Your Place of Worship

Spongie Bloom

New Member
Hello Lovely Ladies,

I was wondering if we could share something about our churches i.e the fellowship, the pastors and the good work it does and also what type of blessing it has been in our lives, and also what denomination it is.

Also how you came about that church, how and when you started attending it?

If you do not have a church how and where do you worship?

I was wondering if we could share something about our churches i.e the fellowship,
We greet each other with a hug or a kiss or handshake it depends on how you feel.

the pastors and the good work it does and also what type of blessing it has been in our lives, and also what denomination it is.
My pastor is funny and engaging and he doesn't really preach he teaches and we follow along we actually read what he reads its 98% scripture based and he expounds on some things that just totally brings it alive as well as other things we might be hindering in our lives I love it. Service is about 3 hours long and its Seventh Day Adventist. Which I have been a member as of one day.

Also how you came about that church, how and when you started attending it?
I saw a TV Amazing Facts program that blew me out the water, made me sit down and think. I ran and got my bible to see if all he said was true followed all the scriptures he had on the screen and looked for even more and I found myself actually studying the bible with a purpose, the more he talked the more I wanted to see if it was true or not then I went online to other sites and I have tons of books and I just really was looking and found that everything he said resonated with me and I had this freeing experience come over me. My questions started getting answered even the ones that I thought were really hard were answered. I started visiting SDA churches to see if I would like it since it was so new and so strange to me and someone at work suggested the one I go to now and I been there for six months. I Love it I had issues very minor and I spoke about them all of them. I am not one to hold back when things bother me and you know I just fell in love with the pastor the people and made it my chuch home.

So I am very proud to be a christian and a SDA I put SDA secondary because its not about SDA at all but everyone that knows me Know what I believe.

If you do not have a church how and where do you worship?
Hello Lovely Ladies,

I was wondering if we could share something about our churches i.e the fellowship,
We greet each other too- pretty much what Blazing said. Visitors often comment on how welcome they feel at our church. We also have different small groups that fellowship from time to time(ie women's groups, singles, lots of children's activities, dance ministries, mime, etc). We go to conferences etc whenever possible togther and sometimes just go on outtings together as groups. Then of course there are the individual friendships that have been forged.
the pastors and the good work it does:
Wow, could write a book here!! I have grown so much since coming here. My whole family has. My pastors love God and teach strictly the word. My main pastor is very funny and will have you learning and cracking up at the same time. My associate pastor is so full of the word and wisdom. He is one of the most energetic ppl I have ever met. He is full of God's joy and willing to help you get there too. I love our bible study b/c we can ask questions, share things like we do here on this forum.
and also what type of blessing it has been in our lives,
I have been blessed as God has blessed and promoted my pastor. Financially, physically, and most of Spiritually!! I have learned so much.
and also what denomination it is.
We are non-denominational. My pastor said when God spoke to him about starting our church God said he did not want it to be like any other church. He said he would instruct my pastor on what to do and told him to teach the word- nothing else. So that's what he does. He encourages/challenges us to go to the word and read/study for ourselves. He expects us to read along with him.

Also how you came about that church, how and when you started attending it?
I have belonged to a few churches usually due to moving to new areas. As a young lady I only wanted God when I was in trouble. I did not know what I was missing. :nono: When I relocated back in the south I went to the church of my child hood but found it sorely lacking in many areas. I was just not growing spiritually and even though I didn't know what I was looking for I knew there had to be more. I could go to the club Saturday and get to church Sunday and not feel convicted. I could go fornicate all week and come to church and be just as comfortable as ever. There was too much going on there for me to even mention but I started praying asking God to help me find a good 'real' church for my kids b/c I didn't want that to be all of God they knew and I knew I was wrong for my behaviors. I hit rock bottom in my personal life that summer of 2005. The help I needed seemed nowhere to be found. We left the church in spring. About 18 months after I started praying and after visiting many churches I found my church. We visted there all summer and I felt peace and learned, and laughed. I joined in the Sept. of 2005 (after the darkest hour of my life earlier that year. I almost gave up on life). I have never regretted it. We are all very happy and active in our church.

If you do not have a church how and where do you worship?

Big shout out to my LFCC fam. :grin:
Thank you Sisters for sharing, your stories really warm my heart. :bighug:

To answer my own question I do not go to church at the moment I havent been to a church in 6 yrs :sad: I have been invited to two churches but I did not feel at home there, the latest one I was invited by a friend and the people there are very nice infact I made some friends there that I still keep in touch with but there are a lot of things that they do or believe that I do not agree with (things that are not found in the Bible). I only just began actively searching for a church quite recently though. I really do miss the fellowship, in my old church I was in the choir as well. That church strengthened my faith but when I left it (because I moved) I realised just how dependent on it I was and unfortunately I lost touch wit the Word too :sad:. I think every christian needs fellowship and a sacred place to worship. At present I study and worship in my room.

