Working out with Relaxed!?


New Member
Ok ladies..I'm currently natural, but I plan to relax my hair soon. My biggest concern is my active lifestyle. I currently workout between 5-6x/wk. Natural hair allows me to hit the shower and go, but I'm worried about "sweating my perm out " :eek: after i relax my hair.

How do the active ladies maintain healthy, beautiful hair without getting a relaxer too often. I plan to get a Phyto II relaxer if that helps anything. THANKS!
You can still rinse your hair after a workout or co-wash, then pin it up to air-dry. That's what I've read so far. Hopefully some more folks will chime in.



I have the same problem. I work out 6 days a week and my hair is wet from sweating so much. I rinse the sweat out every day and do a light co-wash, wash it 1-2x week, deep condition 1x week (sit under the dryer with a plastic cap for 30 minutes), and never ever use direct heat on my hair.

I don't know about 'sweating a perm out'. My stylist uses Vitale perm and it's still very straight, even if I work out hours after I get my perm.

I invested in a fantastic hair dryer for rollersets, which I do 1x week. (Usually on Saturday after my workout, cuz I don't work out on Sundays)

I recently put braids in cuz I got tired of it being tied up, and now I have a bald spot on the right side of my hairline. D'oh!

I work out 5 days a week, I also use phyto II. I rinse my hair after every workout. I'm a bunner so its nothing to me to flip it back into its bun after I'm through.

For me I use an acidifying con like porosity control or Nexxus Ensure to keep my hair from being frizzy and tangled.

I personally can't stand a sweaty scalp which is why I do this.

I'm not sure about other styles like pin curls and other drier styles. I sweat a lot in my head so unless I do them when I know not going to be working out, they don't get done.

I'm wondering the same thing because I am about to start working out. I had thought about getting a wig (to wear at work) and just rocking cornrows to workout in. That way, I can CW my hair everyday after my workout and not worry about how I'ma be lookin at work.