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Several scalp conditions, left untreated, may become larger problems and lead to hair loss. Below are a few common scalp problems. If any of the following conditions exist, please consult your dermatologist.

  • Dandruff (Pityriasis)

There are two common forms of Dandruff: Dry Dandruff and Greasy Dandruff. The principle signs of Dry Dandruff are white scales on the hair and scalp accompanied by itching. Greasy or Waxy Dandruff is characterized by scaliness of the epidermis, mixed with oils which causes it to stick to the scalp in patches. Dandruff may be associated with a dry or oily condition. Common causes include poor blood circulation to the scalp, poor diet, improper hygiene, excessive use of styling products, dry indoor air, tight fitting hats, or infection. Generally, dandruff is a natural condition and normally cannot be eliminated. Dandruff can be controlled by using a medicated shampoo and correcting the conditions above that promote dandruff. Long-term neglect of Dandruff can cause baldness. Below are two common forms of Dandruff. Be careful using Dandruff Shampoos containing Zinc Pyrithione. Shampoos containing this chemical are not intended for daily use and should be used about 2 times per week, alternated with a good Moisturizing Shampoo.

  • Dry Dandruff (Pityriasis Capitis)

Treatment for dry dandruff includes use of special medicated shampoos, daily use of antiseptic lotions (such as Sea Breeze) and scalp massage while shampooing. Persistent or sever dandruff should always be treated by a dermatologist.

  • Greasy Dandruff (Pityriasis Steatoides)

Greasy or Waxy Dandruff can be a serious condition and should be treated by a dermatologist.

  • Head Lice

Head lice is one of the most common communicable disorders among children (and sometimes adults). Lice are small parasites that live in the hair and feed off the scalp. Shared use of brushes, hats, and other hair items are common causes of the spread of lice. Contrary to popular opinion, lice cannot be caught from animals. Lice only live on people. Symptoms include: persistent itching and the presence of actual lice and grayish "nits." You can check for head lice by parting the hair and looking at sections of hair and scalp. This should be done in very bright light. Since lice is communicable, be sure to check everyone in the family and alert your school or daycare, so they may control the spread of the problem. There are special shampoos available to eliminate lice, but other steps must be taken.

Brushes or combs should be soaked in lice shampoo for at least an hour (or thrown away). Wash all linens and vacuum carpets. Lice are tenacious creatures that can live off the body for up to 48 hours, so it is important to disinfect clothing, bedclothes and furniture as well as treat the hair. Do not discontinue treatment until eggs and lice are completely gone. Avoid contact with others while infected and never attempt to get a haircut while infected. Many make the incorrect assumption that a quick buzzcut will eliminate the problem. It will not. Many states require barbers and stylists to stop the service immediately if lice are detected.

Finally, although lice is quite often eliminated by the use of "over the counter" products, you should seek the advice of a dermatologist if possible.
Where did you come from in the wee hours of the morning...don't you bots usually shut down for maintenance at this time :lachen:
I just wanna grab that little stuffed animal in OP's avatar everytime I come into one of these darn threads.
Its a bot, from what I know. Usually the info is either common knowlege, other times its completely bunk. This actually is the best post I've seen from Hope.

Check these out if you are curious:

BTW, if Hope is a person, you should probably try speaking in the first person point of view once in a while. Then possibly we'd think there was a person there.