I hope more people will share their stories too.
Hello Lovely Ladies,

I was wondering if we could share something about our churches i.e the fellowship, the pastors and the good work it does and also what type of blessing it has been in our lives, and also what denomination it is.

About my Church ... hmm ... where do I start ... I love everything about it. The fellowship is awesome! As soon as you walk in, you can feel the love of Christ flowing through people and you just feel at home. Besides regular Sunday services, there're also opportunities to learn and grow ... bible study every Tuesday night, Connect groups Wednesday's bi-weekly: these are small groups of people in the Church that live in your area meeting up to share the word, fellowship, and pray for one another. Regional parties the last Friday of every month for all the connect groups in an area (e.g. East London regional party, Central London, e.t.c.), Sisterhood breakfast every Saturday morning! which is again regional, Leadership Vision night 5 times a year, and so on ...

Although it is a big Church, there are various things put in place to make it smaller and more personal. The Pastor is awesome! The word is always beautiful and timely and foccussed on actually living the Christian life and putting what we learn and know into practice/our daily lives. He's very very humble. To gim it isn't about who's sailing the ship, as long as the ship has JESUS written on it.

The good works: We work together with 3 main organizations: Watoto which places parent-less children into loving families. Through their programme, these children receive an excellent education, healthcare and lead a beautiful and fulfilling life., Compassion which is a child sponsorship organisation who give people a chance to make a differencein the lives of children in poverty striken regions, and Vision rescue which Vision Rescue which seeks to help people on the streets of India who are addicted, marginalised, harassed and abused by giving them food, education, counseling and rehabilitation, so they can live with dignity and respect. The testimonies are amazing! With Compassion, we do one village at a time and there was a time there were no more children in a particular village to sponsor! Goes without saying there was a transformation there and in the name of Jesus Christ :).

Being a part of this Church has blessed my life in sooo many ways I can't even begin to explain as i've written quite a lot already.

It is Pentecostal.

Also how you came about that church, how and when you started attending it?

I started attending a year ago. Most of the Christian music I listen to are Hillsong music and one day while worshipping at home, i'm like ... hang on, Hillsong have a Church in London. I really should try it out and I did and have never looked back since.

If you do not have a church how and where do you worship?
Great thread!

I love my church family. It is non-demoninational, our church name changed to reflect that, but things still run the same. We still Worship the same God and Jesus is our ONLY savior.
My pastor is truly annointed and teaches and preaches under the direction of the Holy Spirit. We don't have a program, although service usually has the same order, but he leaves the program out so that the Holy Spirit delivers and blessed God's people when God says so, not when it's time to.

We have a relaxed dress code and believe that to stifle people and push them away from the church based on their choice of clothing is not Christlike. The only requirement is that you dress respectfully and not provocatively. . .I've heard it said that if you look in the mirror and think you are sexy and hot in that outfit. . .then you may not need to wear it, because someone else will think you are sexy too and you can distract people.

We love the community that our church is in, we have a food pantry once a week and there are some people in the community that probably only eat because of the blessing of this program. We also are an Angel Food ministry site. Every year we have an outdoor festival that strives to pull in the community not by Bible thumping but just by showing love to people and giving them something fun to do at church. We have several other events throughout the year outside on the church grounds as well as inside the church where we invite the community to come in and experience good wholesome fun.

In 2003 after my mom was diagnosed with cancer I reconnected a friendship with someone from highschool. His mother was going through some things and he invited me to his church. I didn't go. I was to distracted and when my mother died in June '03 although I reached out to God, I didn't feel like being bothered with people. I had been watching internet church. I was watching New Birth in Georgia. I prayed to God that he would send me a church home where I could see people eye to eye and fellowship and love on them and they love on me. For a minute, I considered moving to Georgia since I enjoyed the services of New Birth so much. I was severely needing arms wrapped around me and love, good wholesome Christian love.

