Wouldya pay big $$ for extensions if you had it???


Hair product junkie reloaded!
I just got off the phone with a woman from ATL that does hair extensions.

She uses a strand by strand method called "Optimal-Link" which requires no adhesive....she said it is hard to explain the technique and it would be best to see it in person. They ONLY use Human Hair....get this.....she said that a 475 dollar DEPOSIT is due once an appointment is made, then half of the remaining balance is due before they start working on the head. Then the rest is due afterwards.

Takes 30 to 40 hours to do, she said and she sometimes had clients sleep over!!!! Starting cost for a full head is 1900 bucks and it can go up based on length of the hair and whether or not you choose the best quality hair they have and also the color (blonde vs. black). Get this....LASTS FROM 6 TO 12 MONTHS she said and of course no damage to real hair....would you do something like this if you could afford it???? I found out info by calling her and asking her. Here is her website: http://www.worldviewdesign.com/optimalhealthweightloss/index.htm

She also said that she plans to charge even more for it...at least by a grand by the end of the summer to keep up with others that do the same method....she said a salon in NY does this method and charges more so she wants in on the dough too (can you say GREEDY???) Anyway, if I could afford something like that I think I would do it based on how long it last and the fact that its completely undetectable...of course this is going by what she said, but if people are willing to pay that much, then shes gotta be doming something right! She also said that this type of mehtod is great for black folks hair...compared to toehr types of extensions like Great Lengths, ProStyles, Dome, etc. (not talking about braids yall, but loose hair extensions...)

She also wanted to learn a method called 'sequence" or something like that, that the super rich get that takes 3 months to apply and can last 2 to 3 years and costs 10k!!!!

She said that is actually a non-surgical hair replacement type thing though and not just "hair extensions." SOmetimes I wish I had me some money.....


New Member
Sure I would pay $2000+ for hair extensions,....if I was on my way to the GRAMMYS TO PICK UP MY AWARD!!! Other than that,....


New Member
Geez Louise!!! even if i had the money i couldnt part with that amount just to buy hair. But that's just me, i mean a house or shoes a purse or some nice clothes even paying to go to a shop to keep my own hair maintained yes, but not just to buy hair---- i mean dang i could support a whole town of kids in one of those destitute countries for a whole year for that kind of money. I hate to say it but -- neva mind. Anyway that's just excessive especially when you see these same people going broke because although they were "living the life" they never socked away any money for a rainy day.


New Member
It seems to me like quitting. I understand getting a weave as maybe a protective style but when you spend this much dough on it...it just seems to me like giving up on trying to obtain your own healthy hair and admitting that you need to depend on a weave. Maybe that sounds irrational but that is how I feel. I want long hair (Very badly) But I can't say that I am willing to spend that much dough on it.

The prices for the hair alone were in the stratosphere...Notice they didn't even put a price on blond hair. It muse cost a fortune!

But now I know why some of these celebraties have such amazing hair even after all of the abuse they must deal with from constant styling...it will make me love my hair even more when I finally obtain my goal.


Hair product junkie reloaded!
Their hair be looking so nice because half the time it aint their's! lol....now that I think about it, I think I would only do that as a last resort.....I mean absolute last last last last last resort. And even then, I think I woudl go all out and get the best of the best...but right now, who am I kidding, all I can afford is tree braids so let me quit and just rock the locs I got


Fearfully Wonderfully Made
ONLY if I had the money...

I saw this site about Great Lengths extensions which uses a sewing machine to sew in hair one strand at a time. I found a few places in my town that does this and it cost $1500 and up to get it done depending on the length of your hair and how much you sew in!
I think some celebrities probably do this to have longer hair.


New Member
1900 BUCKS! Does that also include a stylist to move in with you and do your hair every day? Now unless that 'do washes and styles itself at the snap of a finger then I wouldn't do it and I don't care how much money I have.


