WLS and hair loss


New Member
I am scheduled to have weight loss surgery on April 19th and one of the side effects is hair loss. My mother and sister had this surgery and their hair either broke off or came out. Has anyone else had WLS and if so, what do you do to prevent this from happening? Thanks.
I have never had the surgury, but I can see how hair loss could be a side effect. Doesn't the surgery grossly limit what you can eat? That really can effect hair growth and retention, I know.

A few years ago I lost 15 pounds in a very short time using Diet Fuel with ephedra. The supplement totally wiped out my appetite and I was NOT eating much at all. My BF started to accuse me of having a eating disorder it was so bad. I lost the weight way too fast. One thing that happened to me during that time was hair loss and my teeth got weaker for some reason. I know it was because my body was not getting the proper nutrients.

Maybe your doc can give you some advice on the things you can eat that will give you the most nutrients possible. Also he/she may be able to tell you if your body will normalize and get used to the change in your diet. Will you be able to take vitamins?

I mean, girl even my hormones change the way my hair grows. I get a growth spurt right before my period and then right after it is over I get lots of shedding and then it stops.

Maybe any hair loss will stop after your body gets used to the change.
preshuz said:
I am scheduled to have weight loss surgery on April 19th and one of the side effects is hair loss. My mother and sister had this surgery and their hair either broke off or came out. Has anyone else had WLS and if so, what do you do to prevent this from happening? Thanks.

Hey there
I had the Lapband surgery. My hair thined out in certain spots. I stoped relaxing it. and started using biotin. you might want you get started on a vitamin regimine now. After surgery will be on the liquid phase for about 2-4 weeks not sure how long it is with the bypass. They make vitamins that desolve in liquid. I got some from the grocery store.

From what I understand as your weight loss levels off your hair gets stronger again

Congrats on the WLS
take lot of pics before and after
one of my biggest regrets was I didn't like to get infront of the camera whe nI was heavier
now I wish I had just to have My Journey documented better
Blessings on your WLS Journey
Thank you everyone. Onyx, I am also having the lap band. I will only be on liquids for one week, then mushies for 2-4 weeks. I guess my main goal will be to get in as much protien as I can.

Where can I get biotin?
Hey lady!!
Congrats on your surgery!! You can get Biotin at any health food store like GNC or someplace similar. I even saw it a Walmart a few weeks back.

You MUST get on a good vitamin regimen because that surgery limits so many of your vitamin and nutrients.

When is your surgery? I wanna put you on my prayer list the night b4.

preshuz said:
I am scheduled to have weight loss surgery on April 19th and one of the side effects is hair loss. My mother and sister had this surgery and their hair either broke off or came out. Has anyone else had WLS and if so, what do you do to prevent this from happening? Thanks.

I wish you much success with your surgery and Weight loss goals. Perhaps talking with your dietician/physician regarding including some High Protein Whey Liquid shakes as apart of your liquid diet plan. Perhaps it can assist in maintaining some of your protein needs and limit or reduce the ill effects that surgery can sometimes have on your hair.

preshuz said:
Thank you everyone. Onyx, I am also having the lap band. I will only be on liquids for one week, then mushies for 2-4 weeks. I guess my main goal will be to get in as much protien as I can.

Where can I get biotin?
Actually if you are getting the lapband
you will not experience the vitamin deficency like you would if you had the bypass.

have you been to www.ObesityHelp.com?
lots of good info there about the surgery.
Welcome to the losing side of life!
I don't have any advice, but I just wanted to wish you well on your surgery and hopefully as your body becomes healthier your hair will too :)
You are very brave!
I don't have any answers to your questions, but I just wanted to wish you well with your surgery.