On Palm Sunday 2004 I went to that church that I had been invited to a year prior. It wasn't even the plan. I just got up one Sunday morning got dressed, left the house and ended up their. The person who invited me wasn't there, but I felt sooooooooo at home. I literally felt like I was at my home. The pastor had on jeans and a jersey and it took me a minute to realize that it was the pastor speaking. lol. I was waiting for someone with a pimp suit and some gators to walk up. nope. that was my pastor and it was Jersey day or something like that I think, cuz a lot of people had on sports jerseys. The message was for me, even from that first Sunday. I remember looking up and seeing and feeling the glory of God smiling down on us and to this day, I still get chills that I was a witness to that.

I went back the following Sunday for easter and was so pleased to see that church wasn't all decked out trying to impress. the sermon wasn't even the standard Easter sermon. I don't remember it, but it was a sermon in which several people got saved. That Sunday and also the prior one, the Holy Spirit was urging me to join the church when the call was made for those who "knew" that this was their church home. I was scurred to walk up because this wasn't what i was use to hearing about church. My mindset was still on the old time church where you went where your family went.

But that next Sunday, my son and I went up and joined our church. I love my church family like I never believed I could.
I attend a small multicultural Southern Baptist church in a "poor" diminishing community. Back in 2000, it started off as nondenominational. I started attending the church in 2002 after my family and I left a medium-sized traditional Black Baptist church. We left because my dad disagreed with the pastor of the church allowing a woman to be a preacher at that church. After joining this new church in 2002, my dad became the pastor in 2004 after the pastor left because he felt he wasn't making enough money. After my dad became pastor, that's when the church changed from nondenominational to Southern Baptist. Right now, the fellowship is pretty good, but I sometimes feel like I'm attending a cult. My dad as a pastor can be very controlling almost like a dictator. We have a ton of ministries with a few people that are working these ministries. Ministries are a blessing but can make one lose site of our individual spiritual needs. When I go to church on Sunday, I sometimes feel like I'm attending a program and just going through the motions. I teach Sunday school for the youth, I change the slides on the power point presentation during service, and I count money after church and keep track of the finances. I also help out with the different ministries during the week that my dad has set up for the church to do. I feel like I'm missing something even though I'm doing all this work for the church. I sometimes feel like my dad is doing all these ministries to give himself glory rather than God. Even though he claims he's doing this to glorify God, I just see something different sometimes because not matter what, he still finds something to complain about and gossips about church members behind their backs to other people. I could go on about this but I will live it at that. The thing that keeps me having faith is praying to God, spending solitude time with God, and reading the bible for myself and trying to stay content in all aspects of my life.
I attend a small multicultural Southern Baptist church in a "poor" diminishing community. Back in 2000, it started off as nondenominational. I started attending the church in 2002 after my family and I left a medium-sized traditional Black Baptist church. We left because my dad disagreed with the pastor of the church allowing a woman to be a preacher at that church. After joining this new church in 2002, my dad became the pastor in 2004 after the pastor left because he felt he wasn't making enough money. After my dad became pastor, that's when the church changed from nondenominational to Southern Baptist. Right now, the fellowship is pretty good, but I sometimes feel like I'm attending a cult. My dad as a pastor can be very controlling almost like a dictator. We have a ton of ministries with a few people that are working these ministries. Ministries are a blessing but can make one lose site of our individual spiritual needs. When I go to church on Sunday, I sometimes feel like I'm attending a program and just going through the motions. I teach Sunday school for the youth, I change the slides on the power point presentation during service, and I count money after church and keep track of the finances. I also help out with the different ministries during the week that my dad has set up for the church to do. I feel like I'm missing something even though I'm doing all this work for the church. I sometimes feel like my dad is doing all these ministries to give himself glory rather than God. Even though he claims he's doing this to glorify God, I just see something different sometimes because not matter what, he still finds something to complain about and gossips about church members behind their backs to other people. I could go on about this but I will live it at that. The thing that keeps me having faith is praying to God, spending solitude time with God, and reading the bible for myself and trying to stay content in all aspects of my life.

))hugs((( that is what will keep you. I challenge you to take that same faith you have about what God can do within your life and begin to pray for your church. One person can make a great difference.

I'll put it out there:

Alfred Street Baptist (been around for over 200 years)
Alexandria, VA

The pastor: A young Black man (age 37) who is progressive, very intelligent, and learned. His sermons are awesome to me in that he knows how to preach the word and relate it to modern day events. He is a great orator. His father was a pastor in Chicago so he knows how to bring it.........

I joined a couple of months ago after moving to the city. My cousin attended for a few months before I got here. I went to a few programs before I even went to one service and I liked what the church was about and how it was well rounded. They had a program on breast cancer. On how to improve your vocal abilities (singing and speaking). They have CAYA (a service just for folks 21-40) every month to relate to young adults to help them with their issues (dating, sex, etc.). I joined after one service bc I knew I just loved what this church was about.