Hair product junkie reloaded!
Yeah....The extensions I had done was with a good quality synthetic hair. The lady charges 375. other salons around my area that do the EXACT same method with the SAME exact hair charge anywhere fcom 500 to over 1k for a full head. At least the lady I went to had a flat rate for a full head. I really loved them and I think they were worth every single dime...but you better believe tha twas my biggest purchase that summer and I ONLY got it cuz I was workin! OTherwise I wouldda been sported braids liek everyone else....:)


New Member
NO! No! NO!
I just looked at the website. A very long time ago, there was a lady who entered my hairdresser's salon advertising a technique that appears to be the same as that optimal locks thing. First of all, this IS damaging to the hair. It is not really a strand by strand in the sense of "one strand at a time". It is about 3 or 4 of your strands linked onto 3 or 4 of the extension strands. The lady linked the hairs up using dental floss (about a 3.5 inch length dental floss that had been tied in a circle by a knot). It was the dental floss that acted as an "interlock-er" for your hair and the extension. She would put you hair and the extension hair in the loop of the dental floss, circle it around some kind of way and pull the floss down the shaft of the hair. The hair(s) both yours and extension would interlock and that would be the attachment point--right at your scalp. My beautician at the time was willing to learn the technique, but I was opposed to it because eventually as your hair grows it would either 1) pop due to the weight of the hairs combined with the knot and/or 2)the new growth as well as the "meet point" of the real and extension hair (knot) would mat and tangle. Hair has a way of winding around itself. Think of having microbraids and the point where the attachment was made is ever so matted. Now think of this 3 or 4 strands at a time.

What's damaging vs. not damaging is sometimes relative to what has been available or traditionally done. Is securing without glue vs. with glue better? Sure. Long term, I saw three people in the salon who followed through with this style and they all experienced popping and tow of them have experienced their edges being snatched out. So they sported that Peter Weller/Robocop look...All face with hairline starting 3 inches back. It looked awful.

From what I understand with sequence, they do hair blending, but they also specialize in what I would call hair "membranes." This was for people with alopecia or male pattern baldness. It was a clear sheath with hairs sprouting out of it. They would glue this sheath to the scalp and because it was clear, it appeared that it was your hair. You could part it, do what ever and it would look all natural. Anyway, just a bit of info...


New Member
I could win the 100 million dollar lottery tommorrow, and still would not do it. The money is better spent imho on good hair care products and good hair care.


New Member
If I were independently wealthy I would not. It's more rewarding in more ways than one to grow and maintain my own healthy hair.


New Member
bollyhair said:
Sure I would pay $2000+ for hair extensions,....if I was on my way to the GRAMMYS TO PICK UP MY AWARD!!! Other than that,....

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Active Member
I could win the 100 million dollar lottery tommorrow, and still would not do it. The money is better spent imho on good hair care products and good hair care.

[/ QUOTE ]

Besides, thats money for school!


Well-Known Member
The most I ever paid for extentions was $900 bucks that inculded the relaxer the technique and the hair. At the time I had it like that, lol so it didn't bother me.


New Member
It would have to be special....I mean I'm-going-to-be-on-world-wide-tv-and-meet-the-president special!

Who am I kidding? I'm sure a well-placed puff with the right accessories would be fine for that kind of special. So....no.


New Member
F*** that weaving method. Growing and maintaining YOUR OWN head of healthy hair is far too sensible and economical - rich, poor, or otherwise.


New Member
Isis said:
If I were independently wealthy I would not. It's more rewarding in more ways than one to grow and maintain my own healthy hair.

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New Member
licutiexx said:
Sure if I was a celebrity with so much money and didn't know what to do with it.

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree. I think I would to. At that point, money should not be an issue. Besides you can't take money with you and you got to enjoy your life. You only live once. Look how much women spend on purses and shoes. So 2k on hair would be nothing. Would it be damaging to my real hair? Probably so. But again, who cares when you got that much money to throw away. I'm sure I can find a stylist to "fix" my hair problems, whatever they may be.

I know one thing though, If I did get it, I sure will be telling folks its all my hair!