You Ladies Really Inspire Me!


New Member
I found this forum a few months ago and after lurking for awhile I had an epiphany...I do not have to be imprisoned to my hair. Two weeks ago while reading different threads I impulsively decided to take my weave out....right then. I did not have a plan for what to do once it was out, but I took it out anyway.

The first week I tried everything I had read about on the forum. I used baking soda, ACV rinse, salt, honey, olive oil, coconut oil, mayo, bananas, avocado, cholesterol etc. And, I bought lots of products ORS, VO5 Conditioners (5), Giovanni Magnetic Shampoo and Conditioner, Garnier, BioInfusion Olive Oil shampoo and conditioner, kinky curly cream, knot today and Sabino, just to name a few.

I do not have a regimen, yet. I am just co-washing and oiling my hair frequently, because my hair has been dessert dry my entire life and I thought that was just the way it had to be. I have been wearing a weave continuously for three years. My hair is shoulder length 4b/c (?) and in pretty bad shape, with breakage and extreme dryness. I have been natural six years. At the moment I am flat ironing once a week.
You ladies really inspire me. I love that you are so positive and encouraging all the time and willing to share what works and what does not with other people. Because of you I had the courage to take my weave out. Because of you I will not be spending $300 for a weave. I love all the pictures, I have gotten lots of ideas for hair styles. Just wanted to say thank you!

You had me laughing with you trying everything you read about all in one week. Take it slooooooow.

I'm sure you'll find all you need here.
Welcome!!! I am also a relative newbie and I felt the same way when I first found the site, since then I have tried everything that I'm able to put my hands on. You learn something new each and every day from the wonderful people here!!!!
Come on in! Congratulations on taking charge of your own hair and getting it into tip top shape. Just like the PP said, take it slow so you can find out what works for you. Since your hair is dry, focus on deep conditioning and balance with protein. This is the magic mix. Good luck!
WELCOME!!!!! :grin:

Remember to try and keep it as simple as possible. Find a few members whose hair looks like yours and read up on what works for them. Visit fotki's and albums of people who have the same texture as you, it wouldn't make sense to copy the regimen of someone with 2a hair when you're 4a :lol:
I know, I went a little crazy the first week and I discovered I share the disease of product junkism. For the first time I am really taking note of how my hair feels after using different products, so I am slowly discovering what may work for me. Now that I am adjusting to this new freedom with my hair I don't feel as compelled to try every single suggestion.

Thanks again everyone.
Welcome Daniebee!!! Glad to have you :) I know the feeling all to well when I first joined the information here is priceless. Happy Hair Growing!!!
LOL... I did the same thing with taken the weave out After I did alot of reading on here I jut took those bad boys off. It was freshly done too, but I wasnt having it anymore I hide my hair for years with bad weave techniques. Im still learning(still a newbie) and my hair ia getting there.. and like an another poster said.. slow down on all the things you were doing..
Welcome aboard!!!:yep:

Just remember to listen to your hair. It will definitely tell you what it needs & wants. Once you've found products & a regimen that works for you, stick with it.