The church is churchy and worldly (and I don't want it any other way). Some people try to divide the two (like how folks try to separate church and state) but I can't live my life that way. I have to haev a church that recognizes that the congregation lives in the world 6 days out 7. So yes. Issues as to health, dating, sex, racism, unemployment, depression, sickness, etc. happens to people. Even the best among us. We need to talk about how to deal with those things in church and outside of church. I want a church where I can learn and grow as well as my kids. Too many kids grow up outside of church (and it is bc they don't know how to deal with the world using Godly principles) that they succumb to it. At this church, I feel they try to prepare you for both worlds.

They try to keep everything contemporary. So they have stuff for children, young adults, and seniors. Sunday school is the same. You can go to a group based on your age preference. I attend for young adults. I love the deacon who heads my group. He knows the bible and will share stories from his life and from other parts of the bible when talking about specific passages.

They are starting to do more service projects. Next month, folks are signing up for different community service projects (from babysitting kids for single mothers while the moms go to watch a Tyler movie to painting schools, to driving elderly, etc.). they are also active in conventions and they (senior pastors) are inviting the congregation to attend one in Hawaii next year. A good way to vacation with people of God in a great place.

I like it. I invite any questions and if you want to attend, show up! I attend 11 am service, which gets packed early. So be extra early if you want a seat in sanctuary otherwise you will go to overflow. :lol:
Share something about our churches i.e the fellowship, the pastors and the good work it does and also what type of blessing it has been in our lives, and also what denomination it is.
I attend an AME church, which when there are 2 services, the congregation is quaint and I feel like its the perfect fit for me. Since I've been attending, I have grown much more as a christian. The order of our service does have a particular order, and when the spirit moves, it does (not according to the service--so it all depends). My pastor is a great teacher, and he is really trying to lead by example and get everyone on the right path during service, beyond service, when you need a moment of his time, etc.

Also how you came about that church, how and when you started attending it?

When I was searching for a church home, I was looking for somewhere that I belonged, and could jump right in. I first attended a church that was non-denominational and just starting up, b/c a coworker of mine was a pastor and he led me there. However, when I got to his place of worship, he and another minister were the only 2 that showed me kindness and accepted me with open arms...I felt like an outsider from everyone else. Also, I was trying to get comfortable with their form of worship, and it was difficult for me coming from a more conservative church upbringing. Anyway, I came across an AME church with educational organization to which I belong, and it was then I felt heart being tugged (the congregation was a little large, but this is where I knew I wanted to be). So after attending different AME churches I was led to my church home where I truly feel at home. So everything all in due time.

Now I am trying to expericene SO's church and their form of worship, which quite different from mine--but that's a totally different thread...:look:
Thank you ladies for your stories, all your places of worship sound good; they have really inspired me to seek out a church again I really crave that fellowship you all have.

Poohbear i hope yor situation gets better just keep praying for an intervention and it will happen, Ive gone through the motions too in a church and it is no fun so I knw where you are coming from
It is nice to hear such enthusiasm about places of worship. Poohbear my heart goes out to you - you seem to really be dealing during this season with your church. My husband is a PK and at times has shared your sentiments... I encourage you to continue in His word and not make any hasty moves. Someone there may be experiencing the same way as you - as God comforts you - you will be able to comfort them...

Have you shared your feelings with your father?

I recently moved to New Rochelle and had not had a permanent church home before this although my children attended a Lutheran School at our prior residence. I decided to raise them in the Lutheran tradition although my goal initially was to attend a non-denominational church. After months of debating after we got ourselves settled we attended a Lutheran church in our community a few blocks away. I felt God led us here because when we left after the first service we went to, I was at so much peace with it and my husband and kids enjoyed being there as well. It is a multicultural church and our Pastor is awesome. You can tell he enjoys being around people, preaching the word of God and keeping contact with his parishoners. He paid us a visit to our home and spend some time with us asking about our background and other things about our lives. He is also one of the most patient people I know. The congregation is warm and friendly. They welcomed our kids into the Sunday school when we first came. They also have Sunday breakfast after church and other church functions like bake sales, auctions, retreats an others throughout the year. We are joining and I am already looking forward to getting involved. The kids are already asking when will Sunday school resume(it is on hiatus during the summer and the children are in church service with the adults).
It is nice to hear such enthusiasm about places of worship. Poohbear my heart goes out to you - you seem to really be dealing during this season with your church. My husband is a PK and at times has shared your sentiments... I encourage you to continue in His word and not make any hasty moves. Someone there may be experiencing the same way as you - as God comforts you - you will be able to comfort them...

