Yayyyy finally paid! =]


New Member
My name is Simone and I have actually been a lurker for about 3 years lol.
I decided that my Christmas present to myself was to join LHCF!!!!!
the website looks so different after you pay :yep:
At this moment, I am dealing with breakage =/
I feel like I've been doing everything right but not getting results.
I am texlaxed with a LOT of newgrowth....any tips?
Have you tried Aphogee 2 Min Protein Treatment? I just used it a few days ago and I have less breakage now. If your hair is too hard, try a bit of Deep Conditioning.
Welcome Simone,
I am recently texlaxed and have noticed that my hair is growing really good. I had worm braides for 8 years and tried to wear my hair natral for 6 months and that was too much work and it did not work for me. Try to wash your hair with conditioner only known as a cowash because the sulfates in shampoo stripsyour hair. Wear protective styles and deep condition once a week.
I can't think of any tips right now, but welcome to the club!! It is much better to join rather than just lurk. You'll like it even better now. :)
Welcome Simone!

The tips posted are good ones but one mistake many of us make is quickly trying and buying everything that's suggested. BEFORE YOU DO GO BUYING OR ADOPTING ANYTHING...

Tell us what your regime is (wash, condition, heat usage, treatments, oils, pomades, greases, weaves, braids etc.) what you use now, how often and anything else you can think of. Also are you natural or relaxed, describe your hair type too. I'm not a pro but the pros on this board could then perhaps determine what the culprit(s) may be.

I've always found that changing ONE or two things at a time while trying to solve the problem makes it easier to determine what's causing the breakage.

We're so glad you joined us. Now dive into this board, make some friends and grow some hair!
ms b haven:
I am in Houston, too! PLease do tell where did you get your measure shirt????