this stuff! Even as I'm raking it in, the ecostyler will start flaking. This stuff, no flakes! I can't wait to see what it's like when it dries!
Spray water, apply gel, spray more water.

I've used with leave in, but it comes out smoother with better hold with just water. Idk why?
Dangit, something else to buy:rolleyes:.

What are you girls doing to me? Ya'll know I gatta get this right?

Thanks @Saludable84 for this quick instruction on how you use the gel:yep:. I like products that work well and are not difficult to use.
And sounds like I'll finally get to use mine for a wash and go. I got a bunch Kinky Curly custard, so I'll try it without mixing first and then mix and see what I like better.

Glad it isn't going to waste. Lol
Ugh I went to Target and got this gel. I'm going to use it for MHM if it goes right. KCCC was too sticky and expensive. CR CM doesn't hold and is also expensive.

I am testing a small sample in the front. This gel does go on smooth and I'm surprised my hair curled right up from nothing. Usually i have to do the whole MHM to see definition. I twisted that section and will take down in morning to check for hold and flakes.
So I took down my test twist and my test flexi rod sections. I must say this gel is good. My hair has real hold, but isn't crunchy. This will also work on wash-n-goes for the last step of MHM. It may not be an approved gel, but those botanical gels do nothing for me.

Compared to KCCC, it isn't sticky at all, I don't have to dilute it, and it holds and defines better for me. I don't see flakes either.