well good for you DDT because after 6 years I was going to suggest for you to shave it off and leave it alone. Just be patient. At the end of the day it is just hair and it will grow. And it grows best when left alone. Ayurveda hair products ROCK BTW.
DDT I hope everything works oput for you. Do what you think is best for YOUR hair and stick to what works. If relaxing works for you, then stay relaxed. Give your hair time and you'll be surprised!
DDTexlaxed, are you taking dietary supplements as well? I don't think any kind of products you use on your hair or scalp externally will make your hair grow faster. I'm pretty sure you need to take supplements internally for faster hair growth.

Not True, my sister has Lupus and we apply topical aids to her scalp and it does make hair grow with in four days, but it is not over the counter and it is for serious conditions not just vanity.

I have also used other over the counter drops that have helped but not as fast as the professional ones.
DDT :bighug:

If relaxing is what you want, learn to care for it at every angle, if natural is what you want be patient and learn to care for it at every angle.

Nothing comes over night but the good thing is if you start right now, by 24 months you can have 10-12 inches of new growth. Nothing like the present :)

Good luck sister and don't be afraid to put that hair up until your sure you've got a plan.

Join the HIDE your hair challenge for 5 months and see if you can decide on something. Braid it up underneath and sport a nice lacefront or wig or something while getting all of your plans and goals together. Length isn't more important that health, learn to have healthy hair and length will follow.

Blessings to you. :)
that in between length is FRUSTRATING!

Go to a salon, get a corrective but be aware that you will have to leave your hair alone and care for it regularly until it grows out.

Hang in there. I remember that time and I got through - you will too.
Just summing up your reggie, technique, practices and products. I hope you don’t mind.

Hair Type, State and Length
3C Relax and NL

Co wash daily/Jheri Juice challenge

Prepoo (for 1 ½ hr), shampoo, DC, air dry and flat iron (frequency?)

Moisturizer/Leave-ins: (Jheri juice??)
Oil Seal: (coconut oil?)
Heat Protectant: ??

Prepoo/Oils: coconut oil and ayurveda oils
Shampoo/Conditioner: Joico K
Dcing: ORS mayo (protein/conditioner)
Moisturizer: Jheri juice (contents?)
Relaxer: Silk Elements No Lye (looking for a better one)

Air dry and Flat Iron (small satin rollers is this to replace flat ironing?)
(Assuming – you are protecting your hair at night with silk/satin scarf/bonnet and/or pillowcase)

Hair style
Going for straight look

What is or will be your frequency to your steps above? I know you are just starting out these new routine/current products so it is going to be tweaked.

I would try co-washing less it makes your hair more puffy, thicker and duller I find, at least I found that out on my own every 2 to 3 day co-wash, I going back to once a week.
When I tried Scurl on my hair I did not like it – it made my hair feel icky, I could have used too much, I haven’t touched it since. Other relax ladies uses it, however may give their hair more texture.

My air drying Method and Technique 80% of the time
I air dry with my hair open, I haven’t tried the scarf method, I shrug off my edges appearance I don’t care really, on wet hair I moisturize and seal and constantly smoothing my hair while it dries to reduce any frizziness. If my ends feel dry I add more moisturizer and oil, a serum and then oil on the ends again. I feel like trying the ponytail and roller on ends method to see the results.

My Hairstyle 99% of the time
Ponytail tucked in with 2 satin scrunches.

My Nightly routine
Moisture and seal hair. If my ends feel dry add serum and oil again. Bag my ends. Ponytail with 1 satin scrunchy. Tie my head with my silk scarf and lay my head on my satin pillow case.

Hopefully the other ladies will chip in on their products and techniques and the relaxer question you had. I don't self-relax so I am no help there. :sad:
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DD Maybe you should take a break from this board. Stay out of the hair discussion area for say :look: a year.
I had to ban myself because I was getting a little to consumed with hair and getting very disappointed with mine. Sometimes those "inspirational" threads did the opposite for me.

Like everyone else said...wear a ps and try not to relax. Then decide what you want to do.
i think you should take a step back and re-evaluate your hair goals. if you stay in this cycle of bc'ing and relaxing, you'll never make any progress and you'll keep encountering the same frustrations. ♥
I no longer co wash daily.:nono: I just prepoo, wash/DC 2X a week due to humidity. I air dry and flat iron. I use jheri juice as a moisturizer and hot 6 oil as a sealant.:look: I can't thank you ladies enough for your suggestions. I truly appreciate the the love- regular and tough.:yep:
I no longer co wash daily.:nono: I just prepoo, wash/DC 2X a week due to humidity. I air dry and flat iron. I use jheri juice as a moisturizer and hot 6 oil as a sealant.:look: I can't thank you ladies enough for your suggestions. I truly appreciate the the love- regular and tough.:yep:

The Jheri juice is one of the problems. You are flat ironing your hair and putting a water based moisturizer on it. Even though you are relaxed, it will still revert your hair some. Maybe try using an oil based moisturizer or even skipping the moisturizer since you DC 2x a week. I am sure your hair will be straighter.
DD, I don't have anything to add that hasn't been said. I do think you need to take a break, put your hair away, leave it alone for awhile. It's no good to be frustrated.

Sending you lots of hugs!!
DD, don't get discouraged. You're the captain of this ship. Keep researching, learning, and, in the end, you will find the best solution for YOU!