Have you shared your feelings with your father?

Thank you momi. Yes, I have shared my feelings with my father several times but he just puts it off as the devil in my heart or working in me. He never sees anything wrong with what he's doing ever. My mother, brother, and sister have felt the same way as me, but I'm the only one that's really vocal about it. So he just makes it like I'm the only one with the problem.

There have been times that he has gone as far to say that people are being disobedient to God if they don't listen and do what he says. I just totally disagree with that. It's almost like he's making himself out to be God even though he will not admit it. He'll just say something like "well, I'm almost like God since He speaks through me and gives me visions as the overseer of the church." And if you point out something wrong that he does, he'll cover it up with something else. For example, he gossips big time about some church members. If I or one of my immediate family members says, "You shouldn't gossip", he'll say, "I'm not, I'm just having a Christian discussion."

And he talks about tithing and giving every single day to the point that it makes me not want to give to the church anymore. He gets upset when the amount collected is low and he doesn't realized that most of the people at our church are either low income, poor, unemployed, and do not make as much money as him. See, my dad has a regular 8-5 job outside of his pastoring job. Combined, my parents gross over $100,000 and he complains about people not giving or not giving enough or giving the amount he wants them to give.

He also thinks his church is the only righteous church of God. He talks bad about other churches that he hasn't even attended.

On Saturdays at noon, our church feed the homeless or whoever wants to get fed in the community. I probably go once a month to help out. The last time I went was the Saturday before last. Yesterday, he tried to makes a smart comment like "You should have been there. We had a lot of people to feed." And sometimes he'll go as far to say if you don't come to every ministry of the church, then you're not of God and you're not exercising your faith. And he doesn't realize I do A LOT for the church already... handle the finances, work with the youth 2 days or more out of the week, and more.
Thank you momi. Yes, I have shared my feelings with my father several times but he just puts it off as the devil in my heart or working in me. He never sees anything wrong with what he's doing ever. My mother, brother, and sister have felt the same way as me, but I'm the only one that's really vocal about it. So he just makes it like I'm the only one with the problem.

There have been times that he has gone as far to say that people are being disobedient to God if they don't listen and do what he says. I just totally disagree with that. It's almost like he's making himself out to be God even though he will not admit it. He'll just say something like "well, I'm almost like God since He speaks through me and gives me visions as the overseer of the church." And if you point out something wrong that he does, he'll cover it up with something else. For example, he gossips big time about some church members. If I or one of my immediate family members says, "You shouldn't gossip", he'll say, "I'm not, I'm just having a Christian discussion."

And he talks about tithing and giving every single day to the point that it makes me not want to give to the church anymore. He gets upset when the amount collected is low and he doesn't realized that most of the people at our church are either low income, poor, unemployed, and do not make as much money as him. See, my dad has a regular 8-5 job outside of his pastoring job. Combined, my parents gross over $100,000 and he complains about people not giving or not giving enough or giving the amount he wants them to give.

He also thinks his church is the only righteous church of God. He talks bad about other churches that he hasn't even attended.

On Saturdays at noon, our church feed the homeless or whoever wants to get fed in the community. I probably go once a month to help out. The last time I went was the Saturday before last. Yesterday, he tried to makes a smart comment like "You should have been there. We had a lot of people to feed." And sometimes he'll go as far to say if you don't come to every ministry of the church, then you're not of God and you're not exercising your faith. And he doesn't realize I do A LOT for the church already... handle the finances, work with the youth 2 days or more out of the week, and more.

Keep pressing on. You're smart and growing daily in your walk w/ God. God will reveal to you the things he has planned for you :yep: I am praying for you. It cannot be easy to serve w/ your dad (not downing him) but God will show you what to do. Keep asking and seeking him. :bighug:
Hello Lovely Ladies,

I was wondering if we could share something about our churches i.e the fellowship, the pastors and the good work it does and also what type of blessing it has been in our lives, and also what denomination it is.

Also how you came about that church, how and when you started attending it?

If you do not have a church how and where do you worship?

I love the church I attend. A friend of mine introduced me to it and I attended services for months before I joined. I haven't had much of a chance to fellowship with many of the members, but I am spiritually fed well in that house of God. One of the things I am most impressed about the church is it's commitment to be a vital force in the community. It is located in a poorer section in the community and the staff is very hands-on, with classes on money/credit, counseling, healthy relationships, the list goes on. I am so happy to be